What is the worst song ever?Music 

  • Thread starter Curveball
That was so stupid :lol:

Someone HAS to try watching that drunk or something, with a reaction vid along with it.
I think I've found the very worst song of all time...

Hah, don't go looking for an album from No Face - Wake Your Daughter Up.

It's comi-tragic-awful-hilarious-explici-terrible. Which means it's funny once if you took your hip-hop took seriously, circa 1986-90. But nobody protested it, because it was a very obvious joke...it would have been much more popular in today's media, drawn much more ire and rage, and thus, would have sold many more copies even in this era of MP3s.
"He Hit Me (And It Felt Like a Kiss)", lyrics by Carole King, production by Phil Spector.

Good grief, I didn't know Carole King wrote that turkey!

I don't know if it's the worst song of all time but I'd say it's the worst song in my collection. It has rivals, of course, mostly from the Meet Ginny Arnell album.
Well I really don't like Amy Winehouse; so whenever 'Valerie' comes on it really p:censored:s me off.

"Sexy and I know it' is by far the worst song I've ever heard. It's sad that people actually like that song."
Don't mock my theme tune. :D
'Sexy and I know it' is by far the worst song I've ever heard. It's sad that people actually like that song.

Don't kill me but, it's not a bad song.

Friday is by far the worst.
Don't kill me but, it's not a bad song.

Friday is by far the worst.

I'm not sure I want to help you finish Battlefield 3s coop anymore... :lol: I'm joking.

Also that videos not available on a mobile TB. :(
Sexy and I Know It must be pretty high up on the list. I got subjected to that thing the other day and could find literally no redeeming factors for it. The lyrics are about as interesting as the colour beige, and I've heard better music coming from public bathroom stalls.
That one song that has the lyrics "Hey I just met you, so here's my number, so call me maybe." I hate that song.
They are both classified as pop...

"Pop" is a pointless (and I hesitate to call it this) genre, as it is literally just made up of popular music, regardless of it's musical style. Every artist and song under the label of "pop" is much better being labelled with the music genre that it actually is (classical, dance, jazz, etc).

The Stones and The Beatles are/were rock/rock 'n' roll, these are their true genres. In fact, i've never heard The Stones called "pop" before now.

You don't hear people calling Sinatra or The Andrews Sisters "pop", even though both artists were very popular, and if someone called Nirvana or The Clash "pop", they'd probably get laughed at a little.
"Pop" is a pointless (and I hesitate to call it this) genre, as it is literally just made up of popular music, regardless of it's musical style. Every artist and song under the label of "pop" is much better being labelled with the music genre that it actually is (classical, dance, jazz, etc).

The Stones and The Beatles are/were rock/rock 'n' roll, these are their true genres. In fact, i've never heard The Stones called "pop" before now.

You don't hear people calling Sinatra or The Andrews Sisters "pop", even though both artists were very popular, and if someone called Nirvana or The Clash "pop", they'd probably get laughed at a little.

The term pop is a little more complex then just being popular. While the term derives from the word Popular its not limited to just that. Look at Indie, most bands that are called that are on major records labels. Pop generally refers to music that heavily emphasizes catchy rhythms and being very accessible. Usually very little progression and repetitive lyrics. The Beatles revolutionized everything that modern pop artist do, everything from song structures to advertising. The Beatles are a pop rock band in the same kind of way Blink-182 is a pop punk band.
Seems to me that most genre labels are misapplied anyway and are best just ignored. I haven't seen Karen Carpenter classified as Death Metal but I suppose it's just a matter of time; I've seen most everything else.

In my collection it looks like anything and everything by a black artist is classified as Soul, Soul And R&B, R&B, or Soul and R&B (apparently not the same thing as Soul And R&B). Strangely all the "Rap & Hip-Hop" stuff in my collection is by white folks.

Anyhow, no, I don't pay a whole lot of attention to what genre any particular song is tagged with.
Swagger Jagger... not only because its horrible, but because MTV did a big "Making Of" over it. Only to be hated by millions online.
Seems to me that most genre labels are misapplied anyway and are best just ignored. I haven't seen Karen Carpenter classified as Death Metal but I suppose it's just a matter of time; I've seen most everything else.

In my collection it looks like anything and everything by a black artist is classified as Soul, Soul And R&B, R&B, or Soul and R&B (apparently not the same thing as Soul And R&B). Strangely all the "Rap & Hip-Hop" stuff in my collection is by white folks.

Anyhow, no, I don't pay a whole lot of attention to what genre any particular song is tagged with.

Who is classifying your music? Genres are an awesome way to organize and even give a synopsis of what a band is like.. Like if someone told "Hey check out this metal band?" I'd reply "What kind of metal is it?" "I don't know, METAL!" Doesn't work for me, to generic. Same thing with rock or anything else.
Who is classifying your music? Genres are an awesome way to organize and even give a synopsis of what a band is like.. Like if someone told "Hey check out this metal band?" I'd reply "What kind of metal is it?" "I don't know, METAL!" Doesn't work for me, to generic. Same thing with rock or anything else.

To be honest I don't really know. I buy an mp3 from Amazon, for instance, and a genre is in the ID3 tags. I don't know where Amazon got it. Or I rip a CD with WMP say, WMP gets the ID3 information from somewhere but I don't know where (apparently it's not on the CD itself).
To be honest I don't really know. I buy an mp3 from Amazon, for instance, and a genre is in the ID3 tags. I don't know where Amazon got it. Or I rip a CD with WMP say, WMP gets the ID3 information from somewhere but I don't know where (apparently it's not on the CD itself).

Music disturbers suck as genres. I would take what they say about a bands genre with a grain of salt.
I am sure it has been said before, but I am to lazy to read the entire thread. Basically anything that becomes a top 40 hit is complete trash. Just because MTV tells you something is cool does not make it so.

There are two types of music. The first is all in it for the money. The songs are written by someone way smarter than the person assigned by the record company to sing the song. They just happen to have a pretty face and good body. You don't need to know how to sing because auto tune will make you sound like a damn robot anyway.

The second type of music is made by people that actually do it for the love of it. They may not sell a million records, but the soul in the music touches something deep inside that is hard to explain.
Just because MTV tells you something is cool does not make it so.

I don't think MTV has played any music for the past 10 years so I don't really know how they could tell you anything other than it's OK to be 16 and pregnant or be a Snookie.

And if you don't think there are any good mainstream artists stop being a hipster and look around. There are several mainstream bands that are very good and very well respected.


As for the worse song ever? Anything ever sang by Nicki Minaj followed closely by Drake. Seriously neither one of them can rap at all and most of their beats are horrid. I'd say "Stupid Ho" is possibly the worse song I can think of off the top of my head and actually makes me stupider when I hear it. She really is a disgrace to any female trying to actually make in the in the rap world.