What GT5 online needs to be GOOD

what features do you think GT5 online needs to be really good online.
here's what i think:

1. Ability to Bet your car against someone in a 1on1 race.
2. This is gonna be set up like the nba playoffs. 16 racers enter the tournament. The racers are split into 2 sparate sides of 8. then put in order from best to worest. the best player races the worst player 1on1, the second best racer races the second worst racer in your side and so on. After these races there will be 4 racers left on each side. The 4 racers will also be assined to race against someone 1on1. Then there will be 2 racers on each side, the winner of each side will face each other in a final race.
3. a tag team race where one racer races to a certain point and then his teammate will take control of the car.
4. A ranking system.
5. all cars allowed in online.

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