What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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This god dam fly that wont stop buzzing around my head and landing on my phone.
I absolutely can't stand any forum post that contains that drawn figure with varying ridiculous expressions. It's horrible, repetitive, unfunny, and yet seems to be inexplicably popular with some people, who are trying to convey humour. It should be banned from the internet. Not that I have seen it anywhere else, It could just be a disease that gtplanet has caught from some gutter.
What grinds my gears....................nothing, I'm doped up on Flouroxitine (Prozac) I couldn't be wound up if I tried. :dopey:

Being Ignored.


I absolutely can't stand any forum post that contains that drawn figure with varying ridiculous expressions. It's horrible, repetitive, unfunny, and yet seems to be inexplicably popular with some people, who are trying to convey humour. It should be banned from the internet. Not that I have seen it anywhere else, It could just be a disease that gtplanet has caught from some gutter.

I think you're referring to this, am I right? I think it's hilarious!

Get that face away.
It's like it's a cultural icon or something. Hopefully a fashion that soon fades away.
I blame young people.
Maybe I can excuse my nation, any British people like it?
Idiots who speak english yet can't spell a damn word of it or even if they can, use proper grammar and sentence structure. Drives me up the damn wall....
^ Yeah, me too. I had no idea it existed until I became a member here and viewed the funny picture thread every day. I can't say I don't find it funny but I don't really get it to be honest. Maybe it's like text speak, I'm just not young enough to be 'hip'.
Douches (now im not sexcist, but it's mainly women) who buy large cars like land rovers, jeeps etc. and then cant park them. Honestly, I saw a driver in her mitsubishi whateveritwas hold up a whole que of people in asda car park for a whole 5 minutes or so just trying to reverse into a parking space.
Also, people in big cars who think they own the road, and old people who drive very slowly and badly get on my tits.:mad:
Oh, and, similarly to above, the fact that it is usually the singer who receives the glory of public affection and attention. The other members work just as hard. Band members should play while lined up horizontally on stage.

Sometimes it's not even that, a band could play perfectly every gig but you'll always get some blissfully ignorant idiots who'll say something like "I thought the guitarists only play in the background when *insert vocalist here* is playing live? Why are they in a music video as well?"

Honestly, if my ears could talk they'd be shouting expletives left, right and center.

Also, learners who stall twice at a main road junction in front of several cars. I say this as a hypocrite because I did that very thing today and metaphorically slapped myself across the face for it.
Idiots who speak english yet can't spell a damn word of it or even if they can, use proper grammar and sentence structure. Drives me up the damn wall....

Some of them will have learning difficulties....

But yes, people who can and do talk and type/write perfect English but chooses to write in slang or gangsta style.... My word, I just get so confused.

Like a whole new language. Guess that's what English is about now. New and various style to learn all the time.
Its not even that, basic communication using your spoken language is something you should be near perfect at simply from it being something you do almost all the time (figuratively speaking).

People who bully others then claim they're the victim when you call them out...
People who decide its a good idea to call you an idiot when even basic skills are out of their reach...
Man I could go on and on and on...
Uncivilized Team Fortress 2 players. It's a good thing this blabbermouthed guy got kicked out of the server. Makes stuff better and more peaceful.
^ Yeah, me too. I had no idea it existed until I became a member here and viewed the funny picture thread every day. I can't say I don't find it funny but I don't really get it to be honest. Maybe it's like text speak, I'm just not young enough to be 'hip'.

I'm 15 and I don't even know what's cool to these people, I am literally so far away from being their hip style or whatever.

This young people thing is also what grinds my gears, they're all obsessed with tagging something on the windows of many stores causing a lot of damage, they can't get it off and it costs hundreds, even thousands of dollars to repair it. Just because some stupid little kid wrote something no one can read in spray paint or whatever just because it makes them feel "cool." What is the point, all you're doing is A: Spraying on the government buildings, and the government is too selfish to pay with their mass of money, so they raise the prices of everything else so they can get the money, so everyone who does nothing wrong suffers. JUST because a stupid little kid felt like writing a stupid scribble on a building. Or B: Making smaller business' repair the damage, even when they can't afford it, putting them out of business, and sometimes they have to go n a benifit. Once again, meaning the selfish government has to slowly start raising prices to pay them money without losing any money themselves. All because a stupid little loser, who will never get anywhere in life drew a stupid little scribble on a window, or whatever they scribble on, fences, buildings, etc.

And that's my rant, and here's the next rant

Why must they have all these stupid parties, they say that they all get drunk, and people start showing off their... Um, bits and bobs, you know. But then they lose their virgi... Um, ventilation. Okay it's getting hard to avoid saying the words now. Anyway, they lost it to some person they don't know, AT THE AGE OF 14 or 15!!!!! They wake up with a bad headache and then don't go home until another day in the future. Their parents are worried sick that their child has been hurt or something, but no, they're off drinking and hum... Um jumping things, stupid teenagers.

I may be a teenager, but at least I'm not doing any of the things in the above rants.
Poor shifting grinds my gears, literally.

Actually to be more accurate, it grinds my synchros, but close enough.
Really? That's a bit extreme.
Not really, to clarify I just really find it weird that people move here yet complain when it rains since we're not in summer. Such is life, of course we're going to have winter and rain and all that jazz becauses it's just a tad inevitable, I suggest them to go move somewhere else if you can afford it.

Sometimes...some Drift Forum members..
I swear you have an eye out on me :lol:
I'm 15 and I don't even know what's cool to these people, I am literally so far away from being their hip style or whatever.

