What old game have you been playing to tide you over to GT5?

United States
Paperorplastic/ manherollen
Like the title say's, what old "last generation" games have you been playing, to tide you over to GT5, and why.

For me i have been playing tokyo extreme racer 3, tokyo extreme drift 2, Granturismo 4 and Enthusia all with my DFGT.

So far my favorates being the TXR series, so much replay value.

People. "Last" generation, As in "PS2" and "XBOX" that mean's no PS3 or Xbox 360.
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I have played GT4 many times since E3 '09, but now I focus on GT5: Prologue and Metal Gear Online.

I have played Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 a few times, the best NFS game ever. But I really only mentioned that game for argumentative purposes.
I hooked up G25 to Live For Speed (bestest physics ever in a car game!) free demo (lovein it) and maybe tonight me and my hardcore racing fanatic cuz will subscribe to the full version so we can battle each other online. This should tide us over till GT5 but have been so tempted to try FM3 till I saw a Fanatec GT3 wheel and thought what a piece of ****! So unless FM3 ever supports G25....LFS it will be.
Been emulating GT2 on my Macbook. It's quite fun.

(Don't worry, law-abiding citizens! I own an original Playstation and a legal copy of GT2)
I hooked up G25 to Live For Speed (bestest physics ever in a car game!) free demo (lovein it) and maybe tonight me and my hardcore racing fanatic cuz will subscribe to the full version so we can battle each other online. This should tide us over till GT5 but have been so tempted to try FM3 till I saw a Fanatec GT3 wheel and thought what a piece of ****! So unless FM3 ever supports G25....LFS it will be.

Ever tried iRacing (bestest physics ever)?
Prologue is still this gen but I've been playing it a lot recently. Still a very fun game. If only we had either more tracks or more cars though, or both. I play GT4 every once in a while too. It's fun to take a race car around the Nurburgring and feel that sensation of speed.
GT4 and GT5 Prologue. but GT5P gets borrrriiinngg.. I've got almost every car and theres only 6 tracks. That's why I started playing GT4 again.
Back to GT4 since cars and tracks are limited in Prologue.

However, I also play Eve Online, and that is a real time-sink.
I've been league racing on rFactor lately, great fun. Wouldn't mind to try GTR Evo and iRacing at some point though too. :)
Played a bit of GT4, played a bit of GT5P (I don't get bored of prologue because i get only around 2 hours a week on it, which could keep me happy for eternity).

I've got nothing to tide me over until christmas... but then i get my G25 and have to learn to drive in GT5P all over again, so that will keep me going to GT5s release. I bet we won't see it here in the UK until June.
Like the title say's, what old "last generation" racing games have you been playing, to tide you over to GT5, and why.
Er, the title doesn't actually say that at all, does it? Certainly not at the time of me writing this. It actually says/said, depending on if you edit it:

What old game have you been playing to tide you over to GT5?

This means any game from any genre and any console generation, including this one. If you really mean games from the last generation, then my answer is none - I didn't buy a current gen console with the intention of continuing to play old games. However, I have been playing through Ridge Racer 7 lately - that's an old racing game...
Like the title say's, what old "last generation" racing games have you been playing, to tide you over to GT5, and why.

Technically, any game that is currently out is old next to GT5, because it hasn't been released yet. So that includes this-gen titles.
TXR3, 98% completed :lol:, thats a long game tho.

Test drive unlimited on PC, with modifications, the game is much better..
I used to play Tokyo Xtreme Racer and Kaido Racer all the time, had so much fun with those games ..

But now i'm playing gt4 again until gt5 hits the stores (so that's a few month's of gt4 playing :)).
No driving games for now as my new wheel is still in mail. I have been playing valkyria chronicles(ps3), tales of vesperia(360) and star ocean last hope (360). Sometimes i feel i do not have time for rpgs but i have been finding time for them quite nicely :)
GTPSP, NCAA Football 10 and I got GT5P off of ebay last week, so that should be here soon.
I've mostly been playing gt4. I really like the force feedback in that game. it's always so clear what it's indicating. I'm a console-only gamer who has never felt how the pc sims do it, but I like how gt4's feedback 'stays out of my way' more while communicating road surface conditions. Enthusia, gt5p and shift all feature force feedback that's more intrusive and gets on my nerves in some way. I have to fight my wheel too much with them while gt4 feels so natural.

Last gen I ignored gt4 in favor of forza 1. when I finally got around to gt4, I took the 'race manager' way out and handled upgrades while the computer raced. There's so much of this game that I haven't 'actually played' yet.

There's a little mr2 race car that I've been really warming up to. back end is very easy to predict--I suppose a nice combination of lastgen physics and extreme rear downforce. it drives like a dream.
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I'm playing GT5P, GT4, Richard Burns, Tourist Trophy, Kaido Battle 3 (Tokyo Xtreme Race 2) and Ferrari Challenge. Sometimes I play GTAIV. Great games.
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Metal Gear Solid 4, MGS2, GT4 (just to lap "the ring") and GT5P(Almost all the time..)...
I've tried to like NFS Shift.. I really have. Especially after all the rave reviews I read on this site. But the physics engine is just awful.. too much of an arcade racer and not enough of a challenging/rewarding driving experience. I was back to GT5P after two days.

On a side note, I think I'm going to trade in my copy of NFS Shift and put it toward the purchase of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare II. That, I would think, should tide me over for quite a while. Hopefully until GT5 comes out.

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