What would YOU do if a cop pulled you over for speeding??

Use Excuses like..

These excuses will get you off easy , if you plead insanity.

The voices in my head told me to.

Satan told me to do it.

I'm on a mission from god.

gibak ofitra ovah theer obisha
(Giberish because ur so nervous cuz you been smoking weed.)

I liked the one from MistaX's joke thread.

These might let you off easy...

If your a female Offer the male officer T&A (Titz and azz)

If your a male officer towards a female officer, Poor you heart out and cry lika baby. Works every time. > : )

Drain the brake fluid 98% before you speed so you CAN get away with speeding. But I doubt You will live to see him pull you over. So at least you died with a smile on your face.

If you honestly want to speed and not risk getting pulled over while speeding, find an open free way, long straight road, and USE ALL THE NOS YOU GOT!

Or Finally jump out screaming and say that your car was infested with Fire-ants and your gonna die.
only use if your drunk at the time. Also plead insanity and blame it on a perscription drug You take for say, heart problems.


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my bumper sticker says:

"whining is my life"

The easiest way out of a ticket to to get them in another state, with the car loaded with luggage and car. just tell them you are trying to get home, and didnt notice how fast you were going:D
around here, the cops pull off the highway at night, with all their lights shut off. u cant see them until you are right on top of them. they slap u with that radar like NORAD
We speed all the time, we just do. It's a daily occurence that we go 80 or more down the highway in any of our viehicles(mostly the MPV cause my mom likes going fast). Speed limit is 70 at the most, and that's only on I-70, but we usually go 80 or so on the other highway. Screw construction areas! Ohh and when I'm in the front seat of the MPV, I can't see the speedometer, so I make an educated guess based on the tach, and 3K RPM in fourth(MPV is a 4 speed...)is about 80. I do the same in my dad's RX-7...

Ohh and about getting out of tickets, my dad, if he's in his uniform, and even if he's not, will say "I'm a mechanic with Lou Fusz Mazda-Subaru, and I was test driving this car, and the owner said that it only had a problem at a certain speed so that's why I was speeding. I'll try not to do it again" And the cop usually just gives him a warning. He hasn't been pulled over in years though, but when I was with him once he did that, and it worked. My mom got one ticket, here in STL at the Science Center. We were in her then '80 Corolla, leaving the place, and the road goes over a blind hill, and there were cops on the other side, and they litterally were pulling everyone over. I didn't see a single car keep going, they had over 10 cars pulled over on the side, and everyone got a ticket. They said that we were doing 38 in a 25, but there's no way in hell that the Corolla could get going that fast over a hill(you pull out of the parking lot and the hill is right there...)but we had to pay...guess the cops were sent out to make some money...

My bro has gotten a couple of tickets, but 1 of em was at night, and it was another guy that passed my bro and pulled into a parking lot, and the cop pulled my bro over cause he thought that it was him...
i got pulled over doing 140kmh in a 80, the cop told me that he would probably do the same thing with my car too and that i should try to slow down or im gonna get a ticket next time he sees me
Mr. Foreskin, How rich are to have a big ass garage that could be turned into a show room and A hand full of kik ass cars?

I mean why play GT3 when you could probably be doing it for real?!?!?!? I live near a abandoned airstrip for the 747's ,back when they were brand new in the, 40's or uh 50's r sumtin, ANd every Night people with there NOS injected cars, Vipers, Supras and other nice cars come there to race.

They even save the cesna runway for gokart drag racing. I kik ass ther a lot. And I will get my NOS injected, 2 engine, 1400 HP, DMC-12 Delorean. But I ask you WHY PLAY WHEN YOU CAN PROBABLY LIVE IT?!!
Same here with my 323, but god damn a Tempo?! The ultimate low-life cruiser...

And my dad almost had me a MX-3 GS, black, 5-speed, bad engine(my dad's got a 2.5 V6 and it goes right in the GS) but the lady wanted it put back together so that she could deal with it...

So close yet so far away...but I don't like black so I guess that was fine. Anyone with a Silver or aqua or even red MX-6 GS with a bad motor please notify me!
I really hate Fords.

I got no job, I only get a few hundred dollars a race, I will have that Delorean by Christmas.

First I thought I might out a Dodge Challenger Engine from The Fast An The Furious and make it a hybrid, get some nos, upgrade parts so I wouldnt blow up but who would care if I did. Would be quite a Fireworks Display+ The biggest party surrounding the burnt wreck.
I plan to buy my cars off or dealerships and Ebay.

I can find any car in mint cond. for a very cheap price.

The DMC I plan to buy Is on reserve. Promised the owner I'd pay an extra 1,000 to hold it for me.

It'l cost about $16,000. He's a rich dude. In the backgrouns you can see a Dualy Dodge ram monster truck, Nice cherry red, Rool cage, bushgaured, and huge lights.

Also he's got an "A" Frame house that is like all glass.
What's funny about that? It's a '92, they didn't have 5 speed autos back then, and the V6 was only availible in Canada with a 5 speed manuel. And we have gotten our MPV up to 110, so shut up!

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