What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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How is that possible, may I ask..?

If you were asleep, how could a post on a forum of which you were logged off wake you up..

My IPad is set to automatically recieve push notifications regarding to posts that I have made in the forums, so whenever someone posts in a thread I have I get a push notification.
I wasnt logged off according to the GTPLanet App
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When stupid Firefox crashes right when you're about to finish your chapter. :banghead:

I am disappointed.
My IPad is set to automatically recieve push notifications regarding to posts that I have made in the forums, so whenever someone posts in a thread I have I get a push notification.
I wasnt logged off according to the GTPLanet App

Maybe you should switch off your iPad before you go to bed then :dunce: You can't get pissy at someone because they triggered a push notification that woke you up, how exactly was he(or anyone else for that matter) meant to know. Not sure of the time in Sydney right now but I hope this wakes you up too.
When stupid Firefox crashes right when you're about to finish your chapter. :banghead:

I am disappointed.

That's why you type it on a word document and then afterwards paste it onto the internet, that's how I've always done mine, I still have docs of all my chapters.

PS: WHY!!!! I want to read a new chapter :(
Maybe you should switch off your iPad before you go to bed then :dunce: You can't get pissy at someone because they triggered a push notification that woke you up, how exactly was he(or anyone else for that matter) meant to know. Not sure of the time in Sydney right now but I hope this wakes you up too.

Don't say anything if you don't know what's going on.
Piercings. Who the hell wants to stab themselves with metal and walk around thinking it makes them cool. It doesn't make you cool. When people walk by you and see those pins and needles sticking out of your body, makes them think "Who the hell raised that child?!" The next time I see someone with piercings, I'm just gonna walk right up to them, and yank them all out. Then say "The pain you feel now, is the complete opposite of all the people around you feel for you." Then walk away.
When you're clicking a pen and someone yells at you to stop, but you either have to click it again to write something, or click it again to put it away. It makes me feel bad.

I also hate having to unplug my TV after power surges and the plug is just barely out of my reach.
Hey guys, quit your bickering.
This is a thread for expressing what Grinds your Gears, not bitching about your fellow GTP-er.
I realise that it is currently a GTP member that's irriating you, but please remember to stick to the AUP.
Thankyou, now lets move on.
Well said Mike. What grinds my gears? Girls. You can be nice to them, cheer them up, make them feel great about themselves. Then they say 'Thank You!', ignore you and date an ignorant :censored:hole then when they're dumped they want to talk to you. Why should I? All that stuff I did obviously means nothing to you. Then they get mad at you. You treat them respectfully, help them out, show that you care. Then they basically say 🤬 off. Its stupid. I'm ready to just tell every girl to 🤬 off cause they're all the same. My life is so stupid, I figure I'll grow up and become wealthy. Then I'll meet someone I like then die one minute later.
^ Vandenal, that's the reason I don't bother with it. If there's someone for me, then they can find me, because I can't be bothered anymore.
Yes, its the reason why I play a ton of video games. My parents just say to keep your head up and one day you'll find someone. Someone that'll like your music, someone that'll appreciate your pleasent attitude... One thing I know is that that person ain't around here. Anyway, the fact that its 5am and I want to play some blues on my guitar but can't cause I'll wake everyone else up grinds my gears.
Well said Mike. What grinds my gears? Girls. You can be nice to them, cheer them up, make them feel great about themselves. Then they say 'Thank You!', ignore you and date an ignorant :censored:hole then when they're dumped they want to talk to you. Why should I? All that stuff I did obviously means nothing to you. Then they get mad at you. You treat them respectfully, help them out, show that you care. Then they basically say 🤬 off. Its stupid. I'm ready to just tell every girl to 🤬 off cause they're all the same. My life is so stupid, I figure I'll grow up and become wealthy. Then I'll meet someone I like then die one minute later.

You are officially in "the friend zone". You've reached that point where the woman in question doesn't think of you as a potential mate, but as another one of their girlfriends. Nothing you can do now, you've missed your opportunity.

