What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Went to see UP (from pixar) yesterday night in 3d ..GREAT movie! I really recommend it for anyone into animations.. 👍 👍 👍 And I have to underline, it's also a really nice movie too..

Thats a movie I want to see as well... Hope I can still catch it in 3D in the theatres... :D
I can't remember much about the original either but I know that I really enjoyed watching it as a kid.

Apparently I either didn't get to watch too many movies when I was a kid (making up for the lost ones now?) or my memory has turned to pudding. I remember seeing the original when I was about 12 and thought it was complete crap. Enough to not be in the least interested about the remake.
Apparently I either didn't get to watch too many movies when I was a kid (making up for the lost ones now?) or my memory has turned to pudding. I remember seeing the original when I was about 12 and thought it was complete crap. Enough to not be in the least interested about the remake.

That's because you were a movie snob from a young age, Diego.
So I went to see District 9 yesterday...

Awesomeness ensured! Although I don't understand why aliens always have to look so different from us, and how a bunch of prawns managed to build that mothership that edges out our technology, it's still a good movie. You basically go and see this movie because of its special effects and unknown actors that are great. Oh, and the weaponry is awesome! I felt like watching a 90 minute Fallout 3 movie.
Although I don't understand why aliens always have to look so different from us,
Because they didn't evolve from Earth apes. But if you see it again, look at their eyes. They have very human-like eyes that can express emotion, which sells you on feeling for them as you would any human.

and how a bunch of prawns managed to build that mothership that edges out our technology, it's still a good movie.
Spoiler mode on.
They mention that it is believed (not giving the audience more information than the protagonist has) they were just a worker crew, and not the intelligent leaders of the race. It would be the equivelant of seeing a mine and wondering how the miners created and built their trucks and equipment... they didn't.

Glad you enjoyed it. I'm still saying this is one of the best movies this year, but I say that with full knowledge that the competition was very, very light.

Desert Heat is one of the most entertaining movies I have ever seen. The comedy that the movie played up was something I seriously wasn't expecting going in, and it was all the better because of it. I thought the movie was going to be funny, but I thought it was going to be funny because it was bad. That it was intentionally funny as a result of the writing and acting rather than any poor production values (which surprisingly weren't prevalent) just makes it all the sweeter.
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Glad you enjoyed it. I'm still saying this is one of the best movies this year, but I say that with full knowledge that the competition was very, very light.

I did indeed enjoy it. Just the way the movie started was very apart from the usual Hollywood stuff. No big bang to start it with, no make-out scene or anything exaggorrated. Infact, all 3 of us believed we were watching a docu-movie the first minutes, untill the movie got underway. I just loved it. So, any speculation about a sequel?
I did indeed enjoy it. Just the way the movie started was very apart from the usual Hollywood stuff. No big bang to start it with, no make-out scene or anything exaggorrated. Infact, all 3 of us believed we were watching a docu-movie the first minutes, untill the movie got underway. I just loved it. So, any speculation about a sequel?
It is set up like it can have one, but I think it would risk ruining it if there was one. If they follow the Robert Rodriguez model and keep it cheap and focused on story more than anything else then it may work, but I fully believe that it ended perfectly.

Capote (2005) -- This movie starts out with the wrong foot because first and foremost because the title refers to the author, yet the movie isn't a biographical movie. It's about Truman Capote's life but during the time he wrote In Cold Blood and how it all affected him and those around him. Also, it took me a while to get used to his speech in the movie. With that said, I have to say Philip Seymour Hoffman's Oscar for best performance is completely merited and is one of the reasons why I think he's one of the best actors today: The way Capote behaves, with his ego being larger than himself, the mannerisms, speech and all are very well played and the movie itself, despite those two shortcomings, is very good; though you probably have to arm yourself with a good dosage of caffeine and sunlight to be able to watch it in one sitting, though it doesn't clock as long as you'd imagine (less than 120 mins). 7/10
Where the Wild Things Are


This was one of my most-anticipated films of the year, to be blunt. The style of the film, the music, and the story all had me drawn in completely. Going in, the overly positive reviews, I think, set my expectations too high. While I still loved it, it isn't my favorite movie of the year (that now sits with Zombieland). Where it succeeds more than anything is making you think like you did when you were nine or ten, building forts, coming up with fantastic stories, using your imagination to keep busy. At the same time, the feelings that Max has to explore, I think, are pretty common no matter age or gender. Given the situation he finds himself in before going to the Island of the Wild Things, it hit a little too close to home.

In all, this movie isn't for kids, I think. Its a bit too serious, and really deals with some heady stuff that I'm still thinking about. I would like to see it again in a less-busy theater, with fewer kids, but that may be a while. I don't know if I can give it a fair assessment on any numerical or alphabetical scale. I really, honestly liked the film, but I can see how a lot of people are going to love it or hate it. All I can recommend is seeing it, seeing how you feel afterward.

