What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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When people pull out in front of you then proceed to drive extremely slowly. 'You can't have been in that much of a rush bro'
When people pull out in front of you then proceed to drive extremely slowly. 'You can't have been in that much of a rush bro'

When other drivers tailgate you, make rude gestures and flash their lights at you when you make a safe overtake staying well within the posted speed limit.
Almost as bad as drivers who close the gap that you are moving into/move right out to the white line during an overtake. Extremely dangerous.

When you ask them to pull over for a chat about why they did what they did, do they? Do they heck! I even followed a guy who blocked me from overtaking home once. His response when I asked him why he did what he did? 'You were speeding mate!'

1. I was well within the posted speed limit.
2. Even if I was speeding, who is he to police my driving by breaking the law himself? As the old saying goes, two wrongs do not make a right.

Most British drivers that i've had the 'pleasure' of sharing the road with don't have a clue. Old and oblivious, female and stubborn, male and aggressive, young and reckless - you name it, we have it! Maybe I should get another Landrover, never had many problems when driving that battered old heap!
Most British drivers that i've had the 'pleasure' of sharing the road with don't have a clue. Old and oblivious, female and stubborn, male and aggressive, young and reckless - you name it, we have it! Maybe I should get another Landrover, never had many problems when driving that battered old heap!

With respect, there are a very high number of Land Rover drivers (and I'm not saying you are, I've never seen your driving) who have no idea how to drive either. They seem to think that because they have a big, heavy vehicle, that somehow they are immune from sensible, considerate driving, so they drive slowly, inconsiderately, selfishly, forcing their way through narrow country, lanes expecting people to move out of the way. The main culprites seem to be farmer's wives, but the number of irresponsibly driven Land Rovers I have seen are too many to number. BTW, both my brother and step-father are LR drivers, I know what I speak of.
My Girlfriend's brother is a complete ****block. There is a special place in Hell reserved for people like him.
People who drive 30MPH in a 55MPH zone talking on their cell phones with the emergency blinkers on! Does not help when his personal talk time is on the road but it completely backs up the highway making everyone slow down! I wish I had the authority to pull him over and if I had that authority I would pull him over in a heart beat! Not to mention talking on a cell phone is illegal. It real nice $250 fine in NY.
When you work on a public holiday and do nothing all day.


I see your post and raise you: my job.

I'm not working at all. 4 days a week. 10 hours a day.

Haven't posted here for a while because I've been doped up on happy pills, read - Prozac

What grinds my gears...........?

When I'm watching new Top Gear on a FREE streaming site and then half way through an episode I get a message that says "You have watched 72 minutes of video, to watch more please sign up for our subscription package......."

What the f is free about that!!! No prior warning at all! Sods, the lot of them. Rage, pure rage. I'm now so angry I'm going to bed.
Oh you were watching top gear with megavideo. I would just find another source and find where you stopped off at.
I've no idea what it was but it enraged me no end. Enough that I just had my final smoke before bed. Good night cruel non-free video streaming world.
Stupid ads. An ad I see most of the time on the internet asks you if you are smart, and shows you an Ishihara color test, asking what number do you see. So apparently, how good are your eyes are a measure of how smart you are.
Haven't posted here for a while because I've been doped up on happy pills, read - Prozac

What grinds my gears...........?

When I'm watching new Top Gear on a FREE streaming site and then half way through an episode I get a message that says "You have watched 72 minutes of video, to watch more please sign up for our subscription package......."

What the f is free about that!!! No prior warning at all! Sods, the lot of them. Rage, pure rage. I'm now so angry I'm going to bed.
You don't really have any right to complain.
Currently being 🤬 broke as hell.....

I have no friggin Doller, Pound, Euro, Yen, Baht, no nothing!

And I wont have untill friday, I dont spend money on anything but bills, all the nice things I get are normally gifts and worth less than £20.

Do you know what Grinds my Gears? That goddamn Loch Ness Monster keeps coming back to my house asking for a damn tree fiddy!
The fact that John Cena is a terrible wrestler but when it comes to his rapping he is good. Also that my high school is calling my house saying I didn't return my textbooks when I handed EVERY SINGLE ONE in. I'm not paying for books they lost. End of rant.
When your dad is almost hit by another car who fails to stop at a stop sign. Your father gives the person in the other car a piece of his mind and that person thinks its my dads fault.
With respect, there are a very high number of Land Rover drivers (and I'm not saying you are, I've never seen your driving) who have no idea how to drive either.

What I meant was that people generally don't challenge a large, uncared for Landrover with a 'Do NOT challenge the Landrover' sticker on the rear window. If you do get some clown trying to mess you around, you can hint that you are willing to trade paint if they continue with their stupidity.
When people shoot over to your lane from another with total disregard to every other driver on the damn road.

I've had people cutting me off alot, some just drive normal and others get real nervous trying their best to pass the car in front :D

I don't tailgate, I just take a peek to pass time to time, it seems to get them jumpy.
I hate it when someone points out the obvious. For example, tonight I saw a commercial for a new episode of Burn Notice while watching WWE Raw with my dad. At the end of the commercial, the announcer said "Burn Notice, a new episode Thursday at 9pm, on USA." Then my dad says "A new episode of Burn Notice is on Thursday at 9." My response, ".................". I was thinking "Yes... I'm not deaf nor blind father."
"Your total is $2.26."

Customer has in her hand, a Toonie, Loonie and a Quarter, and puts down $2.25... "Oh! I don't have a penny I've only got $2.25, is that okay?"

....facepalm. $2.25 is not equal to or greater than $2.26. I will not make an exception because that gives the other customers who are watching the wrong idea.

Not only that, she had a loonie in her hand as well so I booked her for that.
:sly:Okay, just been to the hills to ride my bmx with my little bro and his mate, having a good time blah, blah, blah.

Then, from out of nowhere this bunch of chav scum just started throwing stones at us for no reason. You know the sort of people I mean. Stupid, wear hats all of the time, and speak like there gangsters.
Anyway, I would have stood up to them if there was less of them. Just waiting to see one of them on their own, then their cowardly side shows:sly:
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