terminator363I can't believe no one replied anything to that!
Ox blood and leaves.
Ox blood and leaves.
It's not really manly, unless you bathe with isopropyl alcohol after scrubbing.
The testicles of a bull-ox to you!Oh good, I'm not the only Lush customer here.
Leaves? Luxury. Back in the day we used Ox blood smeared on with a rock.
You've not been here long...And the Brokeback Award for the campest thread goes to...
I tend to use anything that's on offer - BOGOF's, 50% extra free, etc, etc.
I usually use Original Source:
But lately I've move to another one, but I don't remember the name, I will find out.
That's better than the Kool-Aid Man.You shower with Capri Sun?
You've not been here long...