What is the worst song ever?Music 

  • Thread starter Curveball
Look in the top 40 for the past 5 years or so. Metric tons of bad music there.

There have been some good songs, but most of them are pure crap.

All of those new dance songs sound the same. It seems like they all re-use the same sounds from the same program, namely FL Studio.
Alot of rap songs sound the same these days as well. ;)

Another song I don't like is "I kissed a girl" by Katy Perry.

Surely im not the only one who doesn't like it?
Although I can't narrow it down to a single song, the worst song in the world ever has to be an Australian hip-hop track. All of them are completely terrible... They make me want to gouge my ear drums out of my head. The singers all use a stereotype broad Australian accent, mixed with a tune in the background which loops every 5 seconds for the duration of the song. Aaaagh... I can go on forever!
So it seems. :lol:

Fixed. ;)

Haha thanks! :lol:
Pesonally I never cared much for Katy Perry, she is not really all that great. (just my opinion)

As for rap and hip hop, there are certain beats they reuse alot in many rap songs today.

A good example would be alot of the songs from Rick Ross's album "Teflon Don". ;)
There were a few I remember that sounded closely alike.
For nearly 10 years, we've been trying to find the answer to the question, in which the thread's title has been trying to answer: What is the worst song ever?

I, Nick Skyline, believe I have answered the question we have all been trying to answer. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Farrah Abraham.

(Click if you dare, because I really do believe this is the worst song ever.)

And here's a review of the album this debacle came from. (contains coarse language, so be cautious)
Alex Macpherson of FactMag.com
We decided to run this review without a rating. It's such an anomaly, more so than anything else FACT will review this year, that trying to fit it into any kind of scale seems pointless; there are no comparison points. Consider it either a 0/5 or a 5/5, depending on your perspective, tolerance and general sanity.
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We here in the UK have a radio organisation called Heart. They're a big group who run a number of stations, and they hoovered up all our local ones to replace with a horrid generic roster of unentertaining "DJs" who sound more like a horrid generic bunch of boring parents complaining about their kid's behaviour in posh restaurants. I mean, who cares about that? Talk about the music at least, or news, or something... it's at times purely embarrassing.

Also, their motto is "More Music Variety", when you're likely to here the same set of song played every hour. Seriously, I want to like music by people like Adele (she's a talented woman and I like her music), but from the constant playing of it I just get sick of it.

So, we have a rule when it comes to music; if a song is played on their station, it becomes rubbish. End of, no matter who they are and what other songs they've made. It works...

Could not. Agree. More.

That just sums up our local radio stations too, I have to sit next to the radio at work and I feel my IQ drop everyday because of it. The DJs are just complete d*****s.
Some good contenders here, especially the autotuneatrocities above, but I'm going to go old school, auto-tune free.

I did a search and didn't find this in the thread, so here is my nomination, Complete, with Hoogie-Boogie land. (Be warned, you won't be able to unsee or unhear this)

I think A Milli by Lil' Wayne is definetly one of the worst songs ever and maybe the most annoying song of 2008.

Surely I am not the only one here who doesn't like this song?
I think A Milli by Lil' Wayne is definetly one of the worst songs ever and maybe the most annoying song of 2008.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8Uhn-dU3Gg">YouTube Link</a>

Surely I am not the only one here who doesn't like this song?

I hate Little Wayne and pretty much all mainstream music period, so I'm with you on that. That song yes, is one of the most annoying that he has put out.
I hate Lil' Wayne and pretty much all mainstream music period, so I'm with you on that. That song yes, is one of the most annoying that he has put out.
Fixed it for you. ;)

Yes it truely is! How can people like a song so stupid?!?!?! 👎:ouch: Lil' Wayne is only getting even worse as he goes. 👎:grumpy:
Fixed it for you. ;)

Yes it truely is! How can people like a song so stupid?!?!?! 👎 :ouch: Lil' Wayne is only getting even worse as he goes. :grumpy:👎

Welcome to the world of mainstream garbage. I listen to anything by Strange Music Inc. Strange Music is the way to go.
Look in the top 40 for the past 5 years or so. Metric tons of bad music there.

