What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine (3/10)
After playing the game I thought this movie couldn't be this bad, but now it is blatantly obvious that the game was not initially connected to the movie. You see, the game was good. The game focused on Wolverine, everyone else was a background character. We did not need to see fancy swords vs guns fight scenes that have zero to do with the story, other than to fulfill Ryan Reynold's contract, and what little we see of other characters tied back to the comics, not the movie. The movie is a jumbled rush and what they did makes no sense. The comic version made sense and could work fine without major changes. It would be easy to work Stryker in to the story so that this movie and Bryan Singer's one odd change worked out fine. But we just had to show off how awesome mutants can be, didn't we? And the acting was horrible. At points I couldn't believe I was watching an award winning Broadway actor. Cliche comic lines thrown in at random points in conversation suck already, but you could tell Jackman and Schreiber knew it by how forced they felt. And don't even get me started on Weapon XI. That was bad on every single level. It is far from original canon, and it was obviously just a bad plot device to make an "awesome" fight scene in the end.

And finally:
Why was victor creed killing everyone? It made no sense, especially since they were imprisoning the kids, and even made a scene of Stryker preventing Scott Summers from being killed. Is he supposed to kill them or not? And why did stryker tell Creed that Logan was all that was left, but then just let him go later without even taking some blood first? What was Logan left for?

In short: Avoid this film at all costs but check out the game, even if just to see blood flying to the point that it splatters on your screen. It has some odd issues, but the story at least makes sense and they work in the comics whenever possible.
Sheesh, I have this movie in line to watch very soon. I'll prbably bite the bullet and have a goa t it anyway.
Sheesh, I have this movie in line to watch very soon. I'll prbably bite the bullet and have a goa t it anyway.
It should be a great Riff film.

But even not knowing the comics this makes zero sense. It is as if the writers were handed an outline of all Weapon X stories with a list of all the character names, and only a few of them had their powers next to them. Silverfox doesn't even have the same powers. It makes Michael Bay's treatment of Transformers look like it was a live action duplicate of the cartoon.
I liked the Wolverine movie, but then again I know nothing about the comics.
Seriously, it made sense to you? On its own it had enough plot holes to be a disaster, but then when you keep in mind that it is part of the X-Men trilogy it makes even less sense because at least two people know about Wolverine before the first X-Men film.
Well, I watched it as an action flick so I wasn't paying much attention on plot holes or its relation with the other X-Men movies. I just liked the fight scenes and the hot chick. :D
I loved the X-Men series, just the films, I don't know nothin' about the comics. :lol: So anyway, I am going to watch this one, too. Eventually.

You lowered my expectations for this movie, and if you watch enough movies, you know that's not necessarily a bad thing. :lol:
Hotaru no haka
I remember it now. I think I cried little bit at the end, too. I'm anti-war, so it might've gotten me a little emotional towards the end.
^This is what is wrong with Hollywood. "Stuff went boom, yay!" comments regarding otherwise crappy movies just kills me.

I mean, even the final fight scene had a HUGE case of deus ex machina, also known as the writers easy way out of a tight spot. It just made me roll my eyes.
Well..... I love them, too. It's sort of an love-hate-love-hate....love kind of relationship. :P
I can agree with you on some level. I like watching a stupid movie now and then, just as a means to relax. Unfortunately, I tend to lose patience with them soon enough and go Riff'ing them after a while.
So many pros & cons, when it comes to Hollywood. Obviously, us two, we see little more cons than pros. :D

Before Sunrise is next at bat, by the way. My first copy from Netflix got lost in mail, and I'm finally getting around to watching it!
Jackie Brown - I didn't like it to begin with; it was really slow in the first two acts. But then once the third act came about, I realised it had been almost perfectly paced once the story finally came to a head. The only change I'd have made would be to devote less time to Samuel L. Jackson and more to Michael Keaton. I know it's an homage to blaxploitation and so Caucasian characters aren't exactly at the forefront, but Ray Nicolette was under-developed and there wasn't much to Ordell Robbie, so he got a little over-blown.
Before Sunrise is next at bat, by the way. My first copy from Netflix got lost in mail, and I'm finally getting around to watching it!

