When I watched it for the first time, I liked it. I felt like it was my type of Anime. However when I took my "solving issues through games" glasses off, everything else just falls apart that I would only re-watch the show just to watch the games.
My biggest issue was Character Development issues, the writers seriously must hate Character Development. The 2 main characters don't develop in the slightest and when they show signs of change it immediately goes back. As for the characters themselves, the guy is the most annoying character I seen, he is a copy-paste Hardcore Gamer Stereotype which is more easier to figure out when he is the only Male in the main cast (it is one of those shows). The female main character is much better and I'll admit I had interest in her at the beginning but that died way to fast when she wasn't developed further.
The side characters I had much more interest in as they actually developed as characters, especially Steph who quickly became one of my favourites but they literally put all the developing characters in the back burner and only exist later on for stupid comedic jokes and when they actually accomplish something, it seems like they did nothing and it was only because of the Main Characters.
Another issue I have is that the games themselves are relatively pointless in the end. No matter how tight the game gets, no matter if the 2 main characters had assistance. It was all for naught as the "The game was already over" before the game even begins. It literally kills any future enjoyment of what happens. Especially since they keeping true with the idea that the Main Characters never lose (unless it is against each other. It totally ruins everything and I end up hoping they lose in the final game in the series which never came

What I felt really annoying was one of the episodes where the Male had to fight against a rival with the cost of everyone's memories of the guy being erased in the previous episode. We ended up following the female character only as she lost her memories and was going through a mental craze about it. I was excited, 🤬 was about to happen to spice up the plot as I thought the guy actually lost his match (since you never saw the match since) however then they pulled the biggest 🤬 and apparently "the game was still going on: and the guy was able to win after the girl was able to remember him and help him. I'm sorry but what the 🤬 was that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!