What was your favorite cartoon and series as a kid?

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Again, there is no better cartoon than Tex Avery cartoons.

this is an absolute thruth. I used to watch these as a kidster (I'm not that old, but Cartoon Network's Tex Avery Show opened my eyes) and I still laugh like an idiot when I see them (I downloaded them all). The Ventriloquist Cat and "Magical Maestro" are absolutely incredible. He indeed was a genius.

That said, I was born in 1982 and also watched many of the shows other contemporary members have mentioned, along with Mazinger Z (They aired it when I was young, even tough it was way old back then already) and all those others. Mazinger was my entire ealry childhood.

Then, in came Macross/Robotech, whch I'm surprised not many people have mentioned. It was revolutionary, it made Mazinger look like an old boiler. It was amazing.

Then came Darkwing Duck via Cable, long before Latin america was considered a serious market and disney Channel gave a damn about even adding subtitles. It was weird because I watched it in english entirely and more or less understood. That and Tiny Toons. Damn I loved that and no one has mentioned them.

Well into the 90s, I more or less stopped watching cartoons with the exception of the above mentione Tex Avery stuff. Then, like a slap in the face, came what over here in Mexico is known as the anime invasion. Suddenly there was anime everywhere, and it was the most awesome thign ever. From this era I remember Saint Seiya was huge, but the one that really put it's mark on ME (and many other people) was Magic Knight Rayearth. That was the show that really introduced me to anime as something more than "cartoons" and made me get heavily into it... and I'm hard into it still.

Later on, Cartoon Network released their Cartoon Cartoons stuff and I fell right into it. Powerpuff, Dexter, all those, along with most of the anime airing here, and of course Dragon Ball in all it's possible variations. And so it has been.

Today, The Fairly Oddparents are amazingly funny, I dont remember laughing so hard at a cartoon since the Tex Avery days. They are really genius. And of course, Cowboy Bebop. Yeah, it's 12 years old and it hasn't been topped.
- Thomas the Tank Engine
- Tom & Jerry
- Pokemon
- Digimon
- Fireman Sam
- Popeye
- Woody Woodpecker
Born in 1981

- He-Man
- Thundercats
- Transformers 1st gen
- M.A.S.K.
- Any Looney Tunes
- Ren and Stimpy
- Johnny Bravo
- I Am Weasel
- Beavis and Butthead (Still even watch the new season :lol:)

TV Shows:
- A-team
- Airwolf
- Knight Rider
- Saved by the Bell
- Married with Children (Which they still show over here after all this time)
- Get A Life
- Family Matters
- MacGyver
- Star Trek: Next Gen.
- Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
- Sliders
As a kid? I'm still a kid!

Too many to choose from although I was about 13 when South Park first aired and I've loved it ever since.

Pinky and the Brain is an obvious choice being that it's directed by Spielberg.

I also really liked Transformers and other Super Hero type cartoons.
When I was very young, Thomas The Tank Engine (narrated by Ringo of all people).

A little older I loved the old Looney Tunes cartoons - you know, the older ones that weren't PC at all.

A little older still and I discovered Ren & Stimpy - then Beavis and Butthead (my dad used to let my stay up until 12am-1am on a weekend night to watch them with him).

Good times.

EDIT: Another eighties kid (1980) - and it shows :)
Born in 1981

- He-Man
- Thundercats
- Transformers 1st gen
- M.A.S.K.
- Any Looney Tunes
- Ren and Stimpy
- Johnny Bravo
- I Am Weasel
- Beavis and Butthead (Still even watch the new season :lol:)

TV Shows:
- A-team
- Airwolf
- Knight Rider
- Saved by the Bell
- Married with Children (Which they still show over here after all this time)
- Get A Life
- Family Matters
- MacGyver
- Star Trek: Next Gen.
- Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
- Sliders

That is the program list of every early 80's born kid ;)
Pretty much my answer

may add:

but the thread has pretty much everything I watched already posted.
And the french tv i watched : dorothé club: dragon ball, tintin, Nicky Larson....
^Those two clips you just posted are also ones I watched as well.. :lol: Youre right though I think most kids from the 80's will have watched the same shows... No internet back then only the TV guide and the TV...

I've just been incidentally reminded of:

Which was terrible.

OMG I remember this show... I even had a crapload of toys from it as a kid... Is that bad?? :P
Born in 1991;

Thomas The Tank Engine (Ringo Starr narration)
Budgie The Helicopter
Dexter's Lab
Wacky Races
Looney Tunes
Spiderman (1994 TV Series)
Johnny Bravo
Sheep In The Big City
Dragonball Z
Lloyd In Space
The Weekenders
Pepper Ann
Inspector Gadget
Dennis The Menace (UK show)

It is a lot, but I loved my TV growing up. And many more I can't offhandedly think of.

