What's your favourite.....? Get to know your fellow GTP'ers *updated*

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
Colour: Blue

Food: Carbonara

Drink: Diet Coke

Car: E28 BMW M5, Jaguar E-Type

Celebrity crushes: Umm, hmm, well, Ann Widdicome. Joking, joking...

Film: Zombieland

Song: Paradise City - Guns 'n' Roses

Sports: WRC, F1

Designer label: Depends what is counted as designer.

Game: GTA III 10th anniversary, FM4, GT5
Colour: Red

Food: Crispy Duck pancakes

Drink: Diet Pepsi

Car: Lamborghini Murcielago LP-670 SV-4

Celebrity crushes: None

Film: Senna

Song: Charlene Soraia- Wherever you will go

Sports: Football/Soccer

Designer label: Nike

Game: GT5, Uncharted 2
Color: Red, black

Food: No idea, I'll eat anything that tastes good.

Drink: Mt. Dew Voltage/White Out

Car: Ford Mustang, Ford in general

Celebrity crushes: Where do I begin

Film: Pineapple Express, Superbad, Step Brothers

Song: Don't have one. I like way to many songs equally.

Sports: Football

Designer label: Cheap brands

Game: GTA's, GT5s, any open world games really that have a great story and are a parody of real life
Colour: Olive green.

Food: Coconut-based foods, such as thai curries. Taro too.

Drink: Beer (duh). If you had to pin me down for a favorite, it'd be a toss-up between Ballast Point Indra Kunindra, Stone Double Bastard (especially when aged in brandy barrels... good god), Stone Punishment (aka Double Bastard aged in oak barrels with chilies from the CEO's backyard), Firestone Parabola, Alpine Exponential Hoppiness, Portsmouth Kate the Great... okay this probably isn't helpful anymore.

Car: Lotus Elise.

Celebrity crush: Blake Lively.

Film: Don't really have a movie I'm super-crazy about. Maybe The Incredibles.

Song: One song? Really? Something from TMBG. I dunno, maybe the live version of Birdhouse in Your Soul they played on The Tonight Show.

Sport: F1. The only sport I follow in fact.

Designer label: J. Crew. The only button-down shirts I've found that fit me well and aren't too expensive (at the outlet anyway) or gaudy. I don't do hipster flannel. And for jeans I have four pairs of Levi's 514s.

Game: LBP2.
Colour: Red

Food: Mushroom risotto and lemon meringue pie. Or to be really unpopular I would say marmite :P

Drink: Butlers Irish Filter Coffee

Car: Agera-R but to be more realistic a Citroën DS3

Celebrity crush: hmmm don't have any massive ones but would probably say Tay Jardine

Film: Black Hawk Down

Song: Buck Rodgers by Feeder or Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2

Sport: F1, Freestyle skiing and dodgeball

Designer label: Oakley, Animal, Quicksilver.

Game: GT5 its the only game I play really these days, otherwise its any of the Pokémon or Professor Layton series.
Or to be really unpopular I would say marmite :P

Colour: Blue

Food: Indian

Drink: Jack Daniel's and Coke

Car: Ferrari F40

Celebrity crush: Kelly Brook

Film: The Blues Brothers

Song: Mr Brightside

Sport: Football (soccer)

Designer label: Nike for Sports - Gant for leisure

Game: Currently GT5, ever The Saboteur
Guess I could give an attempt at this.

Colour: Green.

Food: No idea, off the top of my head... Tacos? :P

Drink: Sprite, or Pepsi.

Car: SAAB 900 Turbo, or Ferrari F40.

Celebrity crush: No idea. ;)

Film: Alien, Apocalypse Now.

Song: Red Alert - Basement Jaxx.

Sport: To watch - biathlon, to play - floorball.

Designer label: Don't care too much about what labels there are on my clothes (presuming that is what it refers to).

Game: Uncharted series, Gran Turismo series, Star Wars Battlefront series (nerd alert). :D

Food:Chicken Risotto, or a good ol' Burger and Chips


Car:I have to choose one? Right, E30 M3, Original Mini, Pagani Zonda

Celebrity crush:Emma Watson (with long hair only)

Film:Toy Story 3, Wall-E

Song:No particular favourite

Sport:F1, Cricket

Designer label:Whats a designer label? ;) None.

Game:GT5, F1 2011
Color: metallic teal green

Food: mushroom-tomato-paprika noodle mix

Drink: Water!

Car: Nissan R89C

Celebrity crush: Winona Ryder (short hair only)

Film: Sunshine & Alien trilogy

Song: Nine Inch Nails - The day the whole world went away

Sport: Watch: ALMS, K1 Do: weight training, cycling

Designer label: None - I don't give a *beep* about labels

Game: Thief the dark project, Baldurs Gate II
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Color: Blue

Food: Tuna Casserole

Drink: Cherry Coca-Cola

Car: Ferrari Testarossa (or, better: The 512TR with the Testarossa body).

