- 3,211
- Brisbane
- Punknoodle_Nick
nothing some Yamabond wont fix!
Or a hose clip?
Took my car for its first road test tonight after replacing the front bushes. What a difference, it really surprised me how much better it is now. It used to creak, knock, squeak, all kinds of nasty noises. They're all gone (well, except those coming from the rear, the kits haven't arrived for the back components yet). Steering response increased, steering stability increased.
I really am impressed. I knew there'd be an improvement but wow. My recommendation for any owner of an older car - one of the first mods, do the bushes. If they haven't been replaced before then I won't lie, it can be a real pain in the ass job, in my case anyway. It took quite some time to remove the old bushings from the housings as they are a press fit item, luckily I had a hydraulic tool that worked beautifully, although if you need to you local garage would probably press them out for you.
The rest of it is pretty straight forward. I struck a few problems but all solvable fairly easily. The thread on the body of the car that had the stripped bolt in it cleaned up ok with a tap - the new bolt had a bit more movement but tightened up good with no signs of stripping, and I used Loctite on it so it should be good - I'll take it for another drive then jack it up and reinspect it in the weekend.
All in all, a happy man. Still waiting on my rims though