Nice guys finish last.
Piercings. Who the hell wants to stab themselves with metal and walk around thinking it makes them cool. It doesn't make you cool. When people walk by you and see those pins and needles sticking out of your body, makes them think "Who the hell raised that child?!" The next time I see someone with piercings, I'm just gonna walk right up to them, and yank them all out. Then say "The pain you feel now, is the complete opposite of all the people around you feel for you." Then walk away.

So true.
Piercings. Who the hell wants to stab themselves with metal and walk around thinking it makes them cool. It doesn't make you cool. When people walk by you and see those pins and needles sticking out of your body, makes them think "Who the hell raised that child?!" The next time I see someone with piercings, I'm just gonna walk right up to them, and yank them all out. Then say "The pain you feel now, is the complete opposite of all the people around you feel for you." Then walk away.

Different people in like different things shocker.

It's just decoration (most of the time) like make-up, tattoos, clothes etc. and is very much about personal choice. The world would be a very dull place if everyone dressed the same, looked the same, did the same things, liked the same stuff...
You are officially in "the friend zone". You've reached that point where the woman in question doesn't think of you as a potential mate, but as another one of their girlfriends. Nothing you can do now, you've missed your opportunity.

Nice guys finish last.

They don't finish last in nice guy competitions, but there's no such thing.

What Grinds my Gears, the lack of nice guy competitons, that renders us polite kind people useless, damn you evil society :P
My 2000 HP Pavillion desktop. Doesn't have built in speakers. I can put up with the fact it runs Windows Millenium Edition. But having to constantly plug in headphones is annoying.
Writers block. :ouch: :banghead:

HELL YES!!!! I have that too. im trying to write a book and i have all the main points but connecting them? not happening... not happening at all... im at one of the best parts of the book and __________________________.
Writers block. :ouch: :banghead:

Completely agree, had it for 2 or 3 months earlier this year, no songs for all that :( so agitating :mad: Just don't write anything and focus on other things, and you'll get better. When I recovered my music and lyrics massively improved, so hope you have the same result.
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I hate it when people post the most useless crap on Facebook like, "I just farted", or telling everyone where they will be at 8pm tomorrow night. Perfect! So I will know where you will be for me to stalk you. They're leading themselves into getting murdered. :sly:
I hate it when people post the most useless crap on Facebook like, "I just farted", or telling everyone where they will be at 8pm tomorrow night. Perfect! So I will know where you will be for me to stalk you. They're leading themselves into getting murdered. :sly:

So true.. or just posting their BBM PINs or even their Cell Phone Numbers...

Apart from that... Its so so true @vandenal...
Getting friend zoned happened to me quite a few times... they just dont show interest for some reason!
It's like zero gravity... the laws of physics still apply but it just doesn't feel the same ;)
I hate it when people post the most useless crap on Facebook like, "I just farted", or telling everyone where they will be at 8pm tomorrow night. Perfect! So I will know where you will be for me to stalk you. They're leading themselves into getting murdered. :sly:

How can telling people that they farted get them murdered :P
What grind my gears? Attention seekers, "patagad" in Cebuano lingo. Do I have to make a hi-5 every second? Do I need to hear retarded jokes about breasts and stuff? And do I need to have my man tits squeezed?

No, thank you, please go away you attention whore, you even have the stink of cigarettes I despise.

(I'm referring to a classmate here, he's annoying as hell. Pardon me if anything here is obscene.)
Is she a fat bottom girl that makes the rocking world go around?

Do you know me? That is so close to the truth and I used to sing that song at pub sing-a-long after we seperated!!!! (It's an ironic thing, of course.)
Do you know me? That is so close to the truth and I used to sing that song at pub sing-a-long after we seperated!!!! (It's an ironic thing, of course.)

Are you just a skinny lad who never knew no good from bad, but you knew life before you left the nursery?
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