Celebrity Crush: None

Film: Jackie Brown

Song: Rush - Subdivisions

Sport: Watch - American Football, Play - Golf

Designer Label: None.

Game: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Complete
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Color: Red

Food: BBQ'd hamburgers, done homestyle!

Drink: Iced tea

Car: Ahh, so many to choose from! Right now, probably the Jaguar XJ220, but it changes sort of frequently, and could be a list all by itself... :drool:

Celebrity crush: None

Film: Kelly's Heroes

Song: The Travelling Wilburys - End of the Line

Sport: Autoracing and hockey

Designer label: None - I just go with whatever's sitting on top in my dresser drawer...

Game: Gran Turismo series, Forza Motorsport series, Fallout 3, Halo Series, Hearts, Monopoly
Color: Yellow

Food: Cheeseburger

Drink: Jones Soda

Car: Challenger Yellow Jacket (Current avatar)

Celebrity crush: Mmmmmmmmmmm, no one really.

Film: Gran Torino

Song: Too many good songs to pick a favorite

Sport: Motocross

Designer label: Errrmmmmmm, Fox or DC

Game:SCHOOL GT5 or F1 2011
I posted here before, but stuff has changed since then, so:

Color: Purple

Food: Steak

Drink: Pumpkin Spice Cappuccino(From Starbucks[/hipster])

Car: '12 Camaro ZL1.

Celebrity Crush: None

Film: How To Train Your Dragon

Song: Changes from week to week, but currently: Castle Crashers OST - Forest Entrance.

Sport: None

Designer Label: None

Game: Mass Effect 2
Colour: Blue

Food: Curry (Balti, Tikka Masala, etc)

Drink: Tea

Car: I'd have to say Bugatti EB110

Celebrity crushes: None

Film: The Rock

Song: I've had many favourites, but right now it's Kasabian - La Fée Verte

Sports: Formula 1, Soccer.

Designer label: None

Game: Right now, Forza Motorsport 4
Colour: Black

Food: Chicken Kievs

Drink: Mountain Dew

Car: Ford Mondeo.... don't look at me like that.

Celebrity crush: Ken Block

Film: Cars, Cars 2, Christine

Song: Tiesto - Adagio For Strings

Sport: Rallying, rugby league

Designer label: DC

Game: GT5, DiRT 3, Saints Row: The Third, GTA IV
Color: Black, Blue

Food: My mom's fried rice :D

Drink: Ginger Ale, Green Tea

Car: Jaguar E-Type Series 1

Celebrity crush: Don't really have one...or can't think of it right now. X_x

Film: Hard Boiled

Song: Grounds For Divorce by Elbow

Sport: A bit of American Football, soccer, and motorsports of course. (Rally, drifting if anyone believes that's a motorsport)

Designer label: None, I'm not exactly stylish. :lol:

Game: Gran Turismo Series, Burnout Series, Resident Evil Series
Colour: Blue, mainly the WRC Subaru Blue :sly:

Food: Spicy chicken stir fry.

Drink: Vanilla coke.

Car: Mclaren F1.

Celebrity crush: Angelina Jolie.

Film: Scarface.

Song: To Live And Die in La by Tupac.

Sport: BMX!

Designer label: Vans.

San Andreas and GT5 at this point in time.
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I have updated the question list, it now contains a few extra questions.

This is the new questionaire to copy:





Car: (Real life):

Car: (GT5):

Celebrity crush:




Designer label:




So, here is mine updated:

Colour: Orange

Food: Thai Green Chicken Curry

Drink: Vodka/Lemonade

Snack: Walkers Sensations Smoked Monterrey Chilli with Goats Cheese :drool:

Car: (Real life): R33 Skyline GTS-T

Car: (GT5): Pagani Zonda C12S

Celebrity crush: Rachel Weisz

Film: Taken

Song: Alterbridge, Ties that bind

Sport: Football

Designer label: Paul Smith

Game: Gt5, Resistance 2

Animal: Lion

Smell: Petrol
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Colour: Blue

Food: Junk.

Drink: Cola.

Car: Don't press me. I like mundane saloons; Peugeot 406, Volvo 850 and so on.

Celebrity crush: Jennifer Aniston.

Film: Clerks/Die Hard 3/Marx Bros.

Song: Several. But Run To The Hills is my most played.

Sport: Association Football.

Designer label: Don't give a flying.

Game: Mind games. Psyches, wind ups and inside jokes.

Snack: Cereal.

