What is your favourite drink whilst playing GT

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I've a feeling someone got this idea from a certain thread. 💡

Fruit juice, basically.
Diet Mountain Dew. Perhaps the occasional Canada Dry, but nothing else. The DMD easily gives me .4-.6 seconds per lap.
1 full bottle of wiskey which I never share with anyone.
Makes me drive superfast.

Or sometimes a glass of gas,
makes me feel one with the car.
do we need a topic like that? is that really important?
just wondering

It's just for fun. It would be boring to skip everything that was not important. To answer the question. I often drink a large glass of water or a fresh cup of coffee.
Fruit Juice, Tea or a Beer....Depending on the time of the day.


I was waiting for this thread, what next, ''Do you enjoy having Sex while playing GT?'' !!!

PS x2

I got head once ;-)
I like an ice cold glass of irn bru, not all of you will know of this drink but take it from me it is the drink of kings
They need to put cops in GT5, I see a lot of alcoholic beverages in this thread.

Me? Water, juice or some soda, whatever I can get my hands on before I start playing.
a gallon of vodka mixed with prozac. usually im driving with a helmet, and a tube. just like the water supply on race cars
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