What View do you use??

  • Thread starter Gixerbeef
chase-cam if i'm using the pad, bumper if i'm using the wheel

cockpit is over rated imo, and is starting to be used as some
sort of elitist weapon to bash those who don't use it :lol:
Depends on what you're going after, imo :P Bumber for me, but it's mainly due to the steering animation not being 100% lagless & not 1:1 in the movement :crazy: Too much miss information to cope with this brain capacity :D I actually would prefer the physical point of view of the cockpit view.. :(

This. So i use bumper cam.
I will try to...:)

I think its just a matter of "getting used to" either cockpit or bumpercam...i would love to use cockpit view all the time,and i know i can do the same laptimes with both views...its only that the bumperview has a much wider view over the track and therefor its more easy to get up to speed and the limit of the car...also,because i dont have much time available to race,or do TT-s ,bumpercam helps a lot!!!...

So in my personal experience you dont really go any faster because you use bumperview,you just "feel" connected to the car more quickly...

A year ago i tried both as an experiment and did the same laptimes after a few days...only it took more time to get to that fast laptime using the cockpit view....but is whas a much more fun and realistic experience than using the bumpercam view....👍


Thnx for your Explanation. So no need for me to try the bumper view and get used to it.
👍 Cockpit 👍 Makes the experience even better. It blocks your view just as the real car would do, this is why IMO people who drive strickly cockpit view get more out of the game.
Last time I sat in my car, I didn't have my view blocked like it is with a cockpit view in GT5... It all comes down to viewing distances and your screen setup. If you were sat with your nose to the screen, ideally in a multi or wraparound screen setup, I would agree that it could make the experience better as your peripheral vision would be occupied too just like in real life.

However, like most people, I am sat away from my screen using only a relatively small portion of my field of view. Blocking out half of the real-estate with a replica cockpit is, in my opinion, not best use of the screen. I'd rather fill my vision with as much track as I can, which in my case (because I don't sit with my nose to the screen with a wraparound setup) means hood or bumper cam is ideal.

Sure, if people get on with it better and/or like to use it because it looks cool, that's fine! I just think it's another case of reality-replication upsetting the balance of what is essentially, just a game. At least it is optional, and that makes the debate somewhat moot.
Last time I sat in my car, I didn't have my view blocked like it is with a cockpit view in GT5... It all comes down to viewing distances and your screen setup. If you were sat with your nose to the screen, ideally in a multi or wraparound screen setup, I would agree that it could make the experience better as your peripheral vision would be occupied too just like in real life.

However, like most people, I am sat away from my screen using only a relatively small portion of my field of view. Blocking out half of the real-estate with a replica cockpit is, in my opinion, not best use of the screen. I'd rather fill my vision with as much track as I can, which in my case (because I don't sit with my nose to the screen with a wraparound setup) means hood or bumper cam is ideal.

Sure, if people get on with it better and/or like to use it because it looks cool, that's fine! I just think it's another case of reality-replication upsetting the balance of what is essentially, just a game. At least it is optional, and that makes the debate somewhat moot.

I can understand what your saying, however out of alll the views the cockpit is still the closest to RL. I understand you might not get the same view out of your real car but, again its pretty close In RL you can move your head to get better view of where your going, but still when i drive my SI in RL the pillars block my view just as it does in GT5. This is why i love Cockpit view. Also everycar has different viewing factors which makes driving interior that much better than other views. bumper cam will always look the same with everycar (not including height) while in cockpit you can tell the diference between a ferrari and a Honda. the cockpit add a little more to your gameing experience. This is all my opinion, im not saying cockpit view is the best im saying it gives me more experience then the other views. Also going from a 27 to a 55 inch tv helps the experince also lol 👍
Oh I agree, the cockpit view gives you the distinction between what you are driving far more than any other camera. As ever, all down to personal taste and setup. TV size is largely irrelevant because sitting 10 feet from a 55 inch screen is effectively the same as sitting 5 feet from a 27 inch screen. Now, 5 feet from a 55 inch screen is a whole different ball game ;)
Oh I agree, the cockpit view gives you the distinction between what you are driving far more than any other camera. As ever, all down to personal taste and setup. TV size is largely irrelevant because sitting 10 feet from a 55 inch screen is effectively the same as sitting 5 feet from a 27 inch screen. Now, 5 feet from a 55 inch screen is a whole different ball game ;)

HAHA yup i sit about 5 feet away from my TV and let me tell you friend its a whole different ball game like you said lol 👍
HAHA yup i sit about 5 feet away from my TV and let me tell you friend its a whole different ball game like you said lol 👍
Yeah, I've got a 46" LCD and am roughly 9 feet away, so definitely not getting the most out of the size and resolution. My media den is a bit of a general workhorse though, so short of buying a larger TV, there's not much I can do apart from lean closer to the screen or sit on the coffee table!
Just switched to bumper view from in car view and wow, improved by 0.7s in both cars with an hour of driving in each.

Probably needed to since I only using a 19inch screen.

All i want is a bonnet cam!!! Thats the most realistic in my view, my table would be the dash and the screen would be the bonnet and view in front of the car.

The only way in car view is realistic is if you have a 50inch+ screen and you sit right in front of the thing.
Think I might have to give bumper cam a go to see if my times improve!
Hadn't even crossed my mind previously!
I'll have a play around in the demo using the cockpit view for fun, but when I go for my hot laps (still embarrassingly slow!), I always switch to bumper cam as I'm always faster with it.

Like zdenko, I'd rather have a bonnet cam as the depth of view is more suited to being sat back from the TV.
Cockpit all the time. I also think for this TT cockpit view should be default and locked.

The Cockpit view is a joke...

Cant see the road.. but therefore a non-functional clock on the dashboard.
Since roof cam isn't in, and bumper doesn't give me a good enough view of the road, chase cam for me, and it's hurting my times badly. Cockpit view still looks like I'm driving from the back seat.

I use roof cam to judge my driving sometimes, but unfortunately chase is both too awkward, and the only view that suits me. I can hardly wait for GT5 and a proper range of driver views. Prologue is much more fun now, even if it feels dated by the physics.
Since roof cam isn't in, and bumper doesn't give me a good enough view of the road, chase cam for me, and it's hurting my times badly. Cockpit view still looks like I'm driving from the back seat.

I use roof cam to judge my driving sometimes, but unfortunately chase is both too awkward, and the only view that suits me. I can hardly wait for GT5 and a proper range of driver views. Prologue is much more fun now, even if it feels dated by the physics.

Do you use a pad or a wheel? the reason I ask is from what I have read lately the pad users are mostly the ones using the chase cam because they can see the attitude the car is taking better. I have a wheel and use bumper cam only.
Cockpit view, always. Think I might be faster with bumper cam if I practiced a little with it ,used to use bumper exclusively in GT4 but since Prologue it's always been cockpit view.
Cockpit view, but I started the demo using bumper. One day I tried cockpit for a few laps and eventually got used to it, now when I try the bumper cam it seems like i can't tell when I'm over the limit soon enough to recover it.
Bumper cam works better for me.

Wish it was cockpit as it's much nicer, but if I want best times, I have to use bumper
I would like to use the cockpit view, it looks amazing. But for some reason it just doesn't "feel" fast, and feeling speed is important in racing games.

I use bumper view for all fast cars apart from the F1.
Bumper cam for me. I might change to cockpit when GT5 proper comes out, especially with the added head tracking.