What is the worst song ever?Music 

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grunge and alternative
'Grunge' and Alternative are the exact same thing. It was a marketing term that means nothing. They were trying to create something "new" out of something that has already existed to boost record sales. Like most popular music, they sell the label or band more then they sell the music. 80's was awesome at this. Pretty much every pop rock song during that generation was the same. Kiss IMO falls into this category along with every glam rock band. (David Bowie, Motley Crue, Poison, Bon Jovi, Skid Row etc..) Pretty much take anything from that genre and stick it in here and it would work.

In a era that brought extreme metal, brought the exact opposite. They took heavy metal then poured sugar water all over it deluding everything that makes it good and turning it into a media labeled pop boy band full of boring reused chord progressions and lyrics that discuss one thing. Which happens to be the exact same thing that modern pop musicians write about. Literally there is no difference. And in 10 years there will be another media labeled "genre" of music that will share anything and everything as pop and pop rock bands of today and yesterday.
'Grunge' and Alternative are the exact same thing. It was a marketing term that means nothing. They were trying to create something "new" out of something that has already existed to boost record sales. Like most popular music, they sell the label or band more then they sell the music. 80's was awesome at this. Pretty much every pop rock song during that generation was the same. Kiss IMO falls into this category along with every glam rock band. (David Bowie, Motley Crue, Poison, Bon Jovi, Skid Row etc..) Pretty much take anything from that genre and stick it in here and it would work.

In a era that brought extreme metal, brought the exact opposite. They took heavy metal then poured sugar water all over it deluding everything that makes it good and turning it into a media labeled pop boy band full of boring reused chord progressions and lyrics that discuss one thing. Which happens to be the exact same thing that modern pop musicians write about. Literally there is no difference. And in 10 years there will be another media labeled "genre" of music that will share anything and everything as pop and pop rock bands of today and yesterday.

Remember when hippies took over San Fran? Summer of love? Haight and Ashbury? Woodstock? How about CBGB's? Whisky a go-go? Liverpool?

My point is this: major movements in music aren't created by labels. Grunge and alternative might be relateable terms, but they weren't created by an ad agency. The entire world was sucked in like a vortex when Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Chains, Soundgarden, STP, and so on had some of the greatest albums of all time IMHO. Of course they spun off of Motherlovebone and Mudhoney, etc, but it was solid music. Yep, nowadays it's just terms loosely thrown around, but not back then.

Beleive me, that was my generation, it was not sold to us like some bubble gum poster pop star. It was hated and frowned on, till it became popular and then later they learned to make it into a flea market term. Hehe, you would have never seen so many tattered flanel shirts in your life like back in '91 and '92.
My point is this: major movements in music aren't created by labels.
The term grunge was a media thing. I never said all major music movements are media whores. Otherwise I would be labeled as one too. Which I defiantly am not.

Grunge and alternative might be relateable terms, but they weren't created by an ad agency.
Musically there is zero difference between Grunge and Alternative. Most bands (SoundGarden, Screaming Trees etc..) are all labeled as grunge despite the fact that grunge is supposed to be full of angsty teenage whining (Nirvana) yet have none of that. And there are plenty of bands labeled as "alternative" that are full of that.

The entire world was sucked in like a vortex when Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Chains, Soundgarden, STP, and so on had some of the greatest albums of all time IMHO. Of course they spun off of Motherlovebone and Mudhoney, etc, but it was solid music. Yep, nowadays it's just terms loosely thrown around, but not back then.
It wasn't back then because they were trying to label themselves as something different despite the fact its the same. To say Grunge is not Alternative is like saying the GMC Sierra isn't a Silverado.

Bands do this stuff all the time. They label themselves as something different despite the fact its the same. Josh Homme does it, one of the reasons why I can't stand him is because he tries to label his music as "desert rock" and not the original coined genre "stoner rock" because he doesn't want to "ruin" his image. A few other bands do it too.. but its exactly the same damn thing. Also one of the reasons why I can't stand QOTSA, its that pretentious image thing. How about going back to your Kyuss days and just jamming it out, that's all that matters not your trivial genre branding.

Beleive me, that was my generation, it was not sold to us like some bubble gum poster pop star. It was hated and frowned on, till it became popular and then later they learned to make it into a flea market term. Hehe, you would have never seen so many tattered flanel shirts in your life like back in '91 and '92.

Cool its my generation too... I grew up in the 90's listening to the radio. I heard it all. I remember hearing it all time on the many road trips we did.

Every fad has its break in period, some longer then others. There are still plenty of alt rock bands with whinny lyrics yet there all labeled as alternative and not grunge. Because the term has been used. Sooner or later there will be a new fad that takes an existing genre and tries to make it something new. Which for right now, I guess would be "Indie" as most of it is just art rock, something that's been around for 40 years.

This song is as deep as a puddle in a parking lot. It's not catchy at all. Just lame. There are no redeeming qualities. :yuck:

I'm so disappointed in you, 311.
The term grunge was a media thing. I never said all major music movements are media whores. Otherwise I would be labeled as one too. Which I defiantly am not.

Musically there is zero difference between Grunge and Alternative. Most bands (SoundGarden, Screaming Trees etc..) are all labeled as grunge despite the fact that grunge is supposed to be full of angsty teenage whining (Nirvana) yet have none of that. And there are plenty of bands labeled as "alternative" that are full of that.

It wasn't back then because they were trying to label themselves as somethingo different despite the fact its the same. To say Grunge is not Alternative is like saying the GMC Sierra isn't a Silverado.

