What would YOU do if a cop pulled you over for speeding??

I got pulled twice. Once doing 42mph in a 30. Booked, no problem. Didn't even see the point in trying to argue the toss, I was just really annoyed that I hadn't seen the speed trap.

Then I got pulled on a motorway. I was doing about 100 (70mph limit). The real problem wasn't the absolute speed involved, it was the fact that the officer had seen me flying down this straight (I was doing 100 then too), approaching a rounabout. I braked at the 100m board, on to the roundabout (visibility was fine, there was absolutely no issue with the move's safety) at about 50, then round the roundabout, exit, 7000rpm in third, then 4th, re-establishing 100mph cruise.

Only I hadn't seen the police car sitting near one of the other roundabout exits...

The real problem then was the fact that the police car was a Ford Explorer, and it took him fifteen miles to catch me. :eek: :blush:

However, since it was in Scotland, and the officer was on his own in a non-camera-equipped car, he could only issue me with a stern telling off. It was a lucky escape!
I get pulled over cause cops think I speed when I really dont. They just hate everyone who drives a nice car.
And why do you have part of M5Power's GTP news which he has in his sig in your sig? What are you trying to do?
when asked for registration reach under the seat and pull your hand out really quick and upward toward the cop...
Yea, lol, say that you got food poisoning and that if you don't get home you will crap all over the place and puke everywhere.
Originally posted by MazKid
when asked for registration reach under the seat and pull your hand out really quick and upward toward the cop...

That's a good one - you'll not only get off the speeding charge permanently, you'll probably make the local papers!

The last time I got pulled over for speeding (and running a marginal red light), I actually got away with it.

I was on my way to go bodyboarding, and was actually wearing my full length wetsuit (it was mid-winter, and the change rooms where I surf are F R E E Z I N G !). I'd been involved in a little fracas on the freeway where some young idiots in a 3 series BMW decided to tailgate me, and then block me from merging into the left hand lane to exit the freeway, so I was very fired up (it wasn't just me though - as I left the freeway I saw them doing the same thing to another guy). After leaving the freeway I turned left on to a street, where the light was amber - I came down a couple of gears and flew at the light - I think it was 50/50 as to whether I ran it or not.

I saw the flashing blue lights, and cursed myself for letting anger get the better of me. I pulled over immediately, and when the cop came up to ask me why I was speeding and running red lights (I had to open the door - we'd just had the window tinting done so I couldn't wind down the window - so here I am in a full length wet-suit) I just flat out told him the truth - I'd been carved up by some idiots on the freeway, and I'd been stupid and let anger get the better of me.

He went back to his car with my license, so I'm sitting there thinking 'I'm well and truly screwed - after all these years behaving myself I have one little red mist moment and I'm nailed'. He comes back, hands me my license, and says 'well, slow down, and just take it easy, right?'. I nodded in disbelief and stammered 'yeah, I will, thanks very much for that, mate'.

So, needless to say when I drive through that area now I take it VERY easily. Moral of the story here is don't drive angry, kids - and also, the police are human beings too.
Originally posted by vat_man

...the light was amber...


Sorry. We call that 'yellow.'

Anyway - the truth rules. I got stopped for doing about ten over the speed limit in a construction zone in southern Colorado not too long ago, and I flat out told the cop (actually a state patrolman :eek:) that I missed the speed reduction sign and that I'd rarely driven this route before. He let me off with a warning. Go figure.
Well, I've gotten out of a couple. Mostly by just being honest with them and not pretending I didn't know I was speeding.

But I'll tell you this. When you're 17, flogging an ex-police car with a massive engine down a rural country road on an early morning drive, see a police car coming the other way and realize you must have really been pushing it, because the cop just flipped on his lights as he went past, then did a very impressive 180-degree turn at speed and started coming after you (you're watching this in a the mirror while debating trying a quick sprint and dodge behind the church up ahead a bit or just pulling over and waiting), there is pretty much NO way you're going to avoid seeing a judge.

