What is the worst song ever?Music 

  • Thread starter Curveball
There must be an anti-Rickrolling law here in :gtplanet:. Anyone who gets caught Rickrolling someone will get reported.

I hope the administrators/moderators start taking note of this and will warn/ban people who Rickroll on :gtplanet:.
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I see a lot of 2chainz here. It's pretty obvious that most of his work is pretty much satire and shouldn't really be taken serious. 'I'm Different' is the best example, stating to be unique but he's pretty much spewing out lyrics like every other mainstream commercial rapper. Really clever and funny stuff, but nowhere near Odd Future.

Anyways, back on topic...Future on this track sounds like he's constipated. :lol: Explicit as always, you've been warned I guess.

Man, whoever owns the rights to that generic hi-hat repeat with the thumping bass line really must be fantastically wealthy. Seems to be a requirement for any mainstream hip-hop song these days.
I see a lot of 2chainz here. It's pretty obvious that most of his work is pretty much satire and shouldn't really be taken serious. 'I'm Different' is the best example, stating to be unique but he's pretty much spewing out lyrics like every other mainstream commercial rapper. Really clever and funny stuff, but nowhere near Odd Future.

Anyways, back on topic...Future on this track sounds like he's constipated. :lol: Explicit as always, you've been warned I guess.

Are you kidding me. This song is so heartfelt and passionate. :rolleyes:
This song is no doubt one of the most musically evil and cruel songs of this current era.

GT Planeteers beware.
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GT Planeteers, beware. This is another song that is downright terrible, music that will make your ears bleed so hard that your ears will be ripped apart as soon as you hear this song. Also, it's NSFW for a slight language/inappropriate themes warning. This, ladies and gentlemen at :gtplanet:, is the most evil monstrosity that Mr. World-wide and Ke-dollar-ha have made.
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GT Planeteers, beware again. This song has to be the worst song of 2014 so far, with probably more to come within the year. NSFW for language/inappropriate themes and sexual references

IMO, This has to be the sixth worst song posted in :gtplanet:'s worst songs thread, the fifth worst being Let it go, the fourth being Selfie (song), the third worst being Birthday (Katy Perry song), the second worst being Rickroll and the ultimate definition of pure undefined evil, which is the dreaded Call me maybe.
Oh Lorde I am not impressed

Why? Getting tired of being told to throw your hands up in the air?


Let it Go is actually an amazing composition. An example of knowing what you want and writing your melody to suit a very specific singer. (in this case, Idina Menzel... the Demi Lovato version sucks dirt in comparison) They made sure it would hit near the top and the bottom of her range, specifically. An amazing performance.

The one thing wrong with it is that it's Idina Menzel. I can't help mashing the second half of the chorus onto "Defying Gravity"... :lol: But any songwriter who manages to work the word "fractals" into a diva piece is a genius. I could almost forgive every eight year old in the world singing it just for that one line.

It's not the best movie cartoon song in the Universe... but I'd put it easily in the top ten or twenty.


There is a huge difference between "worst" and "most overplayed." Let's just be clear on that.
I feel like 'Let it Go' has a lot going for it, but to me the singing felt flat. I don't know if it would be much better uncompressed by Youtube or not, but I doubt it.
If Rickroll is the worst song of the '80's, then "We Built This City" by Starship is the second worst. I strongly recommend that all GT Planeteers must stay away from Rickrolling and "We Built This City".
@GTTurtle - Definitely sounds better in the theater. Then again, a lot of people find Menzel's voice a bit harsh and tinny, so it's a matter of taste.
I don't doubt at all that it would sound better in a theater. I didn't think her voice was harsh or tinny, though. If I were to describe it, I'd say it was thin. I'm terrible at describing sound so I apologize if this doesn't make sense, and I don't think I'd be a great judge of singing because I like Ringo Starr's singing.

Of course I think the rest of the members of that band sang much better.
What do you mean "uncompressed" by the way?
Youtube compresses video and audio; likely to save space or make videos easier to load. Compression is common to save hard drive space as well. MP3 files are a type of file that are compressed to save space and are considered 'lossy' files; meaning that some data can be lost when compressed. There are types of files that are compressed but don't lose any data, which are considered 'lossless'. The most common one is called FLAC, which is what most of my audio files are.

For example, if I take a song 3:41 in length that's been compressed into an MP3 file, it takes up 8.5 Megabytes of space. If you look at a lossless song at the same length, it takes up 36.1 megabytes of space.

There are completely uncompressed files, too. They are WAV files, and they're pretty massive. I don't have any to compare size because unless you create sound effects, music, or voice overs there isn't much of a point to having them.

TL;DR: Compression is a way to lower the size of video and audio files that often has a negative impact in quality.
Youtube compresses video and audio; likely to save space or make videos easier to load. Compression is common to save hard drive space as well. MP3 files are a type of file that are compressed to save space and are considered 'lossy' files; meaning that some data can be lost when compressed. There are types of files that are compressed but don't lose any data, which are considered 'lossless'. The most common one is called FLAC, which is what most of my audio files are.

For example, if I take a song 3:41 in length that's been compressed into an MP3 file, it takes up 8.5 Megabytes of space. If you look at a lossless song at the same length, it takes up 36.1 megabytes of space.

There are completely uncompressed files, too. They are WAV files, and they're pretty massive. I don't have any to compare size because unless you create sound effects, music, or voice overs there isn't much of a point to having them.

TL;DR: Compression is a way to lower the size of video and audio files that often has a negative impact in quality.
I see you know your compressions well. :)👍 I learned that my freshman year in high school.

To be honest the reason I asked is because I was making sure you weren't confusing it with how YouTube will sometimes swap the audio to some videos to avoid copyright issues. ;)

What I am getting at is sometimes YouTube will swap the audio in videos (especially music) and make there voices squeakier or deeper than what it originally was to avoid copyright issues. It happens often and some people will do it before they upload them to avoid copyright issues as well. That's an important thing to remember when browsing YouTube and listening to music. ;)
What I am getting at is sometimes YouTube will swap the audio in videos (especially music) and make there voices squeakier or deeper than what it originally was to avoid copyright issues. It happens often and some people will do it before they upload them to avoid copyright issues as well. That's an important thing to remember when browsing YouTube and listening to music. ;)
That's why I use Spotify when I want to listen to a song I don't have (Which isn't all that often, with nearly 70GB of music on my computer). 👍
That's why I use Spotify when I want to listen to a song I don't have (Which isn't all that often, with nearly 70GB of music on my computer). 👍
I use a YouTube cache app on my ipad for music, the audio is top quality 👍