.............................if the person at the next table is blowing carcinogenic fumes straight into your face, no.
I think anyone who has a smoking habit can be called a smoker............[/IMG]
Spot on.
If you actively seek out cigarettes or accept offers to smoke, no matter the frequency......................
I have quit smoking (several times); the last time I restarted was last Christmas. I had quit for one and a half years that time. I have since quit again (been two weeks now) and already feeling the good effects of not smoking. I actually wanted to start a discussion in here to get smokers to join me (or at least cut down) but never got around to it (Too many threads, too little time
). I wanted to call the thread 'QUIT SMOKING!' so as to entrap googlers and bring new members in here. It is easy to quit if you use certain techniques. But while cutting down gradually and weaning yourself off from the nicotine is not really hard - staying off the stuff is a pain - because there will be a constant mental craving - which is the
real habit one has to give up.
However - the more you cut down, the better for you.
The more times you quit successfully, the easier it is to quit again. (Going a full three days without a cigarette is 'Quitting' to me - because on the morning of the third day - you will actually
feel that beautiful fresh air filling your lungs as you breathe.
I found a pack of Candy cigarettes recently (posted in the
GTPlanet's Dad's thread) and wanted to use that as a spur to talk to other Dad's about the effects of smoking - which I shall still do - when I have the time.
Smoking kills.
(Okay - I know someone out there who is probably going - No! Smoking doesn't kill, cigarettes kill, etc, etc, etc . . . but inhaling cigarette/cigar/etc smoke habitually can lead to diseases that kill - or at the very least shorten your life.)
For younger folk - DO NOT touch that first cigarette. Say NO!! Tell your friend, that offers you that cigarette, that you do not need his habit.
Not starting is the best way to quit. Don't start young.
If you are an adult smoker, don't smoke in front of your children
ever. Because I adored my Dad, and he looked so cool smoking, is one of the reasons I started.
The other was that some of my closest friends (not all) were also smokers when I joined up with them, and I wanted to be 'one' of the gang.
Smoking also costs money - and eventually when you are desperate you will sell anything to lay your hands on money.
I sold my collection of Spiderman #1 - #104, which I began collecting as a teen, so I could smoke. Sacrilege! And something I'll regret forever.
I sold my vinyl of Floyd's
Piper at the Gates of Dawn, in my early twenties, when I was broke and wanted to buy smokes.
That is how ghastly this habit is.
When I think of all the money I spent now on smokes - I could have easily bought that dream car.
There actually is no reason to smoke - except to feed the addiction you train in yourself to begin with. So not starting is the best way of quitting.
Ask any smoker - and TBH - they'll probably tell you that they'd love to quit.
Cheers, Guys . . .and have a great day!
Off to work now - but yay!! Holidays begin this evening!