What's enlightenment?


Yes, I am still alive.
Staff Emeritus
I know extremely little about the philosophical movement, so this is more in consideration of how it should be defined, which to me is the advancement of understanding, in an objective sense. But it seems that it has become, or may always have been, the advancement of some leftist tenets. Within which is the rejection of all or most forms of violence.

I don't believe that violence is always an example of being unenlightened. An act of violence could come from one's understanding of a given event, which might be no less intelligent than anyone elses understanding. It might be justified by the understanding.

I reject the notion that some super being will bring the world into enlightentment, because I reject how believers in that dream define enlightenment.

Just because you understand the consequences doesn't mean you would act differently or should.
But it seems that it has become, or may always have been, the advancement of some leftist tenets.

Call me ka-ray-zee, but I think the notion of enlightment; that is, to appeal to something greater than our five senses, is actually neither left nor right. And the will to evade or avoid violence, or to promote non-violence, came about well before democracy was split into two factions.

I reject the notion that some super being will bring the world into enlightentment, because I reject how believers in that dream define enlightenment.

Agreed, enlightenment is a personal thing. No one entity nor singular event will bring about enlightenment to large populatons of people. Enlightening large masses of people will cause a sort of mass hysteria, and will fall short because it would have to be dumbed-down so everyone will "get it".

I think enlightenment, like religion, is a private matter, and isn't something that can be understood from one person to the next. It's going to be a different experience, and a varied path for each of us.
I saw the title and read it as "what is empowerment", which was something we discussed at our last company retreat. Then I opened the thread and realized that I was in fact dumb.

Enlightenment, to me, is the state of being / mind in which you are content with your existance.
Enlightenment is a state everyone thinks they have achieved. It means that you think you're right.

Edit: That's the contemporary definition of enlightenment. It has historical definitions also, which is what I think you're actually looking for.
I always thought enlightenment was being "one" with yourself, and having complete satisfaction with what you've become? Thealosia would probably be a good addition to this thread, but she may have already, I'm just not sifting through 10,000 pages of definitions.
It could be interpreted as achieving something or realisng you are right about a certain something (or even realising you are wrong about it) through discovering something or finding out something about yourself that enlightens you, hence the word itself, I think.
Ah! nm that last post. I've come to realise that enlightenment is all that opens your eyes, and makes you take notice of something, or to understand it. I have reached grammar enlightenment. Or, enlightenment enlightenment.

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