What is your favourite weather day?

What I like most is summer time. Summer is the time which used to do many activities and it is the time the world getting so beautiful. Sun has fully came out and it making us so happier rather than winter seasons.
Contrary to popular misconception..some of us in Canada do not totally enjoy winter..

Especially today -33C (-27F) with windchill factor of -50C (-57F) Even I will admit that is COLD
Especially today -33C (-27F) with windchill factor of -50C (-57F) Even I will admit that is COLD

OK, that is a tad chilly! :)

I like warm weather best, although I also like a bright, sunny, cold winter day. We've driven our 2 in -10 with the roof down, and been toasty tucked down inside the car. It's rainy, windy, miserable days I don't like, but at least then you've got an excuse not to go out and just sit inside playing Forza, so perhaps rain isn't always that bad.
I've had numerous drop tops, and I too like to keep my top down as much as possible. People look at you funny when it is -10 and you have no roof...haha

A few of my buddies when we were young and dumb...we drove around in light rain,-5 with the convertable top down through fields, back roads and main streets. Man were we sick the next day...we blamed it on the damp cold weather, but being Canadians that wasn' t entrely true. Later we realized it might have been the homemade Dandilion wine..hehe