Car: (GT5): I'll get back to you on that one. Not played the game since July.

Animal: Rays.

Smell: Fresh air.
Colour: Orange
Food: Pizzaa!
Drink: Toffee Apple Cider
Snack: Digestives I guess
Car: (Real life): Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV
Car: (GT5): Ferrari 458 Italia
Celebrity crush: Hayley Williams :D
Film: The Avengers
Song: Hallelujah - Paramore
Sport: F1
Designer label: Primark 👍
Game: Forza 4, Gran Turismo 5, GTA IV, TDU...
Animal: Meerkat
Smell: Cinnamon
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Color: Yellow

Food: Cheeseburgers

Drink: Jones Soda

Snack: Chocolate

Car: (Real life): Dodge Challenger Yellow Jacket

Car: (GT5): TDB

Celebrity crush: TBD

Film: Gran Torino

Song: This will change rapidly, but right now it's The (Shipped) Gold Standard by Fall out Boy.

Sport: Motocross, it's for real men.

Designer label: DC

Game: Racing: GT5, F1 2011, Flatout 2 Other: Uncharted 3, LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2

Animal: Dogs and Pandas

Smell: Diesel exhaust
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Colour: Blue
Food: At this moment I would kill for a lasagna
Drink: Sprite
Snack: Anything from chocolate. And cookies.
Car: (Real life): Honda NSX
Car: (GT5): never played GT5.
Celebrity crush: hmmm... Jennifer Love Hewitt would be the closest one.
Film: Back To The Future, Italian Job, Pixar's Cars
Song: Queen - One Vision
Sport: Soccer
Designer label: Don't know, don't care.
Game: GT4, GTA:San Andreas.
Animal: Dogs, cats
Smell: Summer morning, New Car, WD40 :lol:
You went from Rachel Weisz to Kelly Brook huh :scared: and I quote your ":drool:" on rachel weisz :sly:

To be honest it still is Rachel Weisz, it always has been her...I just forgot how to spell her name so put in no2 Kelly Brook :lol:

Yes, I really am that lazy.

It's ok, it's fixed now, along with my favourite GT5 car.
Color: Red

Food: Pizza

Drink: Water

Snack: Not sure, I guess Pringles.

Car: '76 Porsche 911 Turbo

Car (GT5): Nissan XANAVI Nismo Z '06

Celebrity crush: Melanie Iglesias

Film: Black Hawk Down

Song: Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons

Sport: FIA GT1

Designer Label: Don't care

Game: Battlefield 3 or GT5

Animal: Cat

Smell: Brake fluid cleaner
Color: Green
Food: any Mexican meal, especially Tacos
Drink: Diet Coke or Cranberry with Lime
Car: any car that is working and I can afford I'll drive, must be automatic transmission
Celebrity Crush: don't know if I pick someone: Diana Pérez - she does the voice for Jessie (in the Pokemon anime)
Film: all of the Pokemon movies, in no particular order
Song: "Sweet Cheetah" by W.A.S.P.
Sport: Futbol
Designer Label: none
Game: aside from GT games, Sim City 4
Diana Pérez does the voice of Jessie in the Spanish (Latin American version)
I'm only updating the new questions

Car: (GT5): Not sure, I have not played it in so long. About 8 months

Animal: Cougar

Smell: fresh seafood
Colour: Blue

Food: Taco Chips

Drink: Coca-Cola or Mountain Dew (american version)

Snack: Toffee Popcorn

Car: (Real life): McLaren F1

Car: (GT5): Nissan GT-R R35 TC

Celebrity crush: I wouldn't really have one

Film: In Bruges

Song: Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World

Sport: ehmm... Soccer I guess

Designer label: Crosshatch or Tommy Hilfiger

Game: GTA IV (Although SSX or GTA V may change that very soon)

Animal: Zebras

Smell: Vanilla Candles
Color: Red, black

Food: Too many to list

Drink: Mt. Dew Voltage/White out, cherry coke

Snack: Cheesy Ritz Bits Crackers

Car: (Real life): Ford Mustang, Ford in general

Car: (GT5): '65 Ford Shelby Mustang GT350R, Ford GT '06, '71 Ford Mustang Mach 1

Celebrity crush: No idea, too many?

Film: Pineapple Express, Super Bad, Grown Ups, Step Brothers, Pirates of the Carribean

Song: Don't get me started on music. Pretty much any kind of decent metal/rock. I prefer not to listen to screamo though. Only a few songs of that.

Sport: American Football (played for 6 years)

Designer label: wat

Game: GT5, Guitar Hero (all of 'em, Metallica in specific), Rock Band, Grand Theft Auto and any good sandbox games with a good story.

Animal: Siberian Husky

Smell: Gasoline, and a few others I can't remember.