yep i don't mind you being patriotic, but you have to realize that america's capitalist attitude and foreign policy (war), makes their citizens despised everywhere in the world (including europe now), that's your problem you only care what happens to america, like the world is america with some oceans around it... screw the rest of the world, who needs it as long as america is all glitter and glamour.
i know i'm probably angering you but i'd just like to talk a bit about this with some true americans like yourselves, i'm the eurotrash that opposed the war so we are extreme opposites, thus we could learn from eachother talking openly about our differences, do you ever wonder why america is so hated around the world nowadays? what is the cause of this anger (mainly by the muslim world) towards your country, people don't start hating for no good reason no...and no it's not out of envy...
America hardly screws the rest of the word. With out America China's economy would be aweful. We give the most aid out of any other country in the world, and so on. We are hated because I think many countries are jealous that we have it so good over here. How many problems do you here about in America compared to the rest of the world? Sure we are having slight economic troubles right now, but that will change.
The Muslims hate us because we support the Isreal, a Jewish country. The only reason we do that is because many of the people in America who hold money are Jewish. There is nothing wrong with that, but I think if we just backed out of Isreal things would get a lot more peaceful around home.
also didn't your gut feeling ever make you doubt (even little doubt) about the reason for invading iraq?
Not at all Saddam was an evil man who slaughtered millions and he needed to be taken out of power before he started WWIII. And don't say he wouldn't have because he had enough weapons to go about and start something in the middle east which would have drug the rest of the world into the conflict.
don't you sometimes doubt the motives or policies by the republican government (know one of you is a democrat but still)...?
No government is perfect, hell Bush isn't perfect. But did I vote for him? Yes I did. There are some Democrats I like, there are some Republicans that I like (note I consider myself a Liberterian sorta). I have my own views on things because you can't consider me a Republican or Democrat.
So to answer your question I wonder sometimes what the government is doing on many occansions. There are programs that I think are a complete joke (welfare being one of them). I think our government needs to back off as well and let the people make the desicisions in our country.
and most importantly why do the muslims want your country's destruction you ever wonder about that?
Stated above, because we project the Jews. But I can see where the Muslims are coming from, I mean after all the US did a stupid thing by putting the Jewish people in the middle of a Muslim area of the world.
Also I think these Muslims need to wise up and realize that terrorist acts are only make them feel the wrath of God. If they tried to be civil about things then maybe the US would listen to them. But running planes into buildings isn't going to solve anything. I don't understand why radical Muslims do the stuff they do because they only end up hurting the peaceful ones.