What View do you use??

  • Thread starter Gixerbeef
In order of preference:

- Hood cam
- Bumper cam
- Cockpit

Aesthetics aside, I tend to find that the cockpit view has too many distractions and restricts the view. Staring at a screen from a few feet away is restricting enough. Looking through a virtual cockpit just narrows the field of view even more, to the point where it's nothing like you'd perceive in a real car with peripheral vision and adjustable seating position. So, I am happy to sacrifice that element of "realism" for a camera that is square in the middle of the car, looking right down the hood if possible.

I didn't include chase cam in that list of preferences, because for me, it's not even an option! Yes, it looks nice, and I'm sure it's just a matter of practice, but I find myself constantly correcting my steering in that view, and ultimately end up fishtailing out of control. At risk of contradicting what I said about the realism of the cockpit view, I have to say that chase cam is one step too far removed from reality - nothing like how you would drive your actual car!

Now, if I had a three screen setup with racing cockpit, it might be a whole different ball game. It might also be different if they allowed an adjustable cockpit camera and as already mentioned, the ability to remove certain elements from view.
Bumperige here, outside is for kiddies, like Mr P;)

Well I used to use outside kiddie view in previous versions of GT this is true, I dont really see a problem as I adapted and now use incar 👍

So as you see some people can change :dopey: you're still an assh0ll, maybe time for change for you also ;)
Started out using chase cam in GT1, but after GT3 switched to always using bumpercam. Find it much faster and more precise.

I'd love to use cockpit view, but the mismatched hand animations and difficulty of seeing the tacho etc irritate me so much.

Same story for me.
Outside view for me. I´ve tried to change a couple of ocasions, but could never get acostumed to it.

I have zero peripheral view, so in real life i suck at parking.

I guess i´ll stay on outside view for a while, even tough the sense of speed is bad. Only other view i´ve enjoyed was the second cockpit view on the F1, in prologue. It looked like a telecast and it was just perfect.
I'm using cockpit view just to make it as real as possible, i enjoy it the most aswell.

I see alot of guys saying that they use cockpit for online racing and bumper for TT. I understand you can be abit faster with the bumper view. But how much faster are you really with it?

Anyone who can awnser it?
cockpit view for racing (I`m really looking forward to headtracking), bumper view for achieving best times, my prefered view in gt4 was roof view
It was bumper cam until Prologue but now it's cockpit view. I seem to have much more control over the car compared to the other views and yeah it can be restrictive but that's what you get in real life.
I'm using cockpit view just to make it as real as possible, i enjoy it the most aswell.

I see alot of guys saying that they use cockpit for online racing and bumper for TT. I understand you can be abit faster with the bumper view. But how much faster are you really with it?

Anyone who can awnser it?

I will try to...:)

I think its just a matter of "getting used to" either cockpit or bumpercam...i would love to use cockpit view all the time,and i know i can do the same laptimes with both views...its only that the bumperview has a much wider view over the track and therefor its more easy to get up to speed and the limit of the car...also,because i dont have much time available to race,or do TT-s ,bumpercam helps a lot!!!...

So in my personal experience you dont really go any faster because you use bumperview,you just "feel" connected to the car more quickly...

A year ago i tried both as an experiment and did the same laptimes after a few days...only it took more time to get to that fast laptime using the cockpit view....but is whas a much more fun and realistic experience than using the bumpercam view....👍

Well I used to use outside kiddie view in previous versions of GT this is true, I dont really see a problem as I adapted and now use incar 👍

So as you see some people can change :dopey: you're still an assh0ll, maybe time for change for you also ;)

That sort of language will most likely be not tolerated by the moderator, it's just a blatant abuse towards another member, unprovoked, and it's quite sad that I now realise that you don't have the ability to forgive people, and that you hold long term grudges, I was prepared to forget the incident and move on literally like a week after, but obviously gathering from your comment, you aren't.
That sort of language will most likely be not tolerated by the moderator, it's just a blatant abuse towards another member, unprovoked, and it's quite sad that I now realise that you don't have the ability to forgive people, and that you hold long term grudges, I was prepared to forget the incident and move on literally like a week after, but obviously gathering from your comment, you aren't.

