- People who cannot leave you alone for 5 minutes. We aren't living inside Brave New World or something, please, leave me alone. It's annoying as hell if you keep spamming me asking if "you're there" or something. If I want to talk to you, I will talk to you. Thankfully nobody from here is guilty of this, but some people who I know through PSN and online gaming mostly, are the most annoying people, ever.
- People who add you for seemingly no reason on online gaming, such as PSN. I go into a room, some guy adds me. Are you really that butthurt to add people randomly who join your room?
- People who must follow you around everywhere online. What the hell? Some guy who added me (as above..) thought it'd be a good idea to join every single room in GT5 I'd go to. Needless to say, he wasn't very happy when I cracked the ***** at him, it involved a lot of swearing, so I'll stop there.
- People who add you on Facebook because you're in one of their classes or something, then completely ignore you for the rest of the year. I've been through plenty of cases through school. If you don't like me or something, just don't add me. I don't really care.
- Peds who are listening to ******* music or concentrating on something else when they're on the road. I have come so close to ramming these idiots off the road, mostly because they'll always cross on the red light, and don't look at all before they cross a road. They just stroll across the road as if nothing happened. Worst part is, even if they do the wrong thing, it'll probably be my fault because I'm on my Learner plates.
- People who don't concentrate on driving.. while driving.
- People who think you're stupid and don't understand what they're up to. I'm not stupid, I know exactly what you're trying to do. But am I going to just say it to your face? No.
- People who never return your property. You borrow something as simple as it may be, a pencil during class. Now look, I don't care about how much of value it is to me, but I do expect it back. A good judge of character too, most of the time. A good example of the opposite however, was when a guy borrowed something from me at the end of one year, and actually returned in the next year on the first day. I didn't expect it back, but I can trust that guy with my life just because of a simple deed like this.
- People who can't read body language. This drives me absolutely insane.
- People who only talk to you when they need something from you.