But he did seem to really like the car (actually told me I probably could have smoked 'em) and didn't show up for court, so I got to plea to a moderate speeding charge and keep my license.
Originally posted by M5Power


Sorry. We call that 'yellow.'


Ah, yeah..., probably not the funniest thing I've ever written, but you've got to take your laughs where you find them I suppose.

There's actually a legal difference between an 'amber' light and a 'yellow' light in Victorian (where I got my license) - an 'amber' light is specifically the 'yellow' light in a traffic light, whilst yellow lights are used to indicate various hazards (such as road crews leaning on shovels).

It is referred to as an 'amber' light in the literature everyone has to read to pass the written portion, so everone here tends to refer to it as 'amber'
Well, think of it this way: Yellow(Amber if you see fit) means caution or slow down...but if you slow down through it chances are you will be running a red. So what do you do when it's yellow(Amber if you wish)? You floor it, get the hell out of the intersection! It's the safe thing to do...now if the light was yellow...errrmmm amber, for a bit before you got there you stop, but otherwise, if it just turned yellow(Amber if necessary) the person behind you will probably honk if you stop for it. So go though it, and if you get pulled over, tell the cop "Well as I went through the intersection the light was yellow(amber if you prefer)as much as I could see." There you have it...same with emergency viehicles, if you are at a red and an emergency viehicle comes up behind you, don't just turn right, go though the red and to the right, then when it passes bing you are ahead of everyone else.

How's about this: You need to make a turn, and tons of people are behind you going just as fast as you are going before you start the turn...should you slow down for it? Well this is where things get technical here. Can your car turn at a high rate of speed with minimal tire squealing and disruption? If not, you slow down, you have to. If it can, go around it at the speed at which you are going. Save your brakes and the brakes of the people behind you. You will not only have more fun but you will get to where you're going faster.

Anyone like my theories? I got more...
The first one's great, except...

... in Melbourne they have introduced a combined red light/speed camera, so if you floor it to catch the yellow, you get zapped for speeding. Nice, huh?

There's a report floating around from the ARRB (Australian Road Research Board - http://www.arrb.com.au/) which suggests that red light cameras not only have no effect on people running red lights, they increase rear end accidents.

And people wonder why I brake-test tailgaters...

Growing up in a place where referring to a colour as "amber" gets you known as the most pretentious person ever, I get a kick out of your Aussie words.

"Yellow" is what we call it. "Yellow" for road crews, "Yellow" for turn arrows, "Yellow" for the light between red and green. Just yellow. :lol:

Originally posted by vat_man


Ah, yeah..., probably not the funniest thing I've ever written, but you've got to take your laughs where you find them I suppose.

There's actually a legal difference between an 'amber' light and a 'yellow' light in Victorian (where I got my license) - an 'amber' light is specifically the 'yellow' light in a traffic light, whilst yellow lights are used to indicate various hazards (such as road crews leaning on shovels).

It is referred to as an 'amber' light in the literature everyone has to read to pass the written portion, so everone here tends to refer to it as 'amber'
Originally posted by M5Power

Growing up in a place where referring to a colour as "amber" gets you known as the most pretentious person ever, I get a kick out of your Aussie words.

"Yellow" is what we call it. "Yellow" for road crews, "Yellow" for turn arrows, "Yellow" for the light between red and green. Just yellow. :lol:

'Amber' is pretentious? Wow. Guess you only get one knife and fork at the restaurants there, huh?
If I have my work clothes on, I usually get sent on my way. (I'm a nurse). You will not believe how effective scrubs and/or a stethoscope around the neck are for avoiding tickets.

I once avoided a ticket as a Home Health Nurse. I was doing about 37 in a 30 (school zone to boot). However, I happened to be transporting a lab sample back to the Hospital, and I was wearing my steth around amy neck. The officer let me off with a warning.
That was 5 years ago. I still slow substantially on that stretch of road.
Originally posted by vat_man

'Amber' is pretentious? Wow. Guess you only get one knife and fork at the restaurants there, huh?

Nope, but to Americans it is. Of course, most of us think talking in a British accent is 'pretentious.'


...McDonald's doesn't give you any knives or forks, you nut! :D