What Have You Done Today - (Computer Version)

  • Thread starter tlowr4
I made sure to save backups of my drivers before doing anything. When I tried to uninstall the current drivers and put on the new ones, the program said I didn't have the PC requirements for the older drivers. I used an installer and not any archived file. I'll try something again in the future to try to get rF2 to play and get away from the constant "insufficient video Memory thing."

[OMISSION] Thanks for the advice, though, everyone.
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I made sure to save backups of my drivers before doing anything. When I tried to uninstall the current drivers and put on the new ones, the program said I didn't have the PC requirements for the older drivers. I used an installer and not any archived file. I'll try something again in the future to try to get rF2 to play and get away from the constant "insufficient video Memory thing."

[OMISSION] Thanks for the advice, though, everyone.
Just had a look at the requirements and newest Windows 10 build supported is 1809 so you might have to create a separate partition and install older Windows 10 version just to play rFactor 2 and set as a dual boot. If you have another drive either internally or externally, you could install to that too.

If you don't want to have another copy of Windows 10 installed, and you have older Windows license like Windows 8.1 or 7, you could install that instead and not have to worry about DCH drivers that way. I think they run also older titles better like TOCA Race Driver 3.
After a long while trying to learn how to actually get one of these set up, I finally begun my Github adventures! I finally learned how to launch and maintain a Github after watching a YouTube video. I plan on making a series of static pages to add extra content to my developing Github page. It also means I am possibly going to learn using Markdown. I think I can still use HTML, but I feel Github does a fine job with Markdown. For about a year, I had a Wordpress site hosted through Bluehost; but after I couldn't afford paying another full year to keep it up, I discontinued my old site. I am now hoping Github is what I can use for my own personal website and various content pieces.

In case you're interested, you are welcome to visit my Github page: https://johnbmarine.github.io/ . Remember- it's under a lot of construction, so do not expect too much here at the time of this post.

[UPDATE] I learned Github supports both HTML and the w3.css framework. Therefore, it won't be too long to update and set up my Github page. I did a lot of HTML pages under this CSS framework. Some of my past files date back to 2019. So for at least five years, I've struggled finally uploading a Github page. Now that I know I don't have to be stuck with learning Markdown, I can go ahead and make my personal Github site better than previously.
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Tried out the app version of ChatGPT on my Mac. Now I can talk to it. And probably other stuff too.
Groan. Got "Inaccessible boot device" this morning on my Windows 10 PC (not my sim rig thankfully). At the moment everything points to a motherboard issue. Man, why does this sort of thing happen when I'm at my busiest - I just won't have time to sort this for at least a couple of weeks.

Rant over. PC is powered off now and I just managed to stop myself from drop kicking it to the bottom of the garden. :lol: My son is going to be peeved when he gets home - he and his buddies have a Balders Gate 3 weekend planned - and we have all the game saves. Oops.

I'll wait until I have some time and look at it again.
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Well some stuff in my diary got cancelled so I did have time to sort out the knackered PC. After getting some new & used stuff online I have built a Windows 11 PC that looks like this:

Ryzen 5 3600
Thermaltake Peerless Assassin 120
ASRock A520M HVS
Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR4 3600
Zotac Gaming RTX 2060
512GB Western Digital M.2 NVMe
500GB Crucial SATA 3 SSD
650W Corsair PSU
2x 27" 1080P displays.

So all in I spent:

£51.99 on motherboard (new from Scan.co.uk)
£62.99 on 2x16GB RAM (new from Scan.co.uk)
£100 on the RTX 2060 (used from Facebook Marketplace)

Everything else is re-used from the old dead PC or was sat on a shelf. My sim rig runs with a 5800X3D and RTX 3080 so at some point a few years down the line I'll no doubt upgrade that rig and so I'll chuck that CPU and GPU into this system to give it a nice boost.
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I've got a new chair arriving tomorrow and am planning to go ham on movies this upcoming week... using ClarisWorks 4.0, naturally:
I've battled with my home printer that just wants to end it all (an Epson XP-422) and won.
Somehow the darn thing kept jamming and made me mad! At least the culprit was a dirty roller so it was an easy fix.
So something I learned yesterday was Steam had a feature that lets me set what buttons do what on a controller and since then, I've been going through and adding a lot of my non-Steam games to it and configuring the controls for them. This is great because I used Xpadder for years and while it's good, I really like how Steam has a feature that works like it, but better. Now I don't have to worry about pulling up Xpadder and changing my config anytime I change games, I can just set up controls for each game.

Already got a few games set up including Star Wars Battlefront II (2005) and I am going to setup Nerf Arena Blast tomorrow. For some reason Hot Wheel Crash wouldn't cooperate with my controller in the menus but was totally fine game. Not sure what that's about but hopefully other games won't be like this.
So after recently learning more about Big Picture mode on Steam, how to connect my PS4 controller wirelessly, and how Steam allows you to set up your own controller configs, I have been spending a lot of time setting up my PC games as I mentioned earlier. I downloaded whatever Steam games I intended to play and I also pulled out many of physical games and installed them on my computer and added them to my Steam library as well. Spent A LOT of time going through and configuring my graphics and controls for these games so they’d be ready whenever I decided to play them.