I can confirm this. Made the mistake of listening to it a few times some years ago when it was broadcasted on Finnish radio. It almost makes me puke to just think that so many Americans would actually like that stuff.

My worst song ever? No idea. Probably something from Nicki Minaj. I mean, can you go any lower than that?
I can confirm this. Made the mistake of listening to it a few times some years ago when it was broadcasted on Finnish radio. It almost makes me puke to just think that so many Americans would actually like that stuff.

My worst song ever? No idea. Probably something from Nicki Minaj. I mean, can you go any lower than that?

Unfortunately yes. But her songs are a joke to this music industry and thats sad for me to say because my favorite artist doesn't even sing or have vocals in hardly any of his songs. I hate everything "YMCMB" puts out every artist and every song, but rebecca black or farrah have the worst songs ever. In my opinion.
We here in the UK have a radio organisation called Heart. They're a big group who run a number of stations, and they hoovered up all our local ones to replace with a horrid generic roster of unentertaining "DJs" who sound more like a horrid generic bunch of boring parents complaining about their kid's behaviour in posh restaurants. I mean, who cares about that? Talk about the music at least, or news, or something... it's at times purely embarrassing.

Also, their motto is "More Music Variety", when you're likely to here the same set of song played every hour. Seriously, I want to like music by people like Adele (she's a talented woman and I like her music), but from the constant playing of it I just get sick of it.

So, we have a rule when it comes to music; if a song is played on their station, it becomes rubbish. End of, no matter who they are and what other songs they've made. It works...

This is one downside of moving to Birmingham from London, at least London had "Absolute Radio", who have a no repeats policy during the day. Also, they'd be more likely to play Al Jankovic than Adele, as they were rock-focused.
It actually has a fairly decent soundtrack.

So many cliche answers in this thread as to what the worst song is, though.
We here in the UK have a radio organisation called Heart. They're a big group who run a number of stations, and they hoovered up all our local ones to replace with a horrid generic roster of unentertaining "DJs" who sound more like a horrid generic bunch of boring parents complaining about their kid's behaviour in posh restaurants. I mean, who cares about that? Talk about the music at least, or news, or something... it's at times purely embarrassing.

Also, their motto is "More Music Variety", when you're likely to here the same set of song played every hour. Seriously, I want to like music by people like Adele (she's a talented woman and I like her music), but from the constant playing of it I just get sick of it.

So, we have a rule when it comes to music; if a song is played on their station, it becomes rubbish. End of, no matter who they are and what other songs they've made. It works...
Wow must be bad! I am honestly curious to see how bad they really are, by all means make a recording!

When you said that about them DJ's, that reminds of another DJ I have heard who somewhat fits that description. That DJ is none other than DJ Drama, never liked this guy or his horrible voice. Here is one song that he is in:

This right here is probably the 3rd worst thing I have ever heard in my life. :ill:
Welcome to the world of mainstream garbage.
No kidding. Nowadays it's full of violence, drugs, profanity and sexuality. What has happened to music? 👎:crazy:

I hate everything "YMCMB" puts out every artist and every song.
Me to, there all terrible! :yuck: When Lil' Wayne retires, I hope he takes those freak bags with him.

Curious but besides Lil' Wayne, Drake and Nicki Minaj, who do ya'll think is the worst from YMCMB? :ill:
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No kidding. Nowadays it's full of violence, drugs, profanity and sexuality. What has happened to music? 👎:crazy:

It's been like this for a long time, at least since N.W.A came along back in the late 80's but, N.W.A proved that you can make good songs with all these things in my opinion.
It's been like this for a long time, at least since N.W.A came along back in the late 80's but, N.W.A proved that you can make good songs with all these things in my opinion.
There name literally speaks for itself. I have heard that song "Straight out of Compton" before by them and they can't go 30 seconds without cussing up a storm.
There name literally speaks for itself. I have heard that song "Straight out of Compton" before by them and they can't go 30 seconds without cussing up a storm.

:lol: I like them but, I hate what rap has turned into, I personally don't care how many cuss words a song has. At least they talked about real life in the streets unlike the whole of YMCMB who just talk about a load of nonesonse.

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