What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap

My favorite Step Brothers scene is probably the bunk bed sequence. "Hey, I never asked you before. You like guacamole?". And maybe where John C Riley is introduced to his stepmom for the first time, and he asks for the grilled cheese sandwich. "Look in your right hand". :lol:
I it doesn't pass the Back to the Future 2 test.
What kind of test is this!?

My favorite Step Brothers scene is probably the bunk bed sequence. "Hey, I never asked you before. You like guacamole?". And maybe where John C Riley is introduced to his stepmom for the first time, and he asks for the grilled cheese sandwich. "Look in your right hand". :lol:

YES I know right, now you got me started on Step Brothers I gotta watch it again!
What kind of test is this!?
If you create two timelines you can't jump between the two. When the new timeline was created at the very beginning of the movie no other characters from the original time line should have been able to show up.

Meet Wally Sparks. You just gotta love Rodney Dangerfield. Currently being aired on Comedy Central!
Pandorum - Not something I'd normally have caught in theaters for nearly ten bucks, but my coworker asked, so.....

This wasn't nearly the crap I expected, as I went in thinking that it was going to be a complete garbage. :D

As you can easily tell from the trailer, there is not a damn original element in this movie. It rips off Alien(series), Event Horizon(Famine, cover your eyes, man!), Dead Space, Ghosts of Mars, Planet of the Apes, etc. It even rips off plot twist from at least one thriller I won't name, because it might give away the plot twist.

I'd say this one is watchable, with decent design, almost OK acting, acceptable plot(all ripped off). And just so you know, plot has holes, but in this genre, you almost gotta expect it. :crazy: My major gripe would be the CG. It's pretty poorly done and detailed. I give it a "C"

Death Hunt - Charles Bronson and Lee Marvin. You can't go wrong, am I wrong? You bet I am. I felt as though actors sleep walked through this movie, and it was pretty laughable that storyline resembled the Rambo's First Blood, though the film was clearly based in around 1920's or 30's. "D-"
If you create two timelines you can't jump between the two. When the new timeline was created at the very beginning of the movie no other characters from the original time line should have been able to show up.
OK, I see. 👍
Before Sunrise/Before Sunset - Pure magic. I think these two films are as perfect as any films I've seen. I watched the "Sunrise" this afternoon, and I loved it. It was so good I had to jump on "Sunset" later in the evening.

I'm not gonna lie, Sunrise, the first one was better. Funny thing is, I never really got the "look" of Julie Delpy, or Ethan Hawke before seeing this film. Delpy always looked different to me, sometimes to a point of slightly weird. Hawke, I never thought he was good looking enough to be the lead actor, though I always thought he was a great actor.

Julie Delpy, she was beautiful in this film. You ever meet women who looks little different to you, maybe even somewhat ugly at first? And after you've known them for awhile, their face really, and I mean, really grows on you? Julie Delpy in this film was more beautiful to me than any actress they could have hoped to star them in. Ethan Hawke, while I still wasn't completely sold on his looks, this was the most handsome I've ever seen him. Enough about the looks.

Both films starts with bunch of jabbering. Both times, I thought the film wasn't going to be about romance, it's gonna be blah-blah-blah-blah. But with both films, there is a point where you just connect with this couple, for the duration of the film. And while the film is SO romantic, it just puts you in ease. You care so much, but neither films get dramatic about it. I can't remember the last time I saw a film, and actually felt soooo good. Weird.

"A+" on both.

Population 436 - Thriller about this census bureau agent who gets sent to a little town whose population mysteriously stays at 436.

With the exception of some raw acting(noobs!) in the beginning, it actually carries on decently. Story feels like the Children of Corn, The Wicker Man, etc. It ends just as badly, maybe worse. I cursed at the end. :lol: Pretty OK except for the ending, but sometimes, that's all it takes. #%$*. "F+"
I noticed some of you are talking about riffing. What does it mean if i might ask?

My guess would be maybe, Mystery Science Theater 3000's Rifftrax?