Felon (2008) -- Probably one of last year's most underrated movies. Though it's filmed in a very low budget way, it has some pretty known people in it: Val Kilmer, Stephen Dorff, Harold Perrineau. It's the story of a family man convicted of killing an intruder and how he must cope with life afterward in the violent penal system.

But it's also a great glimpse into the extreme conditions of the correctional system in a country like the US and the actions such a system can create. It's also a movie about how people can become corrupted by power. In the end you're faced with a question: How is it that a correctional system with so many flaws and how it drives people to become their worst, both as inmates and as guards, is supposed to bring the best in people when released back into the world.

Despite the poster and the subject looking so violence-oriented (granted, the movie has a lot of it), it moreso a movie about the psychological aspect of prison and that even in these circumstances, there are great acts of humanity and compassion. 8/10
Felon (2008) -- Probably one of last year's most underrated movies. Though it's filmed in a very low budget way, it has some pretty known people in it: Val Kilmer, Stephen Dorff, Harold Perrineau. It's the story of a family man convicted of killing an intruder and how he must cope with life afterward in the violent penal system.

But it's also a great glimpse into the extreme conditions of the correctional system in a country like the US and the actions such a system can create. It's also a movie about how people can become corrupted by power. In the end you're faced with a question: How is it that a correctional system with so many flaws and how it drives people to become their worst, both as inmates and as guards, is supposed to bring the best in people when released back into the world.

Despite the poster and the subject looking so violence-oriented (granted, the movie has a lot of it), it moreso a movie about the psychological aspect of prison and that even in these circumstances, there are great acts of humanity and compassion. 8/10

I also enjoyed this movie a lot. In general, I quite like prison movies for some reason. There was one with Sylvester Stallone in it that was quite good. Anyone remember the name?
Paranormal Activity (2009)


The fear us humans have of unseen phantoms entering our homes, following our lives, messing with us, and we being powerless to do anything about it is pretty universal. Whether it actually happens or not is debatable, but one thing is for sure, that it captivates us. Numerous stories throughout history, books, and plenty of TV shows have told and investigated the phenomenon, trying to dig up some answers. People actually get paid to figure out if this stuff it real.

This movie, Paranormal Activity, will make you think it's real. I had never even heard of it until earlier tonight, and I'd never seen any previews. I went in with a buddy not knowing what I was going to get, and what I got was by far the most legitimately scary movie I've ever seen. The way it's shot--by the characters with a single hand-held camera--feels so real. Unlike gore movies it relies solely on the production and it's material, and despite being made literally in a week it does it better than most. The "effects" (I have no idea if they're effects or not because frankly I can't tell if it's real or not) are amazing. It looks like it just happened. It's just fantastic. Everyone needs to see it.

It's about a young couple who live together in what looks like a California suburb. They get along well, the boyfriend is witty and courteous, and his girlfriend is just cute as a button. You eventually find out that she thinks she's been haunted by a demon thing since she was little, and the boyfriend ends up buying a camera and some other supplies to try and document this weird crap. As the activity gets worse their relationship starts becomes stressed. The boyfriend cracks a joke every now and then, lending the movie a few hilarious moments, but the girlfriend is never impressed because her situation is very real to her. Eventually the apparition goes beyond messing with their minds to messing with their bodies--very scary stuff. It's the reason I never leave my feet hanging out of the covers while I'm sleeping. To add to the realness of the movie, it has a few messages at the beginning and end as a true story would have. Like I said, it leaves you wondering.

Here is a link to the LA Times with a long history of this movie's making, and it's long road from being almost forgotten about to finally making it onto the big stage.

I want to give it a 10/10, I really do. Should I? Nothing is ever perfect, so...9.5/10.
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'Where the Wild Things Are' literally scares the 🤬 out of me, those humongous creatures, with the talking, and walking, and blinking, and moving, and if you can't tell I have no idea of what the movie is about :sly:. I'm sure it's a great kid's or family time movie, but the 'munsters' freak me out.

The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) -- Complete load of crap funded by an insane amount of product placement and fed as a lame attempt to remake an awesome classic. New York gets destroyed yet again and the world is saved by the Americans. I didn't know they still made movies as bad as this. 3/10
Paranormal Activity(my thread) - It is pretty good for what it is. And I must say, how it is put together, they did a great job. Absolutely great.

I am disappointed that it didn't scare me, but the ending was very effectively creepy. Had I not seen the trailer, I'm pretty sure the film would have scared me. Who show the ending in the frigging trailer? :crazy:

Here's my full take on the film, should you be interested., and remember, don't see the trailer. "A-", because: 1) Majority of the films in the genre are crap. 2) It is super low budget.
D, you do realize that is Jeff Bridges on the cover, right? He is awesome. :D
yeah, he does look like him, I'll give you that much.


X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) -- Lots of screaming, lots of killing, lots of little else. Could've been much worse but it also could've been much better, but then it wouldn't have had lots of what I previously mentioned. Despite the movie being about Wolverine, it's more about the visuals than the character; especially since (with very few exceptions) it plays more along the lines of 'spin-off' than actual 'origins'.

