I don't shower because it is unhealthy. The water brings new bacteria and washes away my natural body odor that keeps them away. I never had any complaint.
I was actually referring to the following from above:
"The water brings new bacteria"
Isn't the point of new bacteria is to allow your body to develop new defenses against them for next time, if the said bacteria wasn't too efficient at actually killing you in the first place?
Also, "natural body odour that keeps bacteria away"... Dude, bacteria doesn't just go and sniff something and go:
"Dear LORD! This dude SMELLS to high heaven! Time to find a different dude to infect and make a new home on!"
At first, I thought you were kidding. Now it seems that you're actually serious. People probably didn't complain to your face to make you feel ok, but would definitely complain to their own friends and other people.
I'm struck by a slight fascination at whether this is actually possible, though.
Edit: Mountain people often seem to suffer from exposed skin. That isn't a "smooth" skin.