Calling someone an ass is hardly crime of the century, I should have said donkey instead as it's seems less insulting :sly:

I have no real interest in anything you say unless out of the blue ( months after we had words ) you make a reference towards me, then you can expect a reply for sure as you started the ball rolling 👍 Other than that your not that important for me to pay any notice too :cheers:
Cockpit view is unrealistic for my, having my screen a few meters from me is hardly real life view. Bumper is much easier for braking points.
Calling someone an ass is hardly crime of the century, I should have said donkey instead as it's seems less insulting :sly:

I have no real interest in anything you say unless out of the blue ( months after we had words ) you make a reference towards me, then you can expect a reply for sure as you started the ball rolling 👍 Other than that your not that important for me to pay any notice too :cheers:

I can vividly remember saying very similar things a few years ago with regards to your (previous) use of the kiddy view, as I like to call it, and you would laugh it off in a joking nature...whats changed
It's bumper cam for me. I'd probably be faster using need for speed view. Sorry, chase cam. But that is unrealistic and also feels like cheating.

As is using the bumper cam, maybe not as unrealistic as the chase cam, but still unrealistic. I don't see many people driving with their head sticking out of the bumper.

I use the in car view, I wanna get the most realistic experience I can out of the game, that and I just prefer it.
For me it's always either the bumper cam or the cockpit. Which/when depends on what car I'm using (some cockpits are better than others!) and what type of race (TT/other) but I would say I'm pretty near a 50/50 split between these two points of view.
I've been using the cockpit view, but when I push the cars to my limits, :scared: things spill over too much into the realm of rough guess. I'm going to have a go at bumper cam in the morning. :gtpflag:
👍 Cockpit 👍 Makes the experience even better. It blocks your view just as the real car would do, this is why IMO people who drive strickly cockpit view get more out of the game. im not hating on anybody who use differnt views. Im not going to front when i drive bumper cam i can get better times because i can see the track better. When i play, i like to drive in differnt cars and experience the different views that the cars have to offer. What bugs me out is how i like to drive certain cars on certain tracks, beacuse of how the car im driving blocks my view lol I love it.

To take it further while playing the GT5 TT i use the clutch even though it doesent work lol it keeps me on my game though, i do it to prepare for GT5 👍 i still got a low 1:38, need more practice. This demo is really good and it only has 2 cars wiith no content, GT5 will be amazing!!!
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If you're using anything but the cockpit view, you're doing it wrong, imo. :P
If you're using anything but the cockpit view, you're doing it wrong, imo. :P

I can see your opinion. I drive cockpit purely for the experience that I've come to enjoy from Prologue (and my own car), but this was not an option in GT4 (unlike bumper cam) and so I'm sure there are many people who have divergent thoughts on what is right, let alone the idea of whether or not the cockpit has or can achieve enough of reality that it isn't instead a hinder rather than an aid to immersion.
If you're using anything but the cockpit view, you're doing it wrong, imo. :P

Depends on what you're going after, imo :P Bumber for me, but it's mainly due to the steering animation not being 100% lagless & not 1:1 in the movement :crazy: Too much miss information to cope with this brain capacity :D I actually would prefer the physical point of view of the cockpit view.. :(
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I use Bumper Cam, purely because the steering wheel in-game isn't always the same as mine, a bit off-putting. I use cockpit view on rFactor, but I can't really use it for GT though...

Apart from that I am also about 0.5 faster with bumper cam, so that's the other reason.
As is using the bumper cam, maybe not as unrealistic as the chase cam, but still unrealistic. I don't see many people driving with their head sticking out of the bumper.

I use the in car view, I wanna get the most realistic experience I can out of the game, that and I just prefer it.

True. Although I do see some people in real life trying to very hard :) Mostly older people.