What's the best season?

United States
Marin County
Well, depending on where you are, summer is either ending or has ended and the norther Hemisphere is going into fall. What season do you like best? As a coastal CA resident, the seasons aren't hugely distinctive, and in San Francisco specifically fall is typically a little warmer than summer actually. But I'm from New England (Maine) originally and early fall in that region is my favorite time of year - the chill, the colors, the spookiness of it. What season do you like best?
Autumn. Football, hockey, playoff baseball, nice trees, it isn't too hot, I can eat cider and donuts without being judged, pumpkin beers, and Thanksgiving is the best holiday. Also, in Michigan at least, deer hunting.

The only downsides are the amount of leaves to rake up and Halloween is terrible.
...and Halloween is terrible.
Halloween is great! TBH I never got onboard with the young adult "dress like a hoe and drink until unconscious" version of Halloween but the haunted hay ride part of it is fantastic. Maybe that's more of a New England thing...
I feel like this question was posed here before... Anyway, summer is the best season for me because I operate best when it's warm. It's also a good time to stop and sniff the flowers.