That's the favourite argument of Liberal voters who think that the ABC should only ever run pro-government stories. Where were the complaints when they were critical of Rudd and Gillard governments?
Personally, i'm against the ideological leanings of the ABC, regardless of whatever side of the spectrum. It is a government-funded entity and as such should be apolitical. As a matter of fact, you have to take this pledge when you work in some government roles (i.e. working in an embassy), so why are the people of the ABC immune to this?
However, the reasoning behind my dislike towards Tony Jones is more personal due to his discriminatory stance towards me. I am an Australian of Croatian ancestry, and Croatians were once considered the terrorists of Australia culminating into one of the longest (and largely ignored) court cases in Australian history known as the Croatian Six.
Long story short, six Australians of Croatian decent were convicted on conspiracy to commit acts of terror in 1979, and spent a decade in prison. However, the only evidence police had were allegedly forced confessions and testimonals of the perpretrators acquiring explosive equipment, and furthermore there was evidence (even at the time of their arrests) that the Yugoslavian secret police (known as Udba) had framed these men in an attempt to sabotage and blacken the name of the Crotaian community in Australia.
All this leads back to why I dislike Tony Jones. He is (and was) a prime example of the Left who find it fit to lie and exaggerate claims in order to further their own agenda. Croatians were subject to the ridicule of being called 'Nazis' despite there being no evidence to the claim. Even worse, in a recent episode of Q & A,
he tries to link Croatian 'terrorism' to modern Islamic terrorism:
Q&A host Tony Jones interjected Queensland senator Pauline Hanson when she suggested that Australia had never had terrorism.
"Pauline, when you say we never had terrorism in this country before that's simply not the case," Mr Jones said.
"In the 1970s there were multiple bombings by Croatian Catholic extremists. This has happened in Australia before; it is not the first time
Now do you know of any terrorist attack in Australia occurring during the 1970's?
No? Because it's not true. He's getting paid by a government-funded channel to lie to people on national television
If you're interested
here is a good piece written by the Sydney Morning Herald that talks more about the ordeal.
Here is also a letter written by the Croatian Studies Foundation in reponse to Tony Jones