What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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:sly:Okay, just been to the hills to ride my bmx with my little bro and his mate, having a good time blah, blah, blah.

Then, from out of nowhere this bunch of chav scum just started throwing stones at us for no reason. You know the sort of people I mean. Stupid, wear hats all of the time, and speak like there gangsters.
Anyway, I would have stood up to them if there was less of them. Just waiting to see one of them on their own, then their cowardly side shows:sly:

I hate people like that. There are a lot of people at my school who say I'm posh, simply because I use correct grammar, whereas half of my friends are saying about 'They done there maths homework last night' etc etc... I suppose people have their own opinions on what's posh and what isn't...

Also, I don't like people who refuse to even try a steak rare or medium rare. I've got nothing against people who prefer their steaks well done, but they should at least try... I was once like that, but I tried a rare steak and its so much nicer! 👍
Oh yeah, with you on the steak, rare or medium-rare steaks are the best, so much more flavour in them.
Homework for Metal work, it's boring. But meh, I'm still young, and haven't experienced life, so I can't complain
If you ever shop at target, you will get this alot..
" I am over 21 years old and YOUR still carding me? what kind of 🤬* is this?"
> colleagues on work that pretend not to understand or not to remember though you 100% know they do...just so that they won't have to do more work or to prevent from any penalties...
me: " I told you yesterday to call client A...bla,bla,bla"
they: "no you didn't....maybe you mix something up" (their countenance is sooo outrageous &$%&§($/"§ in that moment....)


> petrol prices in Germany and those damn price ridding of the petrol companies...not really proven yet...yeah.....is the pope a catholic?...haha...
i guess it won't last long until the first spree killer will visit such a company or petrol station...

> a prostitue with cold hands...lol... (just kidding)
My wife's double-standards are really getting to me at the mo. Two recent examples are:
"No, you can't buy that weights bench you want, we have a baby now, so you can't go spending £95 on something that only benefits you. By the way, I'm going to spend £175 on getting my eyes tattood"
"I don't want your parents coming round to see the baby in the evening, we hardly get any time together, so they should leave us alone when you get home from work. I've invited my folks round for dinner tonight"
My wife's double-standards are really getting to me at the mo. Two recent examples are:
"No, you can't buy that weights bench you want, we have a baby now, so you can't go spending £95 on something that only benefits you. By the way, I'm going to spend £175 on getting my eyes tattood"
"I don't want your parents coming round to see the baby in the evening, we hardly get any time together, so they should leave us alone when you get home from work. I've invited my folks round for dinner tonight"

My wife tries crap like that...at the end, you just have to be firm and tell her the score, MAN of the HOUSE!

Mrs Mad soon realises she is being out of order, and vice-versa
People that quote the first post in a thread when they're posting the second post in the thread :mad: It's such a waste of space in my own opinion
People that complain about everything. People who complain about complaining, basically being hypocritical.
That would be the British then, Vandenel, including myself. ^ Complaining is one of my favourite past times.
I guess so Shem. Its the fact that I feel I should be able to complain as much as I want, but no one else should.
I'm pretty pissed right now. My mate his Blackberry phone died a few weeks ago, and I use 2 phones (BlackBerry and iPhone4), so I said he could use my iPhone till his BB is back from repair..

So, my iPhone got his first swimlesson today and died instantly. I don't know how he did it but I'm sure it was an accident, but I'm pretty pissed off about it.. Lucky me I insured the thing, but it's going to be atleast 4weeks till I get me iPhone back :(
My left eye. Because it might have an infection. Its starting to swell up a bit and the skin below it feels puffy.
My left eye. Because it might have an infection. Its starting to swell up a bit and the skin below it feels puffy.

My left eye. Because it has an infection. It's all swollen up, and if it doesn't get better in a week, I might have to have it drained.
That sucks Lucas. With mine it feels like I got punched in the eye. It hurts to even close it.
It sucks a lot. It makes me want to go to bed earlier than usual. But luckily it doesn't hurt unless I actually touch it a lot.
I have a sty in my left eye. Not really a gear grinder more like if I play video games I'll scratch my eye. A big thank you to the makers of Polysporin Eye Ointment. Without that stuff I'd be screwed.
Sour losers. One pissed me off by deliberately blocking me off the finish line at me in Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune just because. I was having fun with my mates until the roundabout at Hakone came and he just parked there. Not only that, he even rubbed it in by laughing at my mistakes and stuff whenever I screw up.

And whenever I eat, even though I eat at a normal pace, I always bite my lip by accident.
Ass:censored: jocks. Everyday they walk around thinking they're the best thing ever to walk the Earth, and anyone who doesn't play the sport they do is either a nerd, or a loser. Then there's the whole, tell a teacher BS. Back when I was in kindergarten, these three kids tried to beat the crap out of me because I had longer hair than the rest of the boys in the school. It turned out to be an entire grade fight, I mean there wasn't any boy in the entire kindergarten that didn't fight. Turns out, me and the two other kids who helped me were the ones that got in trouble because we didn't tell a 🤬 teacher.

Then its the people who do crap to my friends. When I was packing up my bags one afternoon my friend came to talk to me next to my locker. Then another friend joined me. This one kid walks by and shoves my friend into the locker for no reason. My other friend asks, "What the heck is wrong with you jerk?" The kid walks over to my friend and starts to hold his neck. My friend being a pasevist does nothing. So, I figured the only way to stop him from chocking my friend was, well the violent way. So I thrust my wrist hard into his temple. The teacher caught me, but thank god for security camera's, otherwise I would have been escorted by a man known as the SRO. /rant.
The @#$%^&!! heat! its like 89 out during the day, and then 80 at night i cook when i try to sleep because my stupid aoartment has no ait in the bedroom, just in the living room!
My dad when he makes me work every day for half of my time off school (holidays) without even giving any money afterwards, selfish old fart
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