What would you guys make of a Track Creator?

  • Thread starter Tobias123
Because that's my opinion.
I know it's your opinion, I'm asking why it is.

As some have said already. It will be a mess.. A lot of crappy, undetailed tracks and so on.
And it would be your choice as to downloading and using these tracks or not. There might be some real gems too, so what's the problem with having the choice of content you can accept or turn down.

I mean... it's just... stupid... What's the point really? Yeah, you may think it's fun to create tracks, but there are other games for that.
Why is it stupid? And the point is you get to drive on a track you have created, a challenge created by you. It's personal and unique and if you have the knack can be a very fun layout to get around. Yes there are other games, but none are Gran Turismo.

Or if you want to create tracks in GT so badly, search for a job at PD.
Please tell me your arguments are better than this.

What I enjoy about a racing/driving simulator like GT is to race around real life race tracks.
Great, but what is so wrong and stupid about the fictional tracks and haivng a feature that lets you design your own?

Be honest. Do you really really REALLY think a track creator is PD's cup of tea?
I don't, but that's not the debate. I've said all along that I doubt it will happen. My argument is simply that it would be a nice feature to have. My argument isn't flawless as RedOak showed but your line of reasoning is pretty poor so far. You don't want it because people would design bad tracks, so what. Some will design good tracks, and even if you didn't want thoes you wouldn't have to have them.

I'm sorry Dave, I respect you a lot, but what you just mentionned here is totally wrong. Tracks created for GT5 are probably done in Maya or Max3Dxx, not in a "level editor". Furthermore, creating a LEd, with usable interface on a controler and debuging it alone, would take near a year... especially to the level of quality induced in GT5 content. Furthermore, when you create a level editor, all the assets accessible in it must be generic and not be customized assets for a specific location... in other words, any textures, mesh and "uber objets" must all be compatible with every other in order to be used freely, else you end up with a few objects that just can't be used at all.

On FarCry Instinct (one of the best console-generated level editor to date- coincidentally the same tech as Farcry2), it took more than a year to develop and implement in the game. It was part of the original design and intention of the game.

Level editors are literally Sinkholes for companies... some do them out of their heart for their fans, but generally, its engine-supported (Unreal, Crytek...) or its third-party built (Bob's track builder...). There's a reason why "SDK"s take up to a year to be released after shipping...

Sorry for the long post, but it must be understood that a LEd is not easy business.

That long post is fine, I guess I stand corrected on that matter. It's not all new except the dev time for Far Cry 2's editor being over a year which I didn't know, but I did overlook the rest when I replied initially 👍.

The only major downside form a fans perspective I can see is the time taken to implement then. I know there are more downsides from the companys point of view but my argument is purely from a fan perspective as I said before.
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The only major downside form a fans perspective I can see is the time taken to implement then. I know there are more downsides from the companys point of view but my argument is purely from a fan perspective as I said before.

Oh man, i totally get you tho! Things like LEds are always very popular, if perhaps rarely used :( However, come to think of it... since the PS3 is more or less open to user-created content, i could see a few ways PD could "work" with a program like Bob's Track builder and allow users to create tracks off availlable content from GT5, build a track using the editor on PC and "upload" it to a PD-powered server, than make it available for download from the game itself (allowing people to use it in MP, rate it and so on)... it'd be a bit of a nightmare to implement, but damn cool ;)

On a side note, i love Bob's track builder... so well made! That guy deservers the money too