Whats Your Audio / Home Cinema Setup?

  • Thread starter 2ez2KiLL
We have that same TV in our living room! :lol:

That can be any number of things. Get some canned air and blow it out. If it still gives you crap, make a separate thread about it and I'll see if I can walk you through some of the more common things.

Ok, I'll try that.
Ok, I'll try that.

Most common causes for amps to trip out shortly after switch on is a short somewhere, most commonly where people are using bare wire connections (instead of banana plugs) for speaker connections on the amp, so check there are no strands of cable shorting out on any speaker connections (both amp and speaker end).

Just my two cents

Mitsubishi HD projector
Two built PC's
Random 5.1 Speakers

The picture of the screen was the first night I built it.. it's pretty tight now. Only displaying 91x45 @ 16:9 due to space. Max res is about 245in
Well I'm just this minute setting up my new TV as mentioned in the what you bought thread. I wont have surround sound yet so nothing spectacular.



Sorry for poor shots, I'm still setting up so the Mac is not in use. Will post better ones soon.

Audio is coming from a Denon DM-30 mini hifi, nothing truly great but adequate for now.


I have now updated my setup and got it to a satisfactory standing. The Mac is run through the TV and is controlled by my iPad or iPhone. Sound comes from my Denon amp/micro hifi. The PS3 is controlled via a Sixaxis or my Harmony one remote, as is the TV and amp and Front Row if I need to. Sound wise is the weakest link and I would love to upgrade at some point but i will wait till I get my own house before that. I hope to get rid of the iMac and get myself a Mac Mini with HDMI, thus getting rid of the huge screen next to my TV but again this may need to wait till I move house.

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My PS3 outputs video through my LG 1080p LCD HDTV, and sound through my LG 5.1 Surround sound.

My Laptop outputs sound & Video through my LG 1080p LCD HDTV.

My DVD Player outputs sound through the LG 5.1 Sound system and video through the LG HDTV.

really simple setup but everything is high quality and I got most of it during the sales, Had the TV for almost 2 years now and it still costs more in the shops. I'm sure they priced it wrong when I bought it or something haha.
I've been using a Sony 40' LCD, but now it's time to move it to another room where my old 29' CRT Sony is starting to fail, and get something new for the living room.

I kind of gave up on the projector for now, and am feeling very, very tempted to get the Panasonic TX-P46G20 for around 1000 euros.
edit: or the TX-P46S20 for 800 euros

Any comments or suggestions? 💡

The rest remains and will remain un-updated for a while:

Receiver: Denon AVR1804
Fr Speakers: Mission M73i
Rear speakers Mission 771
Center Speaker MISSION M3C1
Sub Monitor Audio ASW-100
Multimedia player/console: Sony PS3
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Phillips 42 PFL7603D
Onkyo TX-SR507
5x Energy Take Classic speakers 100 watts per speaker @ 8 ohms.
Energy 200 watt sub
Sony 80gb PS3








That's a really nice TV...

And praises on the Onkyo 5-series! I've got an SR-502 (I picked up the older one because I felt the 502 was the peak of the mid-range models based on specs, and I simply didn't have the space for the SR601). They really are fantastic pieces.
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i wonder if ambient backlighting truly makes the viewing experience all that much better. it does, however, exploit how our eyes are not too good at picking out contrasts.
Hey guys, I haven't posted on these forums for a couple of years (I'm more of a browser type guy lol), but I thought I'd share with you some before, during, and after pics of my home theatre which I installed earlier in the year.

First off, the before pictures;

NOTE: I forgot to take a picture before I tore everything out, but was able to dig these two up from 5 years ago. It looked excactly the same except the paint colour on the walls were changed in December of last year.

