What's the deal with Bush's plan on Social Security?

  • Thread starter s0nny80y
Viper Zero
And your facts on that statement are...?

No facts, no credibility.

I don't need facts. Reality is all you need to see. When Clinton was president the country experienced one of the best economical times, along with a strong dollar dominance.
Wow, you made my day.

We don't need facts, just whatever we think is reality is good enough for us!
ive heard the theory that actually reaganomics is why the economy boomed under clinton's adminstration

just it took time for the reaganomics to get working, which happened under clinton's administration

and whatever clinton did, is now the result of the economy that bush is experiencing...i dont think you can change the economy that much (negative 400+billion dollars?) in the time bush has been president

im just saying thats a theory i heard, but mr. right winger here is staying and supporting bush 👍

I don't need facts. Reality is all you need to see. When Clinton was president the country experienced one of the best economical times, along with a strong dollar dominance.
Not that Bush did a great job on the U.S. economy, but I don't know about Clinton being solely responsible for the great economy, either. Also, wasn't it because of Clinton, Iraq and North Korea became the huge mess it is today? I think Bush got stuck with the dirty dishes, IMO.
Not that Bush did a great job on the U.S. economy, but I don't know about Clinton being solely responsible for the great economy, either. Also, wasn't it because of Clinton, Iraq and North Korea became the huge mess it is today? I think Bush got stuck with the dirty dishes, IMO.

What dirty dishes? You mean, Iraq? Afghanistan? The Iraq war who was started by his daddy?

Let me ask you a question. What do you see on today headlines. A war in North Korea, or a war in Iraq.

Did Clinton had to do with anything about making chemical weapon checks, and bombing Iraq without the U.N's consent?
During the Clinton administration, the UN weapons inspectors were kicked out of Iraq several times. Clinton did nothing. Clinton also sent former president Carter (of all people...) to North Korea and decided on a peace treaty that stated North Korea would stop nuclear development. We know today that North Korea went against that treaty and now have a nuclear weapon(s). Clinton did nothing to stop it.
What dirty dishes? You mean, Iraq? Afghanistan? The Iraq war who was started by his daddy?

The Gulf War was not started by George H.W. Bush, it was started by Saddam when he invaded Kuwait.

Let me ask you a question. What do you see on today headlines. A war in North Korea, or a war in Iraq.

A war in Iraq, because there is no war in North Korea...

Did Clinton had to do with anything about making chemical weapon checks, and bombing Iraq without the U.N's consent?

Clinton launched an attack against Iraq in December of 1998 for not cooperating in the UN weapon inspections. One thing Clinton did right.

Learn your history, Slippery.
Viper Zero
During the Clinton administration, the UN weapons inspectors were kicked out of Iraq several times. Clinton did nothing. Clinton also sent former president Carter (of all people...) to North Korea and decided on a peace treaty that stated North Korea would stop nuclear development. We know today that North Korea went against that treaty and now have a nuclear weapon(s). Clinton did nothing to stop it.

What do you think, Bush would have done. Get into a never ending war maybe. One thing you need to understand, is that you can't force any country to leave themselves without a defense system.

And the other thing, The U.S likes to butt themselves into everything.
it's sad to see a bunch of kids thinking it's so cool to bash bush because he's a president that actually feels morals are important, and the fact that he's a republican, and against homosexuality and abortion

id have more respect for those type of people who were against bush if they argued in a professional manner, not like junior highers
What dirty dishes? You mean, Iraq? Afghanistan? The Iraq war who was started by his daddy?

Let me ask you a question. What do you see on today headlines. A war in North Korea, or a war in Iraq.

Did Clinton had to do with anything about making chemical weapon checks, and bombing Iraq without the U.N's consent?
Bush(Sr.) beat Iraq in the Gulf War. Saddam Hussein violated many conditions that was set at the end of that war. Who was the President, who just watched Saddam do this, and did nothing? Also, Clinton had a chance to take out the Nuclear Facility in North Korea, but opted not to strike. Brilliant! Well, at least he made friends with the Communist China($). Something George W. Bush hasn't been able to do. 👍
Viper Zero
The Gulf War was not started by George H.W. Bush, it was started by Saddam when he invaded Kuwait.