Some interesting things I noticed along the way were:
Need for Speed (2015). While this game supports controllers, it’s not very well done. Upon testing my PS4 controller with it, all sorts of weird things were happening to me and it was a struggle to even go in a straight line. So I looked it up and it turns out I wasn’t the only one, other people had this issue too, and apparently, it was the result of double-input with the keyboard and the controller. Seen a lot of mentions of DS4Windows, so I downloaded it and tried it with this game and it worked like a charm! While I am glad I was able to find a workaround, it’s unfortunate I even need one just to play it, but hey, at least I have the program whenever I need it.

Call of Duty Black Ops. While this game supports controllers and you can turn gamepad on, something I didn’t like was, it had the R2 button as the firing button and R1 to throw grenades and such. I didn’t like this because I was used to the PS3 version, which was vice versa of that. Tried reversing the buttons and surprisingly it didn’t work. So I tried to get around it by mapping my controls to what my keyboard was and almost had it a setup I was satisfied with.

…Then I remembered Dead Ops Arcade existed, which has controls that differ from the rest of the game, and my configurations were awful for that game mode. So I eventually decided to just deal with the differing firing controls with the gamepad turned on since it was clear to me that doing it any other way would just introduce even more problems than that. All I really had to after that was map the ESC key and the arrow keys to my controller so I could pause and navigate the menus and I was finally done. I spent more time with this game than I care to admit and while I am not 100% satisfied, it’s at the very least acceptable.

Nerf Arena Blast. Had no issues configuring the controls for this game at first, but I had other problems come up later on for some reason. The game had worked well for me over the years, but somehow, it got to where it would crash upon booting every single time. I couldn’t figure it out for a bit, but eventually, I found I had to disable DEP for this game and once I did, it worked.

While I got that sorted, I don’t know if it’s been like this and I didn’t know it, but something I later noticed is the transparency was broken on some parts of the game. Fortunately, this game has a dedicated community patch that can address many of the game's issues, including this one. While it fixed the problem I had, it also made some undesirable changes to the game and I couldn’t figure out how to revert them without uninstalling the patch. So I decided to just play the game as is since the broken transparency wasn’t a huge deal anyway. I tend to admire mods and patches more after I have already played the original version of the game, so I’ll most likely reinstall it after I have played through the game.

NASCAR Racing 2003 Season. Oh boy. It started off with me configuring my controls for this game. I was able to configure some of them in-game, but things like the pause key and various others needed to be mapped outside of the game. So that’s where Steam Input came in and if I remember right, it worked at first, but then it eventually got to where it wouldn’t anymore for some reason. Not too sure why, but it seemed after I fiddled with DS4Windows some in this game, it never wanted to work right again. I had times when the game wouldn’t even recognize my controller and when it did, it only recognized the left analog stick and nothing else. Eventually, I decided to disable Steam Input for this game and use DS4Windows. A bit impractical to use a 3rd party app for this game, but it works well and I can do exactly what I want to do with it, so I have settled with that.

My problems didn’t stop there though. I wonder if Windows upped its security because like Nerf Arena Blast, it would crash when it didn’t do that previously and I had to disable DEP for it just for the game to work again, even though I should not have to. Something else I later noticed is the game wasn’t even using my GPU despite setting to that in graphics settings and was running slower than it should at 50-60fps. To put it bluntly, I spent a lot of time looking for answers, and eventually, I found some DLL files to make it run in DirectX 9 and it ran a lot better at roughly 75-90 fps, but it still seemed a bit slow for what my GPU was capable of. Yet another issue I had was my game would crash when exiting Single Race or Championship and I don’t even know if it did this before. Spent several days looking for answers and couldn’t find anything about my issue, I even created a Reddit account and posted about it since I felt I was out of luck. Then I found the answer to both of my problems and it was something completely left field that I NEVER expected…

When I connected my controller, either by USB or Bluetooth, somehow my game ran at 144 fps like it was supposed to while barely dropping any at all, and my game no longer crashed. Not just NR2003, but a few others as well. And I know this was it because I experimented multiple times to confirm it and believe it or not, it was true. Now how and why connecting a controller of all things would boost my FPS and stop it from crashing is beyond me, but I had someone tell me it might be related to my power settings. I ain’t even mad though because I intended to to play with a controller anyway, so this is totally acceptable.

Won’t lie, I think I spent more time getting this game sorted than just about all the other games combined and it was a journey in of itself to get there. However, I care a lot about this game, so it was worth it and now my installation is even better than it was before! :)

Other related stuff. Something I noticed along the way is the reason Nerf Arena Blast, NR2003, and Hot Wheels Crash! refused to work with Steam Input was because having them running as administrator and/or compatibility settings below Windows Vista. Not sure why, but the moment I disabled them, they worked like they should, apart from NR2003 where only the left analog stick did. Anything Vista and above however is fine.
After everything I have learned lately, I’ve been entertaining the idea of plugging my laptop into my TV again and playing my PC games on it. So I wanted to have them set up for whenever I decide to give it a go and while it was a lot of work, I more or less finished configuring all the games I cared about on Thursday. Something I realized though is my monitor is 1200-1920 while my TV is 1920-1080, so I’ll have to make that tweak when I decide to play them. I need to configure Assetto Corsa, Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens, and Need for Speed World, but I don’t know their controls well enough yet to do anything.

Along the way, I decided to move my lossless music collection to my external HDD since they took up a ton of space and I didn’t use them nearly enough to justify it. Lately, my attention has been on gaming above all else and I needed the space, so it was worth doing. Fortunately, thanks to this, I now have enough room for any small games I get in the future! :) With that out of the way, I am currently doing a data recovery on our old desktop HDD so I can wipe it and use it for something later on. Might be a while before I can do that because it’s taking longer than I expected.