What was your favorite cartoon and series as a kid?

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Some of the cartoons I remember growing up.

  • Astro Boy
  • Voltron
  • MASK
  • Fat Albert & The Cosby Kids
  • He-Man & She-Ra
  • Heathcliff & Marmaduke
  • Felix The Cat
  • Disney cartoons from the old days
  • WB cartoons from the old days (Speedy Gonzalez, arriba!)
  • Thundercats
  • Transformers
  • Snorks
  • Pac-Man
  • Count Duckula
  • Dangermouse
  • Roger Ramjet

The list can go on and on with pokemon and all that, but that's a lot of the older stuff from back in the day that Jackington hasn't already covered. :cool::D

*added bit* Did anyone ever see "Fritz The Cat" when they were younger?? :lol:
I guess the Top 5 got thrown out the window....haha. Its funny looking at the people that were born right around when I was born in 81, the lists they have are almost exactly what I watched. The cartoons were so much better back then compared to the ones my kids watch now. All of the cartoons back then had a "moral of the story" deal going on, and allot of them told you the moral of the story in case the kids watching was that dense. They really don't have anything like that on tv now :( I forgot about one of my favorite shows until my kids put the dvd in this morning, ALF! My son even has my old Alf 2 foot stuffed animal in his bed when he sleeps.
Born in '77.

Off the top of my head and certainly in no particular order:
  • The Cosby Show
  • Scooby Doo
  • Mork and Mindy
  • Transformers
  • You Can't Do That On Television
  • Night Court
  • ALF
  • Perfect Strangers
  • Quantum Leap
  • The Muppet Show
  • Muppet Babies
  • Pee-Wee's Playhouse
  • The Dukes of Hazzard (growing up in Georgia this was a requirement)
  • Sanford & Son
  • Inspector Gadget
  • Fresh Prince of Bel Air
  • Family Matters
  • Danger Mouse
  • Bobby's World
  • MacGyver
  • Animaniacs
  • Pinky and the Brain

And if we count game shows
  • The Price Is Right
  • Press Your Luck
I was born in 1979, we did not have cable, I had to change channels by turning what we called "knobs" or "dials" on my TV, which used an "antenna" that we affectionately called "rabbit ears." We had four channels, when the Fox station would come in.


  1. Transformers (G1)
  2. GI Joe
  3. Thundercats (even had a cat named Lion-O)
  4. He Man
  5. Voltron

Honorable Mentions: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Scooby Doo

TV Shows:

  1. Alf
  2. Mork And Mindy
  3. Different Strokes
  4. The Jeffersons
  5. All in the Family

Honorable Mentions: Sanford & Son and Hee Haw (don't judge)
Hey, I watched Hee Haw and also Benny Hill all the time when I was a kid so no judgment here! Also loved Green Acres!
we did not have cable, I had to change channels by turning what we called "knobs" or "dials" on my TV, which used an "antenna" that we affectionately called "rabbit ears." We had four channels, when the Fox station would come in.
I still have no cable and use an antenna. Although the knobs have been replaced with buttons and PBS has 4 channels now...

You haven't lived until you've played rabbit ears Twister.
Growing up the TV was basically always on Nickelodeon, it sucked that Cartoon Network wasn't on AT&T(which is what it was before Comcast took over).

  • Angry Beavers
  • Rocko's Modern Life
  • Doug
  • Hey Arnold!
  • Rugrat's
  • Catdog
  • Kenan & Kel
  • Pokemon (Had a crap load of cards as well)

There are probably a few I forgot.
I still have no cable and use an antenna. Although the knobs have been replaced with buttons and PBS has 4 channels now...
My mom still lives like this. Cable still isn't an option where I grew up.

You haven't lived until you've played rabbit ears Twister.
The signal is always perfect...if you hold on to the antenna.

My brother constructed an aluminum foil net between the two at one point.
I can't remember much past these anyway.

The Pinky and the Brain (favorite)
The Mask
Bugs Bunny

TV Shows:
The Fresh Prince of BelAir
Knight Rider
Lassie (best show ever)

I also watched Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman when I was younger. :crazy:
Born in '76 in El Salvador. They restricted the channels, meaning there was no TV until 11am. So I had two hours prior to school to catch as much as possible.

Mazinger Z
Transformers (G1)
G.I. Joe
Loony Tunes
Ultra man
Fuerza G
Silver Hawks

At night time it was the TV shows.
Dukes Of Hazzard
Heart to Heart
Sledge Hammer
Remington Steel
Knight Rider

After my son was born I started watching cartoons again

Dragon Balls Z
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Fascinating. I clearly remember that yet had no idea what it was called or even that it existed until you mentioned it.

Also, Wizbit.

The toys were pretty good although not in Transformers league, what they did have in common was the shoddy advertising cartoon series.

Wizbit was weird, now I'll have blinking theme tune going road my head for the rest of the day!
The toys were pretty good although not in Transformers league, what they did have in common was the shoddy advertising cartoon series.

Wizbit was weird, now I'll have blinking theme tune going road my head for the rest of the day!

What theme tune? This one?

Also, Trapdoor.
My favorite shows growing up...