This young people thing is also what grinds my gears, they're all obsessed with tagging something on the windows of many stores causing a lot of damage, they can't get it off and it costs hundreds, even thousands of dollars to repair it. Just because some stupid little kid wrote something no one can read in spray paint or whatever just because it makes them feel "cool." What is the point, all you're doing is A: Spraying on the government buildings, and the government is too selfish to pay with their mass of money, so they raise the prices of everything else so they can get the money, so everyone who does nothing wrong suffers. JUST because a stupid little kid felt like writing a stupid scribble on a building. Or B: Making smaller business' repair the damage, even when they can't afford it, putting them out of business, and sometimes they have to go n a benifit. Once again, meaning the selfish government has to slowly start raising prices to pay them money without losing any money themselves. All because a stupid little loser, who will never get anywhere in life drew a stupid little scribble on a window, or whatever they scribble on, fences, buildings, etc.

And that's my rant, and here's the next rant

Why must they have all these stupid parties, they say that they all get drunk, and people start showing off their... Um, bits and bobs, you know. But then they lose their virgi... Um, ventilation. Okay it's getting hard to avoid saying the words now. Anyway, they lost it to some person they don't know, AT THE AGE OF 14 or 15!!!!! They wake up with a bad headache and then don't go home until another day in the future. Their parents are worried sick that their child has been hurt or something, but no, they're off drinking and hum... Um jumping things, stupid teenagers.

I may be a teenager, but at least I'm not doing any of the things in the above rants.

I Completly agree....im16...and I think to my self...WHERE will that get you in life?....going to partys to drink and be "cool".....they should grow up and think about the future....
I Completly agree....im16...and I think to my self...WHERE will that get you in life?....going to partys to drink and be "cool".....they should grow up and think about the future....

Thank you, I now know I'm not alone with this opinion :cheers:
HoN ****ING grind my gears.
Don't even know why I got it.
HoN ****ING grind my gears.
Don't even know why I got it.

Heroes of Newerth? Heard of that, even my PC gaming mates play that too. Aside from DOTA.
Why, Why, WHY do people put a ton of merchandise in their basket or cart, put it somewhere and walk off for?! Put the stuff back! 🤬
What grinds my gears? Well, I'm a nice guy who keeps to himself, never have really talked bad about anyone, and do the most I can to be the best person I can be. And where has that gotten me? Nowhere. I put up with a lot of stuff, fake a smile and try to get through it all. Never do I ask for fame or recognition, I don't ask for anything at all. Maybe a little respect, that would be the most I ask for. Still, everyone ignores me, I have only a few friends.
I'm 15 and I don't even know what's cool to these people, I am literally so far away from being their hip style or whatever.

This young people thing is also what grinds my gears, they're all obsessed with tagging something on the windows of many stores causing a lot of damage, they can't get it off and it costs hundreds, even thousands of dollars to repair it. Just because some stupid little kid wrote something no one can read in spray paint or whatever just because it makes them feel "cool." What is the point, all you're doing is A: Spraying on the government buildings, and the government is too selfish to pay with their mass of money, so they raise the prices of everything else so they can get the money, so everyone who does nothing wrong suffers. JUST because a stupid little kid felt like writing a stupid scribble on a building. Or B: Making smaller business' repair the damage, even when they can't afford it, putting them out of business, and sometimes they have to go n a benifit. Once again, meaning the selfish government has to slowly start raising prices to pay them money without losing any money themselves. All because a stupid little loser, who will never get anywhere in life drew a stupid little scribble on a window, or whatever they scribble on, fences, buildings, etc.

And that's my rant, and here's the next rant

Why must they have all these stupid parties, they say that they all get drunk, and people start showing off their... Um, bits and bobs, you know. But then they lose their virgi... Um, ventilation. Okay it's getting hard to avoid saying the words now. Anyway, they lost it to some person they don't know, AT THE AGE OF 14 or 15!!!!! They wake up with a bad headache and then don't go home until another day in the future. Their parents are worried sick that their child has been hurt or something, but no, they're off drinking and hum... Um jumping things, stupid teenagers.

I may be a teenager, but at least I'm not doing any of the things in the above rants.

Sorry to quote the whole thing but that sounds a lot like my teen years. People do act like fools when they're young but most will grow out of it. I could be anyone of the people you are refering to in that post and yet I've held down many jobs, the current one is actually awesome (and how many people can actually say they like their job!) I've a lovely family that I love taking care of, have seen and done some wonderful things, and I'm a generally, all round nice bloke. You may be more mature than these people and not on thier level but don't forget to enjoy your youth Skython, when it's gone it's gone and you'll be like me, complaining about bad knees and grunting everytime you bend over or sit down, and that will grind your gears!
Sorry to quote the whole thing but that sounds a lot like my teen years. People do act like fools when they're young but most will grow out of it. I could be anyone of the people you are refering to in that post and yet I've held down many jobs, the current one is actually awesome (and how many people can actually say they like their job!) I've a lovely family that I love taking care of, have seen and done some wonderful things, and I'm a generally, all round nice bloke. You may be more mature than these people and not on thier level but don't forget to enjoy your youth Skython, when it's gone it's gone and you'll be like me, complaining about bad knees and grunting everytime you bend over or sit down, and that will grind your gears!

And the fact that I couldn't enjoy my youth fully grinds my gears. You enlighten me, shem, while on the other hand I could just think that living under over-disciplinarian parents just sucks. I'm 13, but eh, I want to start living the dream.
Why, Why, WHY do people put a ton of merchandise in their basket or cart, put it somewhere and walk off for?! Put the stuff back! 🤬

Sometimes they are trying to steal it. I had a guest put in a 360 and a blu-ray dvd player by the lanes then left. I swooped it up and security tells me to leave it alone.
I'm 13, but eh, I want to start living the dream.

Never too young to start livin' the dream. I was 21 before I found my groove and I still think that was too late!

Go out there and grind some gears!!!!
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