What is the worst song ever?Music 

  • Thread starter Curveball
It's kind of weird with dubstep and Skrillex.
I sould normally not enjoy it, but when you're in a car with friends it just works.
It's kind of weird with dubstep and Skrillex.
I sould normally not enjoy it, but when you're in a car with friends it just works.

Thank you! Its not that I think he's the best of anything or that I even buy his CD's. Cuz I don't he's barely talented but he gets you in a good mood! And last time I checked that was the whole point of music.

Go to about 20 seconds. Notice how there is only one drum pattern?

This has given me a great idea! Play every terrible pop song that's currently on the radio over each other and make something much better! Or even better, play all of Radiohead's songs over each other, or all the Cardiacs' songs or Pink Floyd's songs or The Sex Pistols' songs or maybe even all of them at the same time! Then see what happens...

Back on topic:

I love The Beatles, but I can't stand Yellow Submarine. If Yellow Submarine wasn't on Revolver then Revolver would be way higher in my books. (I don't like Taxman either, not sure why, just don't.)
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Anything that Justin Bieber sings, and pretty much all pop songs from today. Hell, i'm almost 14 and that's my opinion!

Oh, and Last Christmas by Wham! That song is equal to a thousand nukes exploding onto a supersonic bell halfway into the sky. Horrible, just horrible. Makes my ears bleed and explode.

I agree with you!

But hows come when I said almost the exact same thing, I got flamed? -_-
Any song that isn't Old Metal, Classic Rock, Classical, from the '50s, or Johnny Cash.

Then you haven't listened to much new music, or even 90's stuff. Think Edguy (released their first album in 1997 at the ages 17... Roughly. Or Coheed and Cambria, since 1995. All you have to do when finding good music now is just look. Funnily enough, both of these bands I first heard when watching Youtube videos of PC racing sims last year.
This has given me a great idea! Play every terrible pop song that's currently on the radio over each other and make something much better! Or even better, play all of Radiohead's songs over each other, or all the Cardiacs' songs or Pink Floyd's songs or The Sex Pistols' songs or maybe even all of them at the same time! Then see what happens...

I just played all the songs off Kid A over each other, amazing. The interplay between the melodies is surprisingly, umm... Not as discordant as you may expect.
Skrillex could market that new all together song.

If you're talking about the one that's all the songs off of Kid A played over each other, that would be to good for Skillrex, but if you're talking about the one that was all of his songs then he definitely should.

I never in a million years thought I'd hear a song worse than the Barney song, until my kids came home wanting me to play this one, I've swore to never listen to it again, and had the volume on mute while posting this, just incase:nervous:
This is the worst music ever made.

I never though I would hear anything worse that Justin Bibber, but I was very, very wrong...

PS: I'm not responsible for any brain damage after hearing the song
RJS - I honestly can't argue. That is.... just... horrific, or something. Speechless.
^^ Oh god, that's truly horrifying. Is it another one of those 'rich kids parents pay for a studio to make a song for them' type things?
That was incredibly bad. They haven't even changed their voices electronically so it sounds like that can sing like they usualy do. :lol:
Worst would be any dubstep. It's an acquired taste that I don't wish to acquire.

Or possibly that terrible Rebecca Black song...
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'rich kids parents pay for a studio to make a song for them' type things?


There needs to be a ban on those things. It's humiliating for the child (Just look at Rebecca Black) and offensive to people like me who actually try hard to learn to play an instrument and (attempt to) write good songs that chances are only 100 people will ever hear.
If you're talking about the one that's all the songs off of Kid A played over each other, that would be to good for Skillrex, but if you're talking about the one that was all of his songs then he definitely should.

The Skrillex one.

That teenager one is just a joke, I can't sing, but I can sing better than them.

And even though I think "Call me maybe", is a horrible song, it's not TOO bad when you and three other friends are sitting in the very front of the 7th tallest roller coaster and you are all pretty much yelling it, takes your mind off of your impeding doom.
This is the worst music ever made.

I never though I would hear anything worse that Justin Bibber, but I was very, very wrong...

PS: I'm not responsible for any brain damage after hearing the song

:lol: Someone told me it was bad, so I expected it to be so bad it's funny... But this still surprised me! It's like being hit with a shovel with a crudely drawn genital on it.
Well I don't know about worst song but the worst music 'artist' is LIL WAYNE! Guy sucks... just a wannabe/poser!

Tell me about it! Have you seen him play guitar before? He is AWEFUL :yuck::yuck::yuck:

here's an example:

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He was actually playing the best guitar solo ever, but nobody heard it because he didn't plug his amp in. :ouch:
This is the worst music ever made.

I never though I would hear anything worse that Justin Bibber, but I was very, very wrong...

PS: I'm not responsible for any brain damage after hearing the song
Would somebody please call all of the ambulances?

Worst would be any dubstep.
Dubstep is disqualified from this thread on the grounds that thie is the "Worst Song Ever" thread, and nothing dubstep has ever produced could reasonably be called a song.

I never in a million years thought I'd hear a song worse than the Barney song, until my kids came home wanting me to play this one, I've swore to never listen to it again, and had the volume on mute while posting this, just incase:nervous:

How could this song be put in this thread!?! His pimpmobile is awesome bytheway.