What is the worst song ever?Music 

  • Thread starter Curveball
...and that's the problem. If you spent as much time learning about things as you did assuming things, maybe you'd be in a position to make sound judgement on things. But you don't. So you're not.

Nominating a song as being the 'worst ever' because it carries a decidedly more left wing message than you would hope for...Lord Amercy. You're aware that Footloose is your jam, right?
Calling homosexual acts and desires sinful = hate

Actually, yes. As a corollary, being "sinful" is a sure-fire way to get sentenced to eternal torture by a sadistic celestial dictator.

Grow up.

EDIT: By the way, "🤬 You" was written by Lily Allen as a response to the British National Party. They're like the Tea Party, except a tiny bit more racist and less fundamentalist.
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The worst songs ever are Call me maybe, Rickroll, Let it go (from Frozen), Friday, That "Royals" song, The Selfie song, Any Justin Bieber song and any One direction song. "Nuff said.
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The worst songs ever are Call me maybe, Rickroll, Let it go (from Frozen), That "Royals" song, The Selfie song, Any Justin Bieber song and any One direction song. "Nuff said.

Hey! One Direction has a few good songs. I'm not their fan, but I like their songs like "You & I". :D
I really think Call me maybe is like the sound of 9000 angry, unholy demons from the Underworld about to attack Earth. IMO Carly Rae Jepsen is the mother of all evils.
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Another song that I think are one of the worst songs ever is "Birthday" by Katy Perry. Lyrics don't make sense.
DEAR LORD this is the worst song I've ever heard in my 23 years of life. It's new, but it is the absolute worst. For some reason, it is my 12 year old sisters favorite song. I can't even stand a nanosecond of it.
Like what I said earlier, Let it go (from Frozen) is a song that contains pure evil, unholy content and scary sounds. NSFYE (Not safe for your ears)

Also, everything from this (fictional) radio station from GTA V are easily candidates of the worst songs ever.
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If anyone plays either Call me maybe, Rickroll, Let it go, Royals, The Selfie Song, Birthday (Katy Perry song), or any song by Justin Bieber or One Direction and if I die, it's the fault of whoever played it. Also the fault of any of the singers of these respective songs.
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Another song that I think are one of the worst songs ever is "Birthday" by Katy Perry. Lyrics don't make sense.
My one gripe with many songs at the minute. I don't care about the tune, it's mostly the same generic formula for lyrics, or stupid generic crap that makes no sense.

BTW, be careful about double/triple posting. Don't want you to get in trouble.

This has been posted by @Jahgee1124 before. This song is funny and annoying at the same time. :lol:

Whenever one of my classmates play this, I'm like: "Do you really want my ears to bleed?"

Also, I find this song one of the most cruel and musically aggressive monstrosities of a song, on this current era, losing only to Call me maybe.
(Hint: You can easily hear "What the 🤬 say" there, so it's NSFW!)
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