Not a single commercial
game in existence can successfully *mimic* the behaviour of the real-life suspension and tires, not even to speak about driving assists - which are assisting factor to suspension and tires.
Read this first: in race simulations 20120209.pdf
And than you'll understand why everything we can experience in video-games is just *artistic portrayal* of the real-world occurrings we know as *sensation of driving the car*.
Also, all *driving assists* in all games are not even trying to mimic their real-life counterparts. Either ABS, TCS, ASM or whatever - they are either dumbing down the complexity of physics-model or introducing buffers in order to compensate for the mistakes in driving.
Of course, I am the happiest man alive with the current state of physics, visuals, sounds and force-feedback technology in the genre - 20 years ago I couldn't even dream we will come this far in representation of the driving sensation - but we are still decades far from experiencing what professional simulation software at majority of car's manufacturers simulators achieves when paired with 7-digits mechanical simulators.
Those type of simulators can probably mimic the real-life behavior of both suspension and tyres and driving assists (those at Mercedes-Benz and Volvo most notably), but such software/hardware will never reach *gaming* usage. Even if we get such complex software being commercially introduced to simulations of the future, we will probably never be able to get full-scale mechanical simulators needed to achieve proper level of immersion with the physics model.
Enjoy what we have today. It was absolutely unimaginable back in the 1992 for instance. And do not use assists in any games. They're only slowing you down and take so much away from beautiful and completely astonishing existing levels of simulation that we can have in games today.