What soap do you use? (Men)

I can't believe no one replied anything to that! :grumpy: :yuck:

It's not really manly, unless you bathe with isopropyl alcohol after scrubbing.
Whatever body wash is on sale at the time, they all smell the same anyways.
I usually use Original Source:


But lately I've move to another one, but I don't remember the name, I will find out.
Lynx Revitalising with Magnesium Oxide. It's green. It's smell wakes me up. It's on offer often enough to I don't have to stockpile too much to never have to buy it at full price.

Oh good, I'm not the only Lush customer here.
The testicles of a bull-ox to you!
And the Brokeback Award for the campest thread goes to...

I tend to use anything that's on offer - BOGOF's, 50% extra free, etc, etc.