I took my brother's XBOX from the attic and hooked it up to have some fun with my brothers. We played some Hunter the Reckoning. It's a "The Chaos Engine" kinda game. That game (TCE) is a real classic btw, what a game! I remember me and my brother in our childhood renting it over and over, playing all night long... we could have easely bought it with the money we spent on renting it.

Great times, renting games on the SNES.
And we played some Mashed, a "Micro Machines" kinda game. Great for local multiplayer. Very different from GT of course, in Mashed you are supossed to hit eachother, lots of laughter and hilarity with that game, especially for my little brother.
Oh and i've been playing GT4 again, I finished Fable again, and I was thinking about playing Enclave but that didn't happen.
I've also hooked up the Gamecube to play some Metroid Prime, and Eternal Darkness. I was also planning to play Resident Evil but the controls quickly turned me off.
That's it so far I can remember. I don't usually go back to old games, that only happens when i'm tired of all my current gen games. But I have to admit, it is enjoyable looking back into your collection of old games. Brings back great memories, and it's quite surprising how some old games are still real fun to play.