Eric is right and wrong at the same time. Riffing does refer to MST3K-styled movie watching. But Rifftrax isn't a part of MST3K; but he's essentially right. Make sense? No, I didn't think so.

FoolKiller, Eric and I (and hopefuly other people) are fans of MST3K and it's successor Rifftrax. So in general, Riffing can refer to watching the movie with the Rifftrax track or just making fun of it at home.

Before Sunrise/Before Sunset -

"A+" on both.

I'm really glad you liked it. Makes me think my logic isn't as flawed as I usually think. 👍

Population 436 - Thriller about this census bureau agent who gets sent to a little town whose population mysteriously stays at 436.

With the exception of some raw acting(noobs!) in the beginning, it actually carries on decently. Story feels like the Children of Corn, The Wicker Man, etc. It ends just as badly, maybe worse. I cursed at the end. :lol: Pretty OK except for the ending, but sometimes, that's all it takes. #%$*. "F+"

An F+ seems like a rating you'd give a bad movie that is likeable. As such, I'd recommend you have a go at a straight-to-video Kiwi movie called You Move, You Die, but only if it's very cheap to netflix it. It's a sad attempt at making something kinda like Snatch/Lock, Stock but with only two actors. Despite its shortcomings, it's a bit original and the camerawork is cool. That is all.

They must have read them very slowly then.

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PCU - (8/10)
I've seen this a number of times, but just never owned it. I recently found it in the $5 bin at Best Buy. Making PCU a discount film is just down right deplorable, but I won't complain about getting it for cheap. Anyway, if you enjoy college comedies before everything became like American Pie, or if you think Jeremy Piven (Entourage, Old School) is a good actor, or if you really, really hate political correctness, then you should check this out. Also, if you love funk and think that George Clinton is made of pure awesome this is definite. Is it smart? No. Is it a bit silly? Yes. Does it attempt to be a mid-90s Animal House? Unfortunately. But it does mock all the PC BS that began to infiltrate the American college system in the 90s while telling the story of one small group of students who still love being free to party. Also, it has the best advice for college ever.

The Usual Suspects (1995)

A modern classic, a clever, brilliantly constructed and superbly acted drama - it doesn't get much better than this. It demands a second watch, and (oddly) the Blu-ray version automatically restarts at the end of the movie - coincidence?? Part of the appeal of the movie is trying to piece together the details for yourself, and I'm sure that many have found holes in the plot in their own attempts... but suffice it to say, even after the first viewing, this is one satisfyingly great movie. 9/10



The Departed (2006, Martin Scorcese)

Gripping but depressing crime drama with a stellar cast, it doesn't quite have the charm (?!) or style of Goodfellas. It deals with the complexities and personal difficulties of those involved in the fight against organised criminals, and the dangerous line police have to tread to get near to their prey. Some excellent performances and interesting dynamics between characters, but ultimately it left me a bit cold. 7/10
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I'll keep it short, the movie seemed to begin well, some impressive views of space and such. Special effects and things were nice, but the plot itself took a turn for the cheesey and predictable which was a real downer. Worth watching but don't go to great lengths.
The Departed (2006, Martin Scorcese)

Gripping but depressing crime drama with a stellar cast, it doesn't quite have the charm (?!) or style of Goodfellas. It deals with the complexities and personal difficulties of those involved in the fight against organised criminals, and the dangerous line police have to tread to get near to their prey. Some excellent performances and interesting dynamics between characters, but ultimately it left me a bit cold. 7/10
Now you have to join the club, and go watch the original. Everybody seemed to have liked the original one better. I liked both, and now I have to go back and watch the Departed again, since ....... I just need to see it again.
I'll keep it short, the movie seemed to begin well, some impressive views of space and such. Special effects and things were nice, but the plot itself took a turn for the cheesey and predictable which was a real downer. Worth watching but don't go to great lengths.
Starts out as an epic film, predictable, boring towards the end. Damn shame, as I'm a huge fan of Danny Boyle. :ouch:
The Departed (2006, Martin Scorcese)

What Shintaro said... I liked the original much, much better. Easier to follow and less antagonistic.