You are aware the one I recommended was Before Sunset, right?
Jackie Brown - I didn't like it to begin with; it was really slow in the first two acts. But then once the third act came about, I realised it had been almost perfectly paced once the story finally came to a head. The only change I'd have made would be to devote less time to Samuel L. Jackson and more to Michael Keaton. I know it's an homage to blaxploitation and so Caucasian characters aren't exactly at the forefront, but Ray Nicolette was under-developed and there wasn't much to Ordell Robbie, so he got a little over-blown.
I agree, and I didn't enjoy the film much the first time I watched it. But it has grown greatly in my estimation over the years, and I would cite it as my favourite Tarantino film, although I will always have a soft spot for Reservoir Dogs.
I rank Jackie Brown as one of Tarantino's big-3. It is definitely different for him, and come to think of it, it almost look like Tarantino made the film with the Cohen brothers film in mind or something. In my book, Kill Bill, Deathproof, Ingolorious Basterds, none of them come close to Jackie Brown. In my book. ;)
You are aware the one I recommended was Before Sunset, right?
Yeah, but I decided to watch the Sunrise, first. Sunset is available on the instant watch from Netflix, so I do have that on standby. :)

Outsourced (2006)

A light hearted comedy about a call center employee promoted and transferred to train employees when the call center he works in is outsourced to India. New cultural experiences ensue as our lead struggles to adapt to India and it's quirky ways. Not usually my type of movie, this was actually pretty enjoyable with plenty of laughs as well as some heart felt moments. 6.5/10

Tokyo Godfathers (2003) -- So until some time ago I thought the only Japanese animation movies worth watching were Miyazaki's (Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke) and Otomo's (Steamboy, Akira). Until a couple of weeks ago a workmate suggested I watch Paprika, which I didn't really like that much, but had this one in the same batch and somehow reluctantly decided to watch it tonight. Seeing as it takes me about 3-4 hours to watch a 90 minute movie (the phone, the chat, the mum, whatever), the first 30 minutes of film are somewhat fun and eventful and when the movie's 45 minutes in, you begin to wonder why it lasts for 45 minutes more. But the 2nd 45 minutes are excellent! There's funny moments, action moments, pursuits, drama, everything!

The movie is a charming, shamelessly sentimental urban tale about absurd coincidences, magic and love for a baby found on the street and been taken to its parents by a runaway, a transvestive and a bum. It's also amazing (as it happened with Paprika, same director, by the way) that they went and made this movie animated, since the topic is very mature. This is not one of those cheesy movies that make homeless people seem ultimately wiser and nobler than the rest of us, but while they are all deeply flawed they all have a redeeming warmth. The movie is both very funny and very touching, and is really about the miracle of love in a world of harsh realities. But it's probably not in most people's ballpark, so to speak. I think you have to get rid of your sense of belief before watching it, one more reason to make it animated, maybe. But once you get rid of it, it's pure bliss and completely worth it. 9/10

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) -- My god, this movie sucked ass. If you're a Megan Fox fan, this is better than porn, since she just jumps around in outfit after outfit, but that's about it. As politicall incorrect as you wouldn't expect from a movie made in this day and age, seriously who's idea was it that the good guys all drive Chevrolets and GMCs, the bad guys go in German cars?

There's also a score of PI moments that just made me groan in disappointment. The first swear word mentioned in the movie is by a black guy, unless you count one of the Autobots saying this pearl:

Punk ass Decepticons!

Then there's other absurd gems like a 1-ton robot running over wet sand and not leaving a mark, Americans in Paris eating escargot and saying "it's nasty" while drinking Budweiser. Oh, the fact that the words "New York" will guarantee safe passage in any roadblock; and finally, tourist spots like the Pyramids in Giza, the place in Jordan I forgot the name and the Empire State are always empty and unguarded.

