What's the Problem with not Having a Facebook Account?

  • Thread starter NoobMan DS

Should having a Facebook account be a priority if you have the means to access it?

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All I use mine for is to keep in contact with some people. And because I'm nosy and want to know what other people are doing.
I have one and use if pretty much everyday to keep in touch with everyone

I have a friend who doesnt have one
Can you believe I have to call him to know if hes going to the football match! :lol:
When I was about 16/17, 2/3 years ago, I was single. Was on FB all day long, when I met my GF I gradually stopped using it, until now - deactivated it.

I think FB is kinda like a dating website, its less formal than exchanging numbers and you can talk to all the pretty girls you know, and even the ones you don't!

Obviously its used to keep in touch too, but I honestly think the above is a major reason for the popularity of FB.

But to answer your question, no not really. It isn't crucial.
No FB account for me either...It seems to have turned alot of my mates into teenage girls, just hours and hours of pointless dribble.

My boss has caught me a few times on GTP at work...He says I can use RaceBook when I get home :lol:
I don't have a Facebook account either, for three reasons:

1.Bullying-The most important reason why I don't have Facebook (although it has become a less relevant one). There were many students who 'asked' me to get Facebook, but the reality was that I didn't have steady friendships and was often bullied (either insulting my disability, nationality or talent/abilities)-so getting Facebook was really an invitation to be bullied. Even still, students did talk s:censored: behind my back (by that I mean type away at a glowing screen at 3am)...on Facebook

Honestly, what people type or say online means little-all it shows is how much of a coward they are by not saying it to your face

2.Privacy-The fact that Facebook owns your personal information, photos, comments, etc is outrageous and removes any element of 'privacy.' That's something I will not sign up to, especially to Mark Zuckerberg, who in reference to his first most loyal followers, described them as "dumb f:censored:s"

3.Perhaps the most important reason, now, best summed up by this part of the OP:

Well, basically, I'm not using it because I don't feel the need to. I don't really take pictures that often and so it's unlikely for me to post or share them in a timely manner. I also lack interest in publicly posting updates on what I'm doing, feeling, or what I'm up to in a timely manner. Simply, I don't feel that I will use it that much. And what's gonna be the point of having one but not using it? It will be the same as before, more or less, but maybe people will judge you less negatively.
I'm not on Facebook and surprised that people still bang on about having one even today, when did people become super lazy thinking any other way of getting hold of people was super difficult.... like sending an email or a text.

People secretly don't really want to communicate on Facebook, the majority just want to be nosey and look at your pictures or massage their ego by posting there's. You have to admit that's what most people do on it!

Good thing is the social networking fad appears to be tailing off and we are moving back to the old 'messenger' style of communication with chat apps. Princeton predicts Facebook in it's current form will collapse by 2017, lets see if it ever happens. They have already started advertising on TV which is a worrying sign.

I actually have a question for those who use Facebook Messenger but are not on Facebook (Thankfully you can now do this).

Can you search for people to add by name in Messenger without FB?

Can they search for you by name in Messenger even if your not on FB?

Just wanted to know before giving Zuckerberg my phone number for him to sell :lol:

This might be the most one sided poll I've ever seen...

But anywho....

@Robin. I wouldn't even bother with getting messenger. There is too much stuff that the app has control over that you are forced to accept..
@Robin. I wouldn't even bother with getting messenger. There is too much stuff that the app has control over that you are forced to accept..

I know, if I could avoid it I would but it seems like Messenger is the only happy medium to benefit from FB's huge directory of people without having to join and deal with all the 'drama'.

I just need to know if I can add FB people to Messenger BY NAME if I'm not on Facebook as I don't know all their phone numbers.
I know a couple of people (literally only two out of the hundreds of people I know outside of GTPlanet) that don't have a Facebook account. In my career it's a definite rarity and I've gotten hired to play gigs and made important connections through it. In addition to that, I use it so I can keep track of what everyone I know from high school and college are doing, because that matters to me. Yes I could use E-mail or text, but I only have the E-mails and phone numbers of a tiny fraction of them so really Facebook is the only way in my situation. Plus, I like seeing people's updates and pictures they take. I don't post much myself and as a website I don't like it, but for me it's necessary.

Also, there is no Facebook "drama" if you just avoid it. You can unfollow people who cause it and you don't have to like any pages that post it. My Newsfeed is updates from the people I care to see updates from and nothing else. I use it as a tool, and nothing more.
My Newsfeed is updates from the people I care to see updates from and nothing else. I use it as a tool, and nothing more.
Same here... All I see is Car Throttle and a few meme things, but there are those who do actually use it.. Whenever I put my pictures on Flickr I'll also put them on FB.
They're convenient if you want all your peeps in one place. Sounds great right?


...except it works out a bit more like Pruitt-Igoe than shiny happy family.