Receiver: Pioneer VSX-D1S Dolby Pro Logic
TV: 50" Pioneer rear projection
Speakers: Can't remember what make they were. The two speakers on the top shelf were spliced together to form the center channel.
Subwoofer: Paradigm PS-1000

1991 - 2010
I was only 5 years old when my parents installed this setup shortly after the basement was renovated. It was state of the art for it's time, and I had such fond memories of playing the NES on it in the early years, and then later with the PS1 and PS2. But after 19 long years, my gaming had taken a toll on the system. Some of the speakers were shot, and my PS2 really did a number on the tv. So after saving some money up, I decided it was just a little bit overdue to finally upgrade (and I think GT5 was still scheduled for a spring release at that time too lol). I took two weeks off in the beginning of January and got down to business.

With everything removed, I had to put down some laminate flooring since it was pretty much just a bare subfloor underneith the old shelves.

After that, I picked up my speakers, and with the help of my dad, got to work in feeding the new speaker wires underneith the baseboards and through the walls.

As the plaster was drying, I had to start looking for a tv stand for my just delivered, 58" plasma. But after going to Ikea and other furniture stores, I realized that nothing out there was going to be a) adequate enough for the size and weight of the tv, and b) have an open, centered shelf big enough for the center speaker to sit in. So I went ahead and built my own to the excact specifications I needed.

With the plaster now dry, sanded, and painted, I could now start hanging up what were orignally the rear speakers in the 5.1 setup.

After 2 full weeks, I now had my system up and running :dopey:

However, there was still some unfinished business. I knew from the very beginning that I wanted to have a 7.1 system, but my wallet was screaming in agony, oh and there was also the small matter of there not being any shelving to hold all the DVD / BluRay movies, my games, and my parents old VHS collection (see the before pictures lol, luckily my dad, after a while of me trying to convince him, allowed me get rid of half of it). So in April, after saving up my pennies again, I bought two in-ceiling mounted speakers, and got to work installing them.

This ended up being a lot more messier, and a headache, than I had thought it would be. First off, because our house is almost 80 years old, the drywall covered up the original ceiling which was made of lath and plaster, which made it really messy and a pain in the 🤬! to cut through, and to make matters worse, once I made my two holes using the template for the speakers, I ended up discovering a floor joist running smack dab through it. More cursing ensued. I used a stud finder to locate the joists, but made a silly mistake in scanning for them by going across the ceiling width wise, instead of running it lenthwise along the ceiling. :dunce: What I had thought at the time were the joists it was detecting, was nothing more than the 1x2 strapping holding up the drywall.

To fix this mistake, my dad, using a chair, my tool bag, a paint roller handle, and his ingenueity lol, rigged this up (as shown in the picture above) to hold a piece of drywall in place as the plaster was drying once I had moved the hole to a proper location.

As I was waiting for the plaster to dry, then sanded, and then adding a little bit more and repeating until it was strong enough to support the speakers, this gave me time to design and build some shelving. Luckily, because I work at a hardware store, we started carrying a type of melamine that I realized went extremely well with my rosewood coloured tower speakers, and the Brazillian rosewood stained tv stand that I had built, so I went ahead and built two shelving units to custom fit.

Finally after a full week, I was able to install the rear speakers. In this photo I intentionally left one cover off to show how they are actually directed at 30deg towards the back of the seat.

Finally, after a lot of labour (of love) :) and money :grumpy:, my masterpiece was finally complete.

Receiver: Pioneer Elite VSX-21TXH
TV: 58" Panasonic Plasma TC-P58V10
-Center: Paradigm Monitor CC-290
-L/R Towers: Paradigm Monitor 7
-Sides: Paradigm Monitor ADP-190
-Rear (in ceiling) Paradigm CS-60R-30
Subwoofer: Paradigm PS-1000
I kept the same sub to save some money even though it's 19 years old, and plus, to me at least, it still sounds excellent, and it can still shake the whole house off it's foundation :sly:.

I'm not gonna lie, I knew I wanted the center speaker to be a tight fit, but after measuring a hundred times when creating the opening, a little bit of poo came out when I thought she wasn't gonna go in lol.