1. Transformers
2. Voltron
3. Thundercats
4. G.I. Joe
5. Ducktales
6. Mask

I'd put an honorable mention to the 90's Spdier-Man and X-Men since they were fun to watch as well. And if the Mario Bros. show had shown more Zelda eps that would be in the list as well.

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I still have no cable and use an antenna. Although the knobs have been replaced with buttons and PBS has 4 channels now...

You haven't lived until you've played rabbit ears Twister.

It all depended on where we lived if we had cable or not, we never could afford it but if it was just unhooked at the house and not on the pole then we would have it soon after living there:sly: Most of the time I was in section 8 and we would catch the cable guy and pay him 50 bucks under the table to cut the cable on, we were never turned down and always had cable when in section 8. Money corrupts all in this world I suppose.
I was born in 1990.


1. Rocko's Modern Life
2. AoStH
3. Batman: TAS
4. Digimon
5. Tenchi Universe

Everything Else:

1. The Muppet Show
2. Star Trek: The Next Generation
3. Matlock (Don't ask me why, but I loved Matlock as a kid. Still do, but I still don't get why I loved it back then.)
4. Dinosaurs
5. Family Matters

There are a bunch of other shows that I thought were pretty good, but really didn't start loving them until I was around 13 years old. Stuff like Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Laboratory, Rugrats, The Mighty Ducks, Justice League, Top Cat and Swat Kats were all either things that I liked as a kid but started loving them when I rewatched them when I was a little older or didn't grow to appreciate until I was almost a teen.
No one watched Big Foot and the Muscle Machines?

Or Rubik, the Amazing Cube?

Or Challenge of the Gobots?

Kids these days.
I watched a lot more cartoons than these, but these are from my childhood.

1. Tex Avery ('The Modern Day Car/House/Hunter/Fisherman/TV,etc.' cartoons, Droopy and Spike, The Wolfs, various cartoons, etc.)
2. WB (Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, etc)
3. Popey
4. Spider Man
5. Scooby Doo
6. George of the Jungle
7. Super Chicken
8. Speed Racers
9. Rocky and Bullwinkle
10. Tom and Jerry
11. The Jetsons
12. The Flintstones
13. Pink Panther
14. Charlie Brown
15. Plastic Man
16. Justice League
Spongebob I used to watch, but now since season 4, he's started to annoy the 🤬 out of you. They don't put much creativity into the show anymore. Except a few special guests once in a while.

Cartoon Network - We put the reality in cartoon.
But I used to watch Toonami was it? Action packed Cartoon Network, with Dragonball Z, Swat Cats, Big O, Samurai Jack. But now they have been canceled. So, Ladies & Gentlemen, please welcome the new Cartoon Network style... REALITY & NONSENSE!
This makes no sense at all. Now kids these days will have terrible imagination. I'm guessing Disney bought Cartoon Network a few years back, but we didn't even notice the new owners. Same thing with Nickelodeon.
It seems... I keep trying to escape..... but they keep pulling me back in.
I think Big O is still shown on Adult Swim, during their Saturday night Anime line-up.

However, like Cowboy Bebop, I think it's only shown when one of the shows has run through a full season.

I actually watched Voltes V and Mazinger Z in the movie theathers as a kid... along with Jaws and a zillion Jackie Chan flicks. I grew up on Shogun Warrior cartoons and various classic action cartoons... Voltes V, Mazinger Z, Danguard Ace, Mekanda, Getta Robot, UFO Grendizer, Daimos, G-Force, Speed Racer, etcetera.

Of those, my favorite was UFO Grendizer. Daimos a close second.


On TV, we still got a lot of replays of Rocky and Bullwinkle. Which I think is the best.writing.ever. in a cartoon. Pun-ishingly so.

Aside from that, the usual suspects, He-Man, (and the ripoffs, Galtar, Blackstar, Thundarr, etcetera...) Thundercats (and Silverhawks, but Thundercars were better, and first), etcetera. I have a lot of the old Transformers episodes... can't find the Gobots. The Centurions were extremely cool... impossible to find those toys now...

I have a soft spot for Chuck Jones's Tom and Jerry toons. Groovy stuff.

Something I have not seen mentioned yet... anybody know The Mighty Orbots?

(Orbots, Unite!)

How about Bionic Six? (okay, this one was horrid... but it had a snappy intro and a chick in skin-tight leotards)

(hurr hur... eat bricks, Bionic Six!)

One that didn't last for very long, but had good production values:

(monocycles are awesome)

(haven't seen this mentioned. Honestly... only thing I remember about this one is the intro music.)

Yay for Street Hawk :D

Damn was that a long time ago.

I was going to ask why you didn't include Thunderbirds in your list of puppet shows... until I saw it further up in your post. 👍


So... nobody else had the Captain Power toys that you fired at the screen during the show?

(I have never been more in love with youtube!)
I suppose I should mention that I started watching The Simpsons around the age of nine of ten. I'm sure most of the jokes went right over my head, but I still loved the show. Back when it was still in it's prime. The new seasons are pretty funny, but they will never be as good as it was back then.
This thread is like poking a giant with a tootpick really, kids watch cartoons non-stop when they're young, so naturally we all watched far too many to count!:lol: