Not really grinding my gears (and slightly off topic) but has anyone ever here read the "Banned Users Log" under "The Help Desk"? Jordan is quite amusing in his commentary although I am sure as these events were happening they were more annoyances than anything.
Some of my favorites:
XLR8er34 - 31st July 2006 - Resentful outburst in thread, abusive language and attitude; not sure why he didn't leave by himself if this place sucks so badly.
Icanhazaccount? - 30 January 2008 - No.
BlackBeadyEyes - 06 February 2008 - Previously banned member and general asshattery
SpiffyDeezy - October 5 2009 - Lazy grammer, terrible punctuation, double posting, argumentative, ignoring moderator instruction & telling moderator to "**** YOU ******"
Anes - 2nd December 2010 - Three-day ban for attacking anything that moved.
GT_Pete - 11th December 2010 - Banned for posting sexually-explicit images. Came back to life as Peter01, only to be modsmacked back into oblivion thirty seconds later.
zzPolleyzz - 1st January 2011 - Lyke h8in the kleen rekord for dEcembr 31, dis m8 dint tink da aup appliid to him, u feel me? week's ban ta leern it. is dis english class?
shade71 - 24th February 2011 - No, premium membership is not like diplomatic immunity. Not even lifetime premium membership. And talking to yourself is never a good sign, either.
IISLYDWAYZII - 27 June 2011 - This site has rules? Cool story bro, LOLOLOLOL. I don't give a about playing nice with others.
I cant believe I have never come across that page before! Hopefully this post wont put me on it either. This wasted about 30 minutes of work!
Lesson: Dont grind Jordan's Gears