The icing on the cake came when my parents, through a friend of a friend who were moving to their new place, sold them their extremely comfortable Lazy-Boy sofa and matching love seat for $100.00

Anyway, my apologies in advance if this post is too long, but I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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Anyway, my apologies in advance if this post is too long, but I hope you guys enjoyed it.
Looks pretty damn good, jman. 👍 I actually read every word (except for the component model numbers :P) so it couldn't have been too long. My previous house was built in 1924 so I know all about the headache of lathe and plaster. Even something as simple as hanging a picture requires a wall anchor. Needless to say, working with my current house (built 2003) is much easier.

That said, I've been meaning to take pictures of my new setup, but as there is still some things to do, I keep putting it off. Maybe I'll take a few later on as an almost finished update.
My aging system consist of:

Panasonic PT-AE 700 projector
Marantz SR7500 A/V-Receiver
iMac running Plex
Dynaudio Audience 72 Fronts
Dynaudio C122 Center
Mordaunt-Short surrounds (can't recall the modelnumber, they are wallmounted bipoles)
Audio Pro Ego Sub
Euroscreen 90" Framed screen

The projector is almost five years and I am just waiting for it to fail so that I can buy a new one with 1080P. Have my eye on the Mitsubishi HTC 5500. I have ripped all my DVDs and Blue Rays to the iMac and watch them through Plex. It's really good to be able to store all the disks elsewhere.

Finally updated the projector. Got an Epson TW3200. Very nice. The rest remains unchanged.
Since I'm discussing the cabinetry in the other thread, I might as well update the components here. :D


TV - black thing in the middle - Vizio VP505XVT
Logitech Harmony PS3 Adapter - little black thing next to the TV
Receiver - TV base, center bay, bottom - Sony STR-DE895
Cassette player - base, center, top - Sony TC-W345
DVD player - base, right, top - Sony DVP-NC665P
Wii and Super Nintendo - base, right, bottom
Sub - bottom right - Yamaha YST-SW105
Left and right speakers - upper left and right respectively - Sony SS-AV33
Center channel - guess - Sony SS-CN550H
PS3 - bottom left
DVR - base, left, bottom - Tivo Series 3
VCR - base, left, top - Sony SLV-N750
VHS cassette rewinder - General Motors - 1963 Corvette Stingray
Remote - off camera - Logitech Harmony 880
Moved house so almost done resetting up.




Got reattach my HTPC and move some boxes. Thinking of getting some new front speakers, possibly Wharfdale 10.0/1? Anyone have any thoughts on this?
I've been seeing a lot of amps/receivers with the top completely or almost completely covered...

You guys know you need to let them breathe, right? That's why they have vents on top.

And they don't have fans. Just the "hot air rises" natural dissipation.

I've been seeing a lot of amps/receivers with the top completely or almost completely covered...

You guys know you need to let them breathe, right? That's why they have vents on top.

And they don't have fans. Just the "hot air rises" natural dissipation.


In the above picture the top of that shelf is the level of the top, not that top front bit. Doesn't seem to get too hot. And if it dies it gives me an excuse to get a new amp :)
Is it just me , or do most Americans haven't got any style when it comes down to home deco ? Sorry to say it , but when I see a vid or pictures of an American living room , it looks so depressing. Don't want to offend anyone , but this is just my opinion.

Although , my setup is kind of all through the house.
Downstairs , I'm playing on a 50'' Panasonic plasma 400HZ with a 2.1 set.
Also we have a 40'' plasma custom build in 2003 , so it's analog but the image quality is mind blowing. The colors are so much better than on any LCD.

Upstairs I play on 40'' Sony Bravia from 2008. Great TV , especially at the time. I still live at home , so actually the only TV I own is the 40'' Bravia.
I'm having the same 2.1 setup as downstairs. On the ''TV watching'' screen we have a 5.1 with some kind of Yamaha RX-V657 amp , 4 Audio Performance speakers , and a AP sub. The amps and speakers are bought a long time ago.
All TV's have a PS3. The Ps3 for the 40'' plasma is only used for DVD's . blue-rays , music etc. Looks better than 20 different players.

I have a gaming PC , but I don't think you're to interested in the specs.



I don't have any pictures of the other stuff , but I do have something you may like to :


I do these kind of things a lot with friend , although , this was the birthday of my lil bro setting there playing GTA4. He went crazy and putted a PS2 and a Wii up on those little 17'' screens. No one used it. :P

This is our hallway for the people wondering.
We have had a cinema screen outside , but it has been taking down because we were going to made a shop for my mother.
I think you just owned everyone who's on this forum. I would never find use for that many TV's(except using the three TVs for GT5) and I'd be real scared of the electric bill.
Is it just me , or do most Americans haven't got any style when it comes down to home deco ? Sorry to say it , but when I see a vid or pictures of an American living room , it looks so depressing.
Matter of opinion. Personally, I think yours looks cluttered with the posters and skateboard on the walls.
I think you just owned everyone who's on this forum.
Again, matter of opinion.
Matter of opinion. Personally, I think yours looks cluttered with the posters and skateboard on the walls.

Again, matter of opinion.

Yeah , thats my bedroom. But when I look at random American livingrooms , they aren't very stylish in my opinion. Not that there is something wrong with it. Just wanted to notice it.

Anyway , those TV's aren't actually for private use. We rent them among audio and light and such stuff for festivals and theaters and so. We have quite a few of those 50''. And when they aren't rented , we sometimes use them.
So that explains things a bit. We only have one for private use.
This is pure sex. How much did you pay for the Monitor 7s? I'd really be interested to know because I've been thinking about getting a pair of these for a while now.

Paid $800.00 for the 7's, but I'm sure you can get them for much less if you shop around.

Let's see upstairs in the family room I have.
65" RCA Projector Set
Sony DVD-R
Phillips 550 watt surround system (wattage is total peak :( ) with 5 speakers +powered sub

Onyko Receiver 65 Watt RMS per channel, 4 channels
1 pair custom made 3 way bass reflex speakers with 12" woofers
1 pair Bose bookshelf speeakers
Kenwood CD
Sony tape deck
JVC tape deck

Both sound systems are tied together giving a total of 10 speakers pumping out a total peak of well over 1000 watts when cranked:)

In my office
37 " Vizio LCD
2 sets Altec Lansing PC speakers with powered subs 40 and 80 watt
4 PCs

All connected together using TV inputs and a KVM switch.

Also have an MS Wheel for the 360
a DFGT for the PS2/3
Fanatec 911 Turbo S for both (most recent purchase)
My system consists of Paradgim 5seMK3 fronts, Paradigm CC-300 center channel, Paradigm Titans for the surronds, and Paradigm DSP 3200 for the sub. I am using a Denon 889 for the receiver.

My TV is a 37" Vizio, but I am looking to upgrade in Jan.-Feb. I have my eyes set on a 52" or 60" Sharp Quatton right now.

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My man cave/home cinema/basement







Sony 5.1 system
Sumo bean bag chair
3 seater sofa

... ignore that side laptop stand/table near the bookcase, that's to mount the steering wheel for GT5 :D

... Just finished renovating it, still some work to do... the glass display case is a little empty, need a better way to display dvd collection than on a bookshelf, need to hide mess of wires at computer desk...
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Living Room:


2.5GHz Quad Core HTPC w/BluRay
Sony STR-DH800
Klipsch F1 Towers
Klipsch C1 Center Channel
Panasonic AK-27 Rear Speakers
40" Samsung LCD



PS3/Xbox 360
3.36Ghz Quad Core PC
Creative XFi Titanium 7.1
Yamaha 2.1 Speakers (Front Surround)
Logitech 5.1 Speakers (Center/Front/Side)
Panasonic 2.1 Shelf System (Rear)
2x Samsung 24" LCD Monitors
27" Samsung CRT HDTV
Fanatec Carrera w/ Clubsports
LG 32" 1080p TV
Onkyo SR308 HDMI 1.3 Amp
Tannoy 5.1 Speaker set (with very big sub)