A war in Iraq, because there is no war in North Korea...

Clinton launched an attack against Iraq in December of 1998 for not cooperating in the UN weapon inspections. One thing Clinton did right.

Learn your history, Slippery.

At least, they had a purpose. A real purpose.
the biggest problem with clinton was that he was a pleaser. he did anything that people wanted him to do. if he would have done anything about social security and terrorism, people would have complained. he didn't want them angry with him (aka, why he lied about everything). when bush does something involving ss or anti-terrorism, everyone yells at him. he doesn't care about what the "idiots" say (yes, there are idiots in america, whether they be liberal or conservative). he cares about what will happen to america in the future. i find it funny that whenever bush comes up with some type of plan, all the democrats say its bad. its like they have a grudge against him. bush was left with dirty dishes no matter what you say.
At least, they had a purpose. A real purpose.

Yeah, Saddam sure did have a purpose for invading Kuwait.


i find it funny that whenever bush comes up with some type of plan, all the democrats say its bad. its like they have a grudge against him. bush was left with dirty dishes no matter what you say.

The Democrats think that Bush somehow stole the 2000 election away from Gore, even though all three recounts gave Bush the win. You could say the Democrats are in denial now, since Bush won re-election by a large margin (4 percent), the Democrats still try to block Bush's every move.

This is one of the reasons why the Democrats lost. They attack Bush for having any sort of plan, yet the Democrats have no plan of their own as an alternative to the problem.
So slippy hows things in Iraq now ? are they a threat to ANYONE ? Will they be invading any countrys any day soon ? Can Iran and the rest of thier neighbors stop worrying about attacks ? Are the Kurds still being bombed with chemical weapons ? Are the Shiites still being put into mass graves ? Are the people of Iraq participating in a democratic government for the FIRST time in thier lives ? Poor old Bush ...he had no purpose...now Saddam is gone and the worlds a better place for it.
ill say it once, ill say it again

id have a lot more respect for some of those "liberals" out there if they wouldnt say idiotic things and not just be "liberal" so they can bash bush
it's sad to see a bunch of kids thinking it's so cool to bash bush because he's a president that actually feels morals are important, and the fact that he's a republican, and against homosexuality and abortion

id have more respect for those type of people who were against bush if they argued in a professional manner, not like junior highers


Which is the major reason the Iraq war is being fought? For morals?
What about the current gas increase? Also morals?
What about SS Privatization. Morals too?

You are just conservative loyalists. You are almost as loyal and nuts as the terrorists on the middle East.
it's hard for me to not turn most of these threads in the opinions forums into religious debates (since what ill say will end up in a religious debate, which is why now i will rarely post in these forums now)

but ill leave it at this...i am loyal to my country, but im not a nut who will want to kill people in the name of a god
You're about two weeks behind in this discussion, Slippery.

If XVII is a "Conservative loyalist", than you are a Liberal Anti-American Communist who actually supports the terrorists.

I'm sure I got my facts straight, did you?

Which is the major reason the Iraq war is being fought? For morals?
What about the current gas increase? Also morals?
What about SS Privatization. Morals too?

You are just conservative loyalists. You are almost as loyal and nuts as the terrorists on the middle East.
I was one of the few, who was against invading Iraq from the very beginning. Social Security Reform has nothing to do with morals. It's believe to go bankrupt in the near future. Unlike the "popular" President Clinton, Bush is actually trying to figure out a way to keep it from collapsing.

P.S. Do you really believe one man, President of United States sets the gas prices. :lol: I guess OPEC has no say in this then.
2041 is what Bush said when it will go bankrupt.

I will not get Social Security, nor will my sister or little brother, if nothing is done to reform it. I was going to invest anyway, so private accounts is even better.
Yeah, I wouldn't rely on social security for retirement. I also have 401K, but I'm afraid that wouldn't be enough either. :indiff:

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