What is the worst song ever?Music 

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Anything by Justin Bieber, followed closely by Rebecca Black.

No, Justin Bieber is nearly tolerable (when listened at minumum volume). Rebecca Black is by far the worst. The only thing worse then the song 'Friday' is...


...*thinking very hard*...

...*headache from thinking too hard*...

...*fixed by pain medication*...

...*still thinking about something that's worse then Friday*...

Oh I figured out something worse then Friday. Being tortured (but not killed) while listening to that horrible song. Wouldn't that be fun :)

*I'm anti-biased because of how I've been traumatised by this horrible piece of 🤬.*
No, Justin Bieber is nearly tolerable (when listened at minumum volume). Rebecca Black is by far the worst. The only thing worse then the song 'Friday' is...


...*thinking very hard*...

...*headache from thinking too hard*...

...*fixed by pain medication*...

...*still thinking about something that's worse then Friday*...

Oh I figured out something worse then Friday. Being tortured (but not killed) while listening to that horrible song. Wouldn't that be fun :)

*I'm anti-biased because of how I've been traumatised by this horrible piece of 🤬.*

I'd rather listen to Friday then listen to anything by Motley Crue.. or any other 80's glam.
Music disturbers suck as genres. I would take what they say about a bands genre with a grain of salt.

Heh yeah, that's pretty much what I said. :D And I really don't feel like re-tagging my whole collection. Besides, I'd tag 80% of it as "classic rock" except that tag is about as descriptive as "pop".

Basically anything that becomes a top 40 hit is complete trash.

Wow. You're right. Steppenwolf's "Born to be Wild" and "Magic Carpet Ride", the Beatles' "Hey Jude", Joan Jett's "I Love Rock n Roll", The Doors' "Light My Fire" and "Touch Me" (just to name a few of hundreds) are absolute rubbish. I should delete them from my collection immediately. Thanks for pointing this out to me!
Justin Bieber isn't that bad, he can at least sing and carry a tune. I'm not a fan of his type of music, but that doesn't mean I can't respect musical talent.
BobK;6834956 Wow. You're right. Steppenwolf's "Born to be Wild" and "Magic Carpet Ride"
I was referring more to the modern stuff that is on the radio. I don't think people will be listening to 90% of whats popular today in 20years. A lot of stuff I hear just sounds like its only purpose is to make money.
Other than the obvious everything by Rebecca Black, I'm going to have to go with this:

Okay for cereal:

Nickelback - Photograph

I don't hate NB like many people do, and while I don't like a lot of today's pop music I find most of it bearable, but this song makes me cringe every time I hear it.

Also, anything by Nicki Minaj. And Lil Wayne. I don't even consider that stuff music it's so bad IMO.
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I was referring more to the modern stuff that is on the radio. I don't think people will be listening to 90% of whats popular today in 20years. A lot of stuff I hear just sounds like its only purpose is to make money.

That's what parents said about popular stuff in the 70s... and 80s... and 90s... Do you see a pattern?
Can't tell if it's the worst song, or the GREATEST. Challenge you to listen to the whole thing.

I absolutely hate Nickel Back. By far my least favorite band I've ever heard. I was extremely glad when they made a YTP of them:

I absolutely hate Nickel Back. By far my least favorite band I've ever heard. I was extremely glad when they made a YTP of them:


If you think that YTP is funny, check out the one about Justin Beiber:


Now for a real contribution:

This is simply dire.

*Extreme Content Warning*

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfTy7TMKUU0">YouTube Link</a>

If you're going to post Cannibal Corpse, at least have the decency to post ****** With a Knife.
I was serious though. That and I just hate Josh Homme.. Hes a gigantic, egotistic asshole. Almost as big as Chris Martin and Boner.. Err Bono.

I think comparing him to them two is slightly harsh, when it comes to being egotistical he pales in comparison to them. You have to be to a degree to be a frontman, though to be honest I've never seen him as particularly cocky etc.
I don't think MTV has played any music for the past 10 years so I don't really know how they could tell you anything other than it's OK to be 16 and pregnant or be a Snookie.

And if you don't think there are any good mainstream artists stop being a hipster and look around. There are several mainstream bands that are very good and very well respected.


As for the worse song ever? Anything ever sang by Nicki Minaj followed closely by Drake. Seriously neither one of them can rap at all and most of their beats are horrid. I'd say "Stupid Ho" is possibly the worse song I can think of off the top of my head and actually makes me stupider when I hear it. She really is a disgrace to any female trying to actually make in the in the rap world.

Yeah, I can agree with this. A lot of the mainstream stuff is processed and made purely to make money, but there also a lot of artists that deserve to be there, you've just got to look a little harder. Take Michael Buble for example (opinion of course), he is a mainstream merchant but that doesn't stop him being talented, he is a great singer, and even though I am mainly a Punk lover, that doesn't stop me enjoying his music. Open-mind ftw.

I can also agree with the examples for horrible music above. Just one of many which dilute the talent that actually exists in Pop. Also puts a lot of people off Rap, despite what they would have you believe some great music comes from there.. the Beastie Boys spring to mind.

Keeping on topic.. Anything by Glee is just painful.
I think comparing him to them two is slightly harsh, when it comes to being egotistical he pales in comparison to them. You have to be to a degree to be a frontman, though to be honest I've never seen him as particularly cocky etc.

Its not harsh at all. Its not as well known because his pedestal isn't as big but he is a giant tool. And him and Scott suing his old band mates (people who haven't sucked up to popularity) for trying to resurrect Kyuss is very egotistical.
Worst song ever? I have two, super bass and ***king stupid hoe from nicki minaj.... I can't decide on which one's worse