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(500) Days of Summer
The rom-com not quite like you're average rom-com. I'm not a huge fan of rom-coms, I find they are all too 'perfect story' of good guy always wins, with perfect hair, perfect smile, perfect job, everything ends up perfect and well, yes, some of us may enjoy such a life! But, for the most part, life has some downs as much as ups.
This movie is brave enough to go through the downs, especially the downs of an important experience in life; love. However, to quote the tagline and the third line of passage in the film, this isn't a love story, it's a story about love. It goes through feelings you and I have probably experienced before, the pause in just about everything when you first set your eyes on the girl/boy, the excitement at being accepted for a first date, the tingle and plain bliss of your first kiss.
But there's two sides of the coin with love, and some of us are unlucky enough to encouter the very dark, harsh reality of the other side. The fear when you realise things just arn't working out like they used to, the guilt of lying to yourself as you try to keep things going and the utter emotional numbness of the break up.
This film has all of it, filmed in such a stylish way of an unconventional format. Going through various, sometimes random, days that each play their own little pivital part in the story. The screenplay is fantastic, using a number of formats to portray a pretty consistantly strong message, a fantasticly spontanious dance effort being a stand out.
The two leads in Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Who I've been a fan of since I set my eyes on the brilliant Brick) and Zooey Deschanel (Just forget she's been in The Happening, please?) ooze chemestry together and appear perfect for each role, the role of Summer was pretty much written for Deschanel's deadpan comic.
All in all it's a movie that will make you feel a full spectrum of emotions that may be magnified as you bring in your own personal memories as a comparisent (Me and the girlfriend felt like we've had similar moments to three in the film). Joy, dissapointment, bliss, anger, acceptance, pride, sombre and, above all else, entertained.
10/10 - Certainly the best rom-com in recent memory, if not ever. Strong candidate for film fo the year. Yes, really.