The "Oh man, how could I forget!" edit;

Tom & Jerry
Hey Arnold!
I Am Weasel
Magic School Bus
Postman Pat
Last edited:
Born in 1997
These are my lists:
*Tom and Jerry
*Johnny Bravo
*Spongebob Squarepants
*Hey Arnold!
*Looney Tunes
*I am Weasel
^ohh Tom and Jerry. The classic. Bought the first blu ray collection 2 weeks ago (US import)
Born in 1991;
Inspector Gadget

Damn, how could I forget about Inspector Gadget!? Thanks for reminding me of that show 👍

And no thanks, now I have the theme tune revolving around my head, over and over!
Robotech- I watched it everyday right after school before doing homework.
Go bots
Fat Albert-can't forget "THA BROWN-HORNETTTT!" a cartoon inside a cartoon
Old school looney tunes before school

Favorite shows
Dukes of Hazards
Knight rider
and don't laugh the flying nun and gidget. i loved Sally Fields.
Born in 1993.

Top 5 Cartoons

1. G.I. Joe
2. Thomas the Tank Engine (not technically a cartoon or even animated, but several others have posted it and it was a huge part of my life so I couldn't leave it out...in a similar vein, I seem to be the only one who watched Theodore Tug Boat. Anybody remember that show? It was great.)
3. Magic School Bus
4. Arthur
5. Tom & Jerry and Looney Tunes (can't really pick one over the other...)

Top 5 TV Series

1. The A-Team
2. Knight Rider
3. Airwolf
4. Stargate SG-1 (a bit later but still counts)
5. MacGyver
I have quite a lot, obviously the Looney Tunes and such but Angry Beavers would be the one that rates very highly on my list and one that I always really enjoyed. The banter between the brothers and the humour suited me down to a "T"
Pokemon was definitely my favorite.

I enjoyed it up until they started rolling out new Pokemon with no creativity to be seen.

I can still enjoy the older episodes, actually.
Born in 1991.

-Thomas the Tank Engine (Had tonnes of TtTE merch when I was young)
-Tom and Jerry
-Godzilla: The Series (My brother's favourite cartoon back in the late 90s)
-Dragon Ball Z
-Dexter's Lab
-Ed, Edd n Eddy
-Captain Scarlet (loved the intro for that)

TV shows:
-The Crystal Maze (definitely my favourite back in the 90s)

Uhh.... I really can't remember any other TV shows that I liked back then.

Sheep In The Big City

Here was me thinking I was the only person who remembers that series. The characters broke the 4th wall on a regular basis, if I recall.
I was born in 1994.
Rocket Power was probably my favorite. I'd watch it now aswell.👍
Tom&Jerry ofcourse. Just remembered that I've seen quite a lot of Tom&Jerry Kids too.
The Simpsons
Spongebob Squarepants
Dragon Ball (Z) I remember liking the early series better.
Then there was that Bidaman thing. I wouldn't watch it nowadays.

Can't remember if I was watching any series very keenly. But some that I liked:

Batman. I remember it was old. With all those Kaching!!! POW!! and Zongshen!!! thingies.
A-Team. I pity the fool.
Kobra 11. Damn good.
The Pretender

The last two definitely weren't in my early childhood, but they're still pretty good. The Pretender is probably my favourite TV series of all time.👍

We didn't had Sat TV back then, so only local channels were available. What they show now on Cartoon Network, Nickleodeon & other similar channels is just pure crap. My brother watches it alot and most of those shows are just damn horrible.:crazy:
Power Rangers. I even saw a dream where I was beating those grey monsters at our schools playground and afterwards the girls came to thank me.
Hey, does anyone remember Oggy and the Cockroaches? What a decadent cartoon, lol! On the category so awful it is good?!
2 Stupid Dogs, I dont know why but I just loved this show so much. :P

Cant forget about the regular Sonic The Hedgehog cartoon as well. I still couldn't believe that Steve Urkel played as Sonic. :odd:
I still couldn't believe that Steve Urkel played as Sonic. :odd:
Like the first time I realized that The Joker from Batman The Animated Series was voiced by Mark Hamill.
Born in 1982.

Looney Tunes
Merry Melodies
Rocky and Bullwinkle
Pink Panther
Tom and Jerry
Scooby Doo - old episodes,not the new stuff
Yogi Bear
Magilla Gorilla
Atom Ant
The Jetsons
The Flintstones
Mr. Magoo
There are others,just can't think of them all.

TV Shows
Andy Griffith Show
Sanford and Son
The Addams Family
The Munsters
The Three Stooges
Hee Haw
The Beverly Hillbillies
The A-Team
Magnum P.I.
Miami Vice
Knight Rider

You would think with my age I wouldn't have watched this stuff,but truthfully I preferred the older stuff towards the newer.The old stuff was just better.

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