What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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Sorry to quote the whole thing but that sounds a lot like my teen years. People do act like fools when they're young but most will grow out of it. I could be anyone of the people you are referring to in that post and yet I've held down many jobs, the current one is actually awesome (and how many people can actually say they like their job!) I've a lovely family that I love taking care of, have seen and done some wonderful things, and I'm a generally, all round nice bloke. You may be more mature than these people and not on their level but don't forget to enjoy your youth Skython, when it's gone it's gone and you'll be like me, complaining about bad knees and grunting every time you bend over or sit down, and that will grind your gears!

Yeah, I don't enjoy it the same way as others, I don't see it as fun. And I hate it how if you choose not to participate in this stupidity (no offence) then you are immediately a loser. I've been bullied a lot, and they pretty much pressure me into wanting to do something I can be globally recognized for. So I can indirectly shove it in their face, as they'll be working at the pub, or in random people's bedrooms to pay their bills. I feel I have to or I'll never feel anything remotely great. I've only ever had compliments for the odd thing I do, like saying something funny in a speech, or putting out a good music performance (only had one so far). My passion is music, and it has been for almost 4 or 5 years. Though I didn't feel passionate enough until 2 years ago, when I started writing the music. Your words as umadson said, they enlighten me, they make me feel I can enjoy youth and still become who I want to. :cheers: Shem
So go to it, crack on with the music. The joys of life don't simply fall into one's lap, they must be searched for and found.
So go to it, crack on with the music. The joys of life don't simply fall into one's lap, they must be searched for and found.

Speaking of cracking, I've been cracking highs all of yesterday and today because I got laryngitis. Got so much crap from my friends :ouch:
I may be blessed, but where I am, people at school pretty much accept you if you are really good at something. Like me, I'm really good at schoolwork. People ask me for homework help, I help, I'm chill with people. And since they depend on me for schoolwork help, it'd be foolish of them to try and force me into crap that I don't wanna do. And it doesn't hurt that I'm pretty laid back, I suppose. High school is a bad place, you just have to let people know who's boss and make sure they know you have something they want, even if you haven't found that "something" yet 👍.

Speaking of cracking, I've been cracking highs all of yesterday and today because I got laryngitis. Got so much crap from my friends :ouch:

For a second I thought you were speaking of another kind of crack.

So go to it, crack on with the music. The joys of life don't simply fall into one's lap, they must be searched for and found.

:cheers: shem.
What Grinds my Gears....

Stupid TV executives cancelling series when they are brilliant and in there prime.

Example- Lie to me (excellent show, nothing to dis-like)

And Flash Forward (just starting really showing its brilliance then got canned)

It angers me how is all about ratings and not about making a great show
People who think they're professional but are very very far from it and don't have anything to prove it, and then giving me tips on what to do and how to do it, surely I haven't done this before....

Also, people who just sit in the fast lane and get undertaken from people who are in the slow lane, then you proceed to overtake them in the slow lane and you suddenly see them speed up as if it's their life duty to stop me from overtaking them.
When you're held up behind a tractor and every chance you get to pass there's a car coming up. But in those slow corners where it's impossible to pass... 0 cars every time.
When people 400km away treat you better than your friends here... It 🤬 shouldn't be like that! NEVER SHOULD BE!!! :mad:. Yes, ignore me yet again 'friend', more like '🤬 hole'. errr......
When people 400km away treat you better than your friends here... It 🤬 shouldn't be like that! NEVER SHOULD BE!!! :mad:. Yes, ignore me yet again 'friend', more like '🤬 hole'. errr......

I experience the same. . . :nervous:

Anyways, Parents. . .

That's what grinds my gears.
I experience the same. . . :nervous:

Anyways, Parents. . .

That's what grinds my gears.

Same heer...

Killjoy parents are killjoy. Heck that's why I'm a bit afraid to do the 24h endurances in GT5... They simply get mad once I leave anything turned on bedtime.

Not that I experienced it but my parents are like that.

You're lucky, the only snow that I get is at an indoor ski field :grumpy:

Didn't you get snow today. The whole country got it though didn't it. This is the only time I've ever experienced snow on my property (it was hardly even there though) Strange

When people change and start to become a total :censored:hole.

I hear you, I have a friend who used to be awesome, but then got caught up in the social network, and then now he's really only sticking around to see what HE can get out of it :rolleyes:

When people 400km away treat you better than your friends here... It 🤬 shouldn't be like that! NEVER SHOULD BE!!! :mad:. Yes, ignore me yet again 'friend', more like '🤬 hole'. errr......

I hear you, using the same example of friendlynot as above, he treats me like a dog, smacking me in the head like I must obey his stupid rules. He thinks he can suddenly ignore people for months and months, and then be perfectly good friends with them after doing countless stupid things for attention in between. It doesn't work like that, what goes on in that kid's head.
I hear you, I have a friend who used to be awesome, but then got caught up in the social network, and then now he's really only sticking around to see what HE can get out of it :rolleyes:

I had a friend who I introduced to decent grammar, GTP and Anime.. However after a while that got the better of him and he became ignorant due to new friends, and his general attitude became stale. You need to watch what you show your friends..
My friend used to be friends with some guy, but that guy treated him horribly and made his life a living hell for almost 3 weeks! What saddens me is that this person thinks that its all my friends fault! shame...
It may have nothing, or everything, to do with me, but I feel sorry for my friend (obviously) and it makes me mad when this specific person taunts him and laughs at everything he does.
My friend used to be friends with some guy, but that guy treated him horribly and made his life a living hell for almost 3 weeks! What saddens me is that this person thinks that its all my friends fault! shame...
It may have nothing, or everything, to do with me, but I feel sorry for my friend (obviously) and it makes me mad when this specific person taunts him and laughs at everything he does.

Sounds like an awful person... Can we have a clue of as to who it is?
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When people 400km away treat you better than your friends here... It 🤬 shouldn't be like that! NEVER SHOULD BE!!! :mad:. Yes, ignore me yet again 'friend', more like '🤬 hole'. errr......

Huh? Talking about me? When did I ignore you!?
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