Again, what Shintaro said. The director and the theme drew me a much bigger picture than the movie itself did. Though it's worth a watch.

Can't say I disagree with either of the original comments either. I'm very agreeable today.
Diego, can I borrow five dollars? I will pay you back. I promise.

Sure thing, I'll transfer it to your account, as always. Just wait patiently, since overseas transfers tend to take longer.
Sure thing, I'll transfer it to your account, as always. Just wait patiently, since overseas transfers tend to take longer.
You are the best Nigerian friend I have. Yes, I will forward the extra cash you send me to your friend in Venezuela. :lol:

The Reader (2008) -- Post-WWII Germany: Nearly a decade after his affair with an older woman came to a mysterious end, law student Michael Berg re-encounters his former lover as she defends herself in a war-crime trial. While the movie is very good and it's certainly worthy to watch, discuss and enjoy, I think it has some important flaws that certainly detract from the quality of it. One of them is the fact that Kate Winslet won the Oscar for best actress; and while I certainly like Winslet's acting, to the point that I'll actually watch a movie if it's only because she's in it and I've always considered her a good actress, her role in this movie (IMO) wasn't that much acted. Her role called for her to be emotionless, curt and to play dumb at times. I just think she's had much better roles and not been nominated and she actually wins the Oscar for this one! Anyway, the movie is more than her acting and though I can understand it and find it good (the movie), I think it was always a story and never really could identify any of the feelings in it. There were a good many scenes which were too long or too short. Still, it's worth a watch. 7/10


Just kidding.

The Ugly Truth

Didn't have a choice about seeing this one as my date told me to meet her at the theater and when she thought I was going to be late told me to meet her in Screen 5 for this film.

It's a romantic comedy, of course. The dialogue is funny and the events on screen are amusing as well, but of course, because of what it is you know what is going to happen long before it does.

An overworked and rather lonely producer of a morning tv show is battling against plummeting ratings and the person that management brings in to help boost those ratings back up is vulgar, superficial, and basically the opposite of everything she believes a man to be. The man convinces her to let him be a coach to help her attract a man. See, now you know the ending without seeing any of the film.

The humour is very adult with lots of reference to genitalia and sexual themes which I must admit surprised me as I didn't know anything about this film going in. Luckily, my date thought it was funny as well.

As a male, of course I can relate to everything the male lead says. "Men are only interested in sex.", "If he is truly interested in you he has thought about each of your orifices at least 10 times by now.", etc.

But here's the thing... am I comfortable watching a movie wherein the lead is always relating how men want to get in a woman's pants with a woman into whose pants I want to get? Are you? 6/10

amusing marketing gimmick: The Japanese poster above has a sentence under the man and woman icon. The man's reads, "I want to do it. I like you. I love you." The woman's reads. "I like you. I love you. I want to do it."

The Reader (2008) -- Post-WWII Germany: Nearly a decade after his affair with an older woman came to a mysterious end, law student Michael Berg re-encounters his former lover as she defends herself in a war-crime trial. While the movie is very good and it's certainly worthy to watch, discuss and enjoy, I think it has some important flaws that certainly detract from the quality of it. One of them is the fact that Kate Winslet won the Oscar for best actress; and while I certainly like Winslet's acting, to the point that I'll actually watch a movie if it's only because she's in it and I've always considered her a good actress, her role in this movie (IMO) wasn't that much acted. Her role called for her to be emotionless, curt and to play dumb at times. I just think she's had much better roles and not been nominated and she actually wins the Oscar for this one! Anyway, the movie is more than her acting and though I can understand it and find it good (the movie), I think it was always a story and never really could identify any of the feelings in it. There were a good many scenes which were too long or too short. Still, it's worth a watch. 7/10

I quite enjoyed this too. I felt it was spoiled a little by both Ralph Fiennes and Kate Winslet playing emotionally cold fishes, it ment i had no real empathy for either character, i just wanted to scream at them 'show some bloody emotion!!' but i guess they were ment to portray their characters this way. Thankfully the lad who played the young 'Ralph Fiennes' was pretty good and saved the film from being too cold and desolate for me.
Yeah, that kid played his part well and saved the movie to a point. I agree.

