What should happen going forward GT Academy POLL

  • Thread starter redreevos

How should GT Academy handle round 2 going toward round 3?

  • 64 per region advance. Exploits not enforced going forward.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Round 1 was already in the books. I wouldn'd go there.

However after all that went on with round 2 having to be reappropriated with a second set of races, those that chose to wall bang should be DQd.
Want to know what I think? I think we all know who should be/WOULD HAVE BEEN in the top 16 from each region. I think we all know who the REAL cheaters are. I think that PD/Sony/SCEA should spend a few hours, and DQ the cheaters, but they are all too slow to make the top 16/ region anyway. This isn't going to happen.

Fact is, WHATEVER. Instead of 16 fighting for the top 8 in each region, it's going to be the 16 that should have made it, plus another 10 guys or so that have pace and the skill set to improve that will really be trying to snag positions 6-7-8 in each region. The northeast will be the hardest to make top 8, no doubt about it. The only people that really benefit from this happening (everyone going to round 3) is the guys that have talent and could use the time to practice and get better, to actually take a shot at the top 8, whereas because of their would-be elimination at the end round 2, now have a chance to spend a few weeks getting better with a "new lease on life" in round 3. My brother Joe (JoeyFast22) who is devastatinly fast in real life, was late to the competition, GT5 and sim driving (even later to the game than me) and keeps getting better. Sim driving is a skill that takes years to perfect (look at the greats like Fix, 3 Wide etc, who all have quite a few years under their belt.) Joey will be benefiting from this like other guys out there, who were in the #17-25 positions as of Sunday morning before the cancellation. Some want this more than others- those that were on the outside looking in will likely use this to their advantage, to the detriment of some top 16 folks....

Will be an even more insane round 3 than what I had originally anticipated...
This is a good idea, but... The problem I see with this, is the fact that only the fastest laps get uploaded to the server. Once a new fast lap is recorded, the other is gone. How would this "clean" lap then be found? It can't be from a person sending in a video/'copy of file, or a whole new rash of exploitation could occur.

I will add it as you have someone who seconded it. Although I don't know if we are going to get that much more participation seeing that the ruling has already been made.

On that note, thank you all for your time in voting. I think the GT Academy organizers are truly trying to get this right now. Hopefully everything falls into place in round 3. Good luck to everyone!

EDIT: It appears I do not know how to edit the poll anymore. Before there was any voting I did not have a problem adding and removing options. If someone knows how, or a mod could edit and add the last option, I would appreciate it.

Yeah, that's a good point. It could be possible conceivably if the replay has a Playstation ID or unique digital signature applied to it and matched other 'signatures' that that person has uploaded but it will never happen so it's time to start fresh. I pray that Sony gets a proper fix. It's amazing what flaws can be found with a batch of skilled, committed and desperate gamers.
Restart it from the very beginning.

Cancelling the Indy session was understandable. By all logical thought, PD probably thought they coded cutting that hairpin to cause a "red-time" DQ. When they discovered that it didn't, they pulled it. They didn't have a problem with people running wide at all until people really started clamoring.

Now, they didn't have a problem with people running wide in Round 1 on Cape Ring. I wasn't one of the ones doing it, but I didn't have a problem with it either.

But if they're going to cancel Round 2 for people go "4 wheels off" and bouncing off walls, how can they justify not nullifying Round 1 as well?

I say restart the whole thing from scratch...and make sure your off-track "red-time" DQ **** is working right prior to posting the course selection.

I don't stand a chance period, being a controller user who doesn't have numerous hours a day to dedicate to practice. But it's only fair to those who did clean laps but didn't make it to Round 2 because of people that exploited the system. I don't blame them, and yeah once it was known everyone should've used the exploits as far as I'm concerned. But it's still a slap in the face to those who didn't make it to Round 2 because exploiters were ahead of them.