It has enough plot holes and lack of explanations about why Logan is why he is to turn the best Marvel fans away, but enough explosions, visual effects and violence to turn in massive action-looking watchers. Also, and here's another fault: the movie is about Wolverine, yet there's so many other heroes in it who probably deserve their own movie but who will probably just have their mention here and be done with it, that it's just too overwhelming: Col. Stryker, Sabretooth, Deadpool, Bolt, Gambit, Wraith, Agent Zero, the Blob and young Cyclops as well as an insane amount of others/extras.

All in all, it's a movie to satisfy you itch for action. If it's a superhero/X-Men movie you're after, look elsewhere. 6.5/10
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) -- Complete load of crap funded by an insane amount of product placement and fed as a lame attempt to remake an awesome classic. New York gets destroyed yet again and the world is saved by the Americans. I didn't know they still made movies as bad as this. 3/10

Good to see I'm not the only one who thought this movie was so horrible.


This movie deserves a good ol' facepalm. I loved the second one with Samuel L. Jackson, but this one failed horribly. First of all, get your freagin gear on the road and film on location instead of constantly filming in studios. I was very disspointed to see that the majority of all the scenes were shot in the studio. This was not the case with the second movie. And second, Hollywood went too far with the action. Come on, a guy falling off a bridge, landing onto an F-35, destroys the plane, the plane crashes and he just jumps off the plane and walks away. Ok, he's John McClane, but seriously... 1/10 just because it was so much worse than earlier Die Hard movies.


I love these space-invaders-destroy other races-kind of stories. Too bad they don't always contain the best actors and scenes. The Necromongers were badass, and I loved the fighting scene at the end, but some scenes were a little bit overboard and I was let down by the acting in general. 6/10

There has never been a WWII film quite like Rachid Bouchareb's DAYS OF GLORY, which shows the "good war" through the eyes of four North African soldiers fighting for the French army during the German occupation. Though similar in both structure and tone to Steven Spielberg's SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, GLORY seeks recognition for soldiers who were treated as second-class citizens during their service and never given their due. Under the leadership of Sergeant Martinez (Bernard Blancan), a company of North African soldiers undergoes a series of skirmishes across Italy and France, preventing the advance of the Nazis. Uneducated Said (Jamel Debbouzel, AMELIE), who had few options outside of enlistment, acts as a virtual servant to Martinez. Yassir (Samy Naceri) and his brother, Larbi (Assad Bouab), also come from poverty and--though they joined for selfish reasons--are fierce fighters. Messaoud (Roschdy Zem) is strong and silent, and has deadly aim with a rifle. Abdelkader (Sami Bouajila), however, is the ambitious one, unafraid to speak up when he and his company encounter prejudice, yet ever hopeful that he will be recognized for his achievements and be given the same liberty, equality, and fraternity as those who were born French. Through a series of bloody and spectacular battles with the Germans, these men risk their lives, never knowing what they will have at the end of it all. DAYS OF GLORY packs all the punch of a great war film---thrilling and heartbreaking battles, humor, and the loss of people we grow to care for. Bouchareb fearlessly uses a time-honored genre to address an elephant in the French living room: we are told at the film's conclusion that, in 1952, France voted to cease pension payments to soldiers from countries no longer under French rule. In 2006, following a screening of this film, Jacques Chirac reinstituted their pensions.

I really enjoyed watching this film and would give it an 8 out of 10

Jared Hess makes an unforgettable directorial debut with NAPOLEON DYNAMITE, a hilarious, tender, and utterly original portrait of a truly eccentric character. Napoleon Dynamite (Jon Heder) is a high-school outcast in every sense of the word. More interested in playing tetherball by himself and drawing pictures of his favorite animal, the "liger" (a combination of a lion and a tiger), Napoleon is ignored by everyone in his tiny hometown of Preston, Idaho. At home, things aren't much better: his uber-nerd older brother, Kip (Aaron Ruell), and ultra-vain Uncle Rico (Jon Gries) are too busy with their own obsessions to give Napoleon the time of day. It isn't until a new student, Pedro (Efren Ramirez), arrives that Napoleon finds friendship and performs an act of brave defiance that makes him a true hero. Written by Hess and his wife, Jerusha, NAPOLEON DYNAMITE brilliantly captures the awkwardness of high school without succumbing to condescension. Most of this can be attributed to Heder, who steps into Napoleon's moon boots with a jaw-dropping flawlessness. The rest of the cast is just as natural, underplaying their roles and letting the comedy unfold without forcing any of the jokes. Add a hilarious soundtrack of 1980s hits and you have an instant classic, a crowd-pleasing riot that has an undeniably universal appeal.

This film is always great to watch, I'd give it 9/10
Dude, you might want to write your own reviews about the movie stating your opinions and what you liked/disliked about it. Or rather, try not to copy another review word for word.

Still, kudos for posting a poster + review + score.