Bands do this stuff all the time. They label themselves as something different despite the fact its the same. Josh Homme does it, one of the reasons why I can't stand him is because he tries to label his music as "desert rock" and not the original coined genre "stoner rock" because he doesn't want to "ruin" his image. A few other bands do it too.. but its exactly the same damn thing. Also one of the reasons why I can't stand QOTSA, its that pretentious image thing. How about going back to your Kyuss days and just jamming it out, that's all that matters not your trivial genre branding.

Cool its my generation too... I grew up in the 90's listening to the radio. I heard it all. I remember hearing it all time on the many road trips we did.

Every fad has its break in period, some longer then others. There are still plenty of alt rock bands with whinny lyrics yet there all labeled as alternative and not grunge. Because the term has been used. Sooner or later there will be a new fad that takes an existing genre and tries to make it something new. Which for right now, I guess would be "Indie" as most of it is just art rock, something that's been around for 40 years.

Bro, road trips with the radio? I was in garages and moshpits slamdancing. Real grunge has come and faded from the radio, but it sort of exists in tiny clubs and garages, but mostly replaced with pop punk Greenday, Linkin Park, and Foo. Alternative is a useless term, maybe still some bands cling on that. BTW, saying Cobain was whining is like saying Hendrix was a tone-def banjo player:dunce:. If you're gonna be a critic, be honest, not full of how should I put it...angst.

Back on topic: Here's some whining for y'all: (one of my fav's:tup:)

I have never written about her. I don't use Twitter, so I can't Tweet about her. And I find everyone else in the video more attractive than her, so I'm not looking at her.

Why is she accusing me of all these things that I'm not doing!? She's like a judgemental Nicki Minaj. Although when you see the YouTube preview image, her expression is hilarious:


But I'll see your Cher Lloyd and raise you a J-Byrd:

This song epitomises for me everything that is wrong with entry-level hip-hop. It if can be classified as such. Despite the fact that this is a debut single and nobody has ever heard of him (the song doesn't even appear on Wikipedia's disambiguation page for "Brand New" and nor is there a page for "J-Byrd"), his entire song is about how he's incredibly rich ("Million-dollar mansion; I bought it with straight cash", though I doubt he's intelligent enough to recognise what a semi-colon is) and famous ("Ain't your name J-Byrd?" / "Don't ask!"), and there's probably stuff in there about how he's the only thing keeping the music industry alive. This song is an entire genre in and of itself.
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Haven't read through this thread in a while but I'll post this while I'm here

Be warned as there is a bit of swearing in this.

Haven't read through this thread in a while but I'll post this while I'm here

Be warned as there is a bit of swearing in this.

The only thing worse than that song was the new "dance" (debatable) that came out of it. It's a lazy man's tektonik.
Very surprised this hasn't come up yet.

I like the bit where it doesn't make any sense.

I heard that today for the first time. What a piece of feces that is.
It reminded my of the Southpark episode about old vs new music.
Oh my.... :yuck:

and yes that is the 16 year old girl who married that 50 year old actor. Did someone get the date wrong on her birth certificate seriously?
This is the worst song ever:
Ironic really, the first line is
"too much of anything can make you sick" yes it can.
To anyone who enjoys ANY genre of music, I apologize ahead of time. Just look up brokeNCYDE on YouTube. Seriously, even Friday has some melodic qualities, brokeNCYDE's songs, however, do not.

Note: their name's spelling might be off because I don't care enough to learn which half is all caps.
So I assume you've listened to all of them?

He doesn't need to. What he has heard is annoying enough. Reminds me when I mentioned that I hated U2, and someone on this forum kept saying "Have you heard this song?" "Have you heard that one?".

Giving an artist a fair chance is fine, but we shouldn't have to listen to every song so we can say that we dislike them.
The worst song in the world is Happy by the Carpenters but my mum loves it so I have to listen to it alot
He doesn't need to. What he has heard is annoying enough. Reminds me when I mentioned that I hated U2, and someone on this forum kept saying "Have you heard this song?" "Have you heard that one?".

Giving an artist a fair chance is fine, but we shouldn't have to listen to every song so we can say that we dislike them.

But he said "All of his song's are annoying". That is a hasty generalization. He has not heard all of his songs, therefore he can not fairly come to that conclusion that they are all annoying. This was the point I was trying to make.

Anyways, I don't know why people go on and on about Justin Bieber, when this song exists:

But he said "All of his song's are annoying". That is a hasty generalization. He has not heard all of his songs, therefore he can not fairly come to that conclusion that they are all annoying. This was the point I was trying to make.

Well when someone puts out the amount of crappy singles he has, who has a fanbase made from teenage girls, I think it's fair to assume there isn't something actually decent lurking on his album.

Same could be said about Rebecca Black. Do you think she's going to actually release something decent?
Well when someone puts out the amount of crappy singles he has, who has a fanbase made from teenage girls, I think it's fair to assume there isn't something actually decent lurking on his album.

Same could be said about Rebecca Black. Do you think she's going to actually release something decent?

You still can't say all of his songs are annoying until you've heard all of his songs. But I suppose everyone in this thread is guilty of generalizing. You can't say it's the worst song of all time if you haven't heard every song ever made. I don't know why I'm still on this subject.

Just watch. When Justin Bieber get's into his early 20's. He'll discover LSD. Then we'll start seeing his experimental side. I have faith:lol:.