Too much junk to wade through, disorderly, conversation lowers to the lowest standard, arguments turn rouge and meaningless really quick.

The best way to get me ignore anything is anything with "Like if you approve" or "Share if you have a pulse" pasted on it. It's a demeaning herd mentality which insults intelligence for quick satisfaction, like a crackhead's last days.

I mean, it's fun for a few minutes, but every couple of days is fine by me.
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The problem with having everyone in one place is disease spreads easily, in this case defection. Once a handful of people you know leave Facebook, you leave. Then a cascade reaction starts and then you have a mass exodus. It's already started with the younger people jumping ship to IM services. It could very well collapse as fast as it rose.

I never really saw the appeal of looking at other peoples events, holidays, parties... The fact you weren't there tells you it's not relevant to you... so basically what your doing is spying :lol: If you were there you wouldn't need Facebook to see or talk about it!
But... how do you organise your entire life?!

How I organised it before 2005... IM, Email, Phone and get this, driving to a place and seeing people!

If they are true friends they won't let the fact that they have to contact me on something other than Facebook get in the way. I think the people who became teenagers after Facebook came out literally don't know how to live without it.

It's really annoying to still be getting surprised reactions in 2015, jeez when did Facebook become the law?
Whilst it's definitely not necessary to have a Facebook account, I think there are several misconceptions about how it can be used.

Facebook helped me launch my journalistic exploits. It put me in contact with a lot of high profile people, it gave me a whole load of new friends who share my interests, and the groups that exist on Facebook offer some incredible information. Sharing holiday pictures and posting pointless updates is a tiny, tiny part of it. It's like a giant forum that encompasses every topic imaginable, but with a mixture of casual enthusiasts and experts. It depends solely on how you use it - you can make it whatever you want to be.

I thought it was pretty useless, until I actually signed up and started exploring it - I've been able to meet incredible people and become far more knowledgeable than ever before. I could honestly not live my day to day life in any organised fashion without what it offers.
Well, I do have a Facebook account, I do use it - daily, actually, even if it's not for a prolonged amount of time.

I have a very limited number of friends, though. And I tend to not follow many sites/people, either, which keeps my Facebook feed mostly to a relatively personal level, involving people that actually matter in my life. Sure, lots of white noise going on still, with all the supposedly humorous posts that are just rehashed/translated posts that were made to 9gag a month prior, but still.

That said, I don't see the big deal if someone doesn't have (or actively use) a Facebook account. Two of my closest friends don't have one and my girlfriend uses hers very sparingly. To me, having a WhatsApp account is considerably more important. Most of my daily communication with others is done by WhatsApp and I'll be honest, I was pretty late to the smartphone party - despite being a bit of a technophile. Getting a smartphone and WhatsApp made me realise just how much communication was happening entirely without me ever noticing it. My social life drastically improved ever since.

Kinda sad, if you think about it. But eh, still better than Facebook taking the helm in terms of my communication.
Facebook does own WhatsApp...
I know.

The difference, to me, is that WhatsApp is mostly private communication where Facebook is largely public. The latter is about many things, the least of which is actual communication between people.
FB only gave me jealousy, depression, bullying, and herd mentality.

I deactivate it, more of the chat person. Naver Line, Whatsapp, Skype, etc.

Also GTP for any news commenting.
I had a facebook account, but facebok suspended it because I dont use my real name but my internet name.
The friends I have outside of the internet do not use facebook, and since I play a fair few games as well as go on a lot of forums, It allows people that know me in these games or forums to find me easy.

I like to keep my internet life and my real life separate, the only time I ever use my real name on the internet is for things I buy and banking things where it is needed.

Other than those I use grayfox as people that are on the internet dont need to know my real name and my friends know my internet name too so if my friends want to find me they can.
@Luminis I also prefer WhatsApp, it reminds me of MSN Messenger which was great back in the day. FB saw the good sense to buy it before it became the serious challenger it is now.
Now that you mention it, WhatsApp has largely taken the place that was previously occupied (in my case) by the good, old ICQ :lol:
What i've been used back in the old day? Stuff like MSM...etc
What i've been using nowadays? stuff like Whatsapp, Viber, Instagram....etc

Facebook? I have an account but rarely ever use it...same goes to twitter except i'm using it much more...but not that much ether...

Because all i feel about FB is posting what i'm doing every seconds of your life, awesome or dull and boring....

Meanwhile for some odd reasons i always feel that twitter is just filled with politics news & discussion which's full of hate, insults and racism...i dunno why but i guess hearing most of news from twitter being Wars...religions fights...etc etc of stuff i hear daily from people...
I have a Facebook account, used to be a hardcore FB user but these past few years seems like people are running away from it and use something else like Twitter or Instagram. As a result, I barely scroll the timeline anymore though I still rely much on the FB Messenger as an alternative to WhatsApp.