I've had some suspension clunks for the longest time now with this damn EM1. Never ws sure what it was. Worn bushings? Old shocks? My technician friend even thought I should check my sway bar end links. All these parts do have 145,000 miles on them, after all.
So, two days ago I developed something new--a really loud pop/bang whenever I stopped, started, or turned a corner. Hmm. Today, after some experimentation backing up and down the curb of my driveway 20 times I finally realized it was coming from the right rear. Time to jack it up!
So yeah, Donovan might be called a technician for a reason. My right rear end link was broken. Nice! The socket at the top that the ball fits into eventually got wallered out and the thing just popped right out
Also, it turns out you have to have a special tool that I don't have in order to take these things off. I was just going to take the end links and sway bar off and replace the end links with something sturdier soon. But I couldn't take apart the end links. My options are A) cut it off, or B) duct tape the hanging part of the end link to the lower control arm and wait for the weekend, since I have to go to work tomorrow. Guess which option I took.