@Speedy_Samurai: Any movie with 男と女の不都合な事実 is guaranteed to be a chick flick. You should know better.

RocknRolla (2008) -- Otherwise known as the new Guy Ritchie film (at least the last released one). Tbh I was kinda worried Ritchie's movies wouldn't be as good once he married Madonna and made that romantic crap movie. Then, he went and made Revolver and that one was nice, though very violent and not really on the funny side; still, I enjoyed it. RocknRolla on the other hand, is Ritchie back at what he does best: movies like Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels... funny, violent, sarcastic and amazing movies. Probably not up to the quality standards as the previously mentioned one, but pretty damn amazing anyway. I'd be tempted to rate this one higher than Revolver, but mainly because this one had me laughing out loud during the second half of the movie. Amazing work and highly recommendable. 8.5/10
Awesome. I'm always pulling for Guy Ritchie.

I loved Revolver, and somehow, I had completely forgotten the film was directed by Guy Ritchie. Seriously, I had to go look for my old post in this thread to see if I was actually aware of the fact. :eek: Sucks to be old.
I loved Revolver, and somehow, I had completely forgotten the film was directed by Guy Ritchie. Seriously, I had to go look for my old post in this thread to see if I was actually aware of the fact. :eek: Sucks to be old.

Precisely my point. Despite Revolver being very good and very violent, I think it lacked that funny/stupid factor that makes a Guy Ritchie movie as obvious as it is with Snatch and Lock, Stock.... Revolver could be by Guy Ritchie as much as it could be by Danny Boyle or some other director playing with the same formula that's made Ritchie as good as he is.

The Fountainhead - (7.5/10)
So, a while back I was visiting some friends and was telling them about Ayn Rand and suggested they read Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. They ask if The Fountainhead is the same as the movie (they are 60ish). My response was, "Movie?" It seemed inconceivable (cue Princess Bride reference) that Hollywood ever would have made an Ayn Rand novel into a film, but they did, and she wrote the script. Gary Cooper is classic Gary Cooper (I find that to be a good thing), although the court room speech comes off a bit dry, which Cooper himself commented on, blaming himself, after the film was finished. It requires paying attention. If you aren't interested in what the movie is saying it is boring, plain and simple. But hey, that is philosophy told through fiction. The beginning skips around a lot compared to the book, but when Roark meets Wynand it all goes very much like the book itself.

What I found to be more interesting than the movie is the Making Of featurette. As Roark told his customers to take his work as is or not at all Ayn Rand told Warner Bros. to take her dialog as she wrote it or not at all. Director King Vidor felt he could cut some of the courtroom speech. Rand had to fight to keep the thesis of the film intact. In an odd twist, one executive at her publisher forced them to publish The Fountainhead book, or he threatened to walk. The head of Warner forced Vidor to keep the whole speech intact, or told him to quit. Twice life imitated Rand's art, as men of principal stood up for what they felt was right. I find that fact shines an interesting light on how she saw the world.

Anyway, if you like Ayn Rand or want a smaller barrier of entry to get into her work there is a movie. It is a 1940's movie, so it still has its own barrier to entry, but her philosophy is intact here.

W. - 2008
This was a surprisingly great film. I tend to be a little wary of political movies and the view they are trying to peddle but they managed to keep it to a minimum. That's not to say it's non existent but far more subtle than expected. It's obviously about George W. Bush every bodies favorite 43 president of the USA. It certainly portrays the man as more of a simple person than the buffoon the media has made hm to be. Oliver Stone certainly makes him out to be quite a likable character actually, which would explain the reason for him getting the top job to begin with. Brolin's performance is exemplary, you really do believe you are watching W himself. Support cast was great, story was solid (although I'm not sure how much of it really occurred the way it did), I definitely rate this worth a watch purely for the performances. 👍 9/10