Seriously, the Riff for this movie is endless and I'm quite amazed they green-lighted it and even spent the money making it... it's probably one of the biggest examples of what is wrong in Hollywood these days. 1/10
My god, this movie sucked ass.
Monstrous GM product placement + Michael Bay. Two pieces of trash. And together, they make one humongous piece of trash. Simple math, Diego. 👍


Pineapple Express & Step Brothers!
I liked both of those, too. But I do think the Step Brothers' were far superior. 👍
Yeah, I can't say I hoped for more but the least I was expecting was a somewhat light movie to spend my saturday afternoon... it wasn't even that.

Star Trek (2009) -- Going where no one has gone before... that they did right, meaning that remaking a franchise TVseries, they did four things right: made it accessible, ensured you don't need to be a Trekkie to know what's going on, didn't rely on humor and/or ridiculing plots, and didn't use crap actors. Those have been the main issues with remakes like Lost in Space, The Mod Squad, Starsky & Hutch and a score of other series made into movies.

This is a great attempt at making it right, and right they did. To someone who's never followed the Star Trek series and doesn't know the difference between a Klingon or a Vulcan or who doesn't give a rat's ass whether Captain Kirk is better than Captain Picard (like me, for instance) this is a good enough movie. Somewhat light (perfect for a Sunday afternoon), easy to follow and pretty well acted; Zachary Quinto did a good job with being Mr. Spock, though the addition of Leonard Nimoy was a real charm... and I'm somewhat relieved William Shatner wasn't in it, since that would've certainly ridiculed the whole setting... or at least Shatner has ridiculed himself lately. This movie is also #130 in IMDb's Top 250, though I'd consider that an overstatement. It was good, but not that good. 7.5/10

Star Trek (2009) -- Going where no one has gone before... that they did right, meaning that remaking a franchise TVseries, they did four things right: made it accessible, ensured you don't need to be a Trekkie to know what's going on, didn't rely on humor and/or ridiculing plots, and didn't use crap actors. Those have been the main issues with remakes like Lost in Space, The Mod Squad, Starsky & Hutch and a score of other series made into movies.

This is a great attempt at making it right, and right they did. To someone who's never followed the Star Trek series and doesn't know the difference between a Klingon or a Vulcan or who doesn't give a rat's ass whether Captain Kirk is better than Captain Picard (like me, for instance) this is a good enough movie. Somewhat light (perfect for a Sunday afternoon), easy to follow and pretty well acted; Zachary Quinto did a good job with being Mr. Spock, though the addition of Leonard Nimoy was a real charm... and I'm somewhat relieved William Shatner wasn't in it, since that would've certainly ridiculed the whole setting... or at least Shatner has ridiculed himself lately. This movie is also #130 in IMDb's Top 250, though I'd consider that an overstatement. It was good, but not that good. 7.5/10

Ha, I watched this last night. Looks even better now that I have time to concentrate on what's happening instead of being overloaded by too loud special effects in the theater
I am a Trekker and even I liked Star Trek, despite one very glaring plot hole, but it is a plot hole that only geeks that get into the the theoretical physics of alternate time lines would notice. Let's just say, it doesn't pass the Back to the Future 2 test. But for me it as still weeks after I had seen it that this occurred to me.

Overall it was a good film, and even my dad, who owns every original series and next generation episode on VHS from the Star Trek fan club, said that it was good. I have been to a Star Trek convention, I have met George Takei, and gotten his autograph, and this film was good enough for me. There are bigger geeks than me, but I am pretty sure I am geekier than most. This film works and I look forward to the inevitable sequels.
... I liked both of those, too. But I do think the Step Brothers' were far superior. 👍

Hmmm, idk LoL! Yeaaa I could see that. Is it weird that I know Pineapple Express almost word for word? 'I thought the Hurricane season was over...', 'Well lookey here, if it ain't Mr. Folgers', 'What's up with the clothes', 'And what did you do? Nothing. You ate a box of nerds out of her ****HOLE', 'You ****** on her *******?, No I just did that because I thought it was cool', 'Are you high? No. You are high as a fricking kite!', 'You guys do exactly what I say or I'll take you outside and **** you in the street! No don't do that, No don't **** us anywhere!', ah man dude I can go on forever. One of my fave scenes in Step Brothers, when the brother is trying to sell the house and Will Ferrel and John C. Riley just totally ruined that for him LoL, both great movies 👍!