Wheel Stands, Racing Rigs Cockpits, Pedals, Wheels. Master List

  • Thread starter SGETI
Flex in the GTU? The only flex there is in the wheel mounting plate and I'm planning a bespoke solution to that. The F1GT doesn't appear to have a much better solution so I'd double check you are happy with that before laying down your hard earned. There is literally no flex with the chassis of the GTU, it's solid as a rock.

I agree about the DIY element. Everyone has different needs and it would be impossible for the manufacturers to cater for all of those needs so I think some degree of DIY is acceptable. Have you considered an aluminium profile rig? I recently bought a triple monitor mount made from alu profile and it's fantastic. Unbelievably solid. My next rig will be a self built alu profile rig. Check this website out https://sim-lab.eu/product-category/cockpit/

You need to buy your own seat but you can get a reasonably priced rig and you can find seats at a reasonable price too.

I wouldn't consider profile because it looks ghastly, and I could DIY my own welded steel rig if I wanted to do that much work which would look a million times better. Basically, I can't be bothered making a new rig, as my old one was just cobbled together out of stuff I had lying around, and if I was to do another one, I'd want to go all out to make a pro rig. I have an insane level of attention to detail in most of what I do, so I know that if I was to take on another DIY rig project, it'd take me ages and would end up being a ton of work. But that's my own problem, as I won't do things in halves.

As for the GTU, I'm not trying to dump on your purchase mate. What wheel and pedal set up do you use? I've heard they're fine for something like a Logi set up, but there must be hundreds of videos and forum discussions on the 'net showing and discussing the significant flex a GTU has when paired with Fanatec or higher end gear. I've got CSPs, and am buying a CSL-E, and I've seen that exact combo being used on a GTU, and the flex was crazy. I was pretty keen on getting a GTU before I saw that. My only concern with the F1GT is the pedal deck. When it's mounted in F1 mode, it's only secured at the base, with the far end of it unsupported from underneath. ISR's review said there was no perceivable flex in the pedal deck when in use, but the video did show a little flex when they used the CSPs on it. It's not a deal breaker though, because the deck is made from thicker steel than older NLR products, so should be easily reinforceable.
I wouldn't consider profile because it looks ghastly, and I could DIY my own welded steel rig if I wanted to do that much work which would look a million times better. Basically, I can't be bothered making a new rig, as my old one was just cobbled together out of stuff I had lying around, and if I was to do another one, I'd want to go all out to make a pro rig. I have an insane level of attention to detail in most of what I do, so I know that if I was to take on another DIY rig project, it'd take me ages and would end up being a ton of work. But that's my own problem, as I won't do things in halves.

As for the GTU, I'm not trying to dump on your purchase mate. What wheel and pedal set up do you use? I've heard they're fine for something like a Logi set up, but there must be hundreds of videos and forum discussions on the 'net showing and discussing the significant flex a GTU has when paired with Fanatec or higher end gear. I've got CSPs, and am buying a CSL-E, and I've seen that exact combo being used on a GTU, and the flex was crazy. I was pretty keen on getting a GTU before I saw that. My only concern with the F1GT is the pedal deck. When it's mounted in F1 mode, it's only secured at the base, with the far end of it unsupported from underneath. ISR's review said there was no perceivable flex in the pedal deck when in use, but the video did show a little flex when they used the CSPs on it. It's not a deal breaker though, because the deck is made from thicker steel than older NLR products, so should be easily reinforceable.
I use a CSW V2 and CSP V3. Could you link the video you are talking about.
I use a CSW V2 and CSP V3. Could you link the video you are talking about.

It's one of ISR's videos where they talk about it. There's also ample discussion about it on ISR's forums. I'm too busy to go looking through videos, and to be honest I really don't care.
Thanks a lot.

I've just lost my mother suddenly, and have had to sort the funeral and everything out in these last few days. I seriously don't give a **** about your post-purchase rationalisation, and don't have any time for it. What I stated about the GTU is an extremely well documented fact, and if you can't handle that, it's not my ****ing problem mate...
@Mike_grpA , I recently lost my dad and I am well aware of the stress you must be under. Sorry for your loss. I can fully understand your tone and sharpness of your post, but lets try and think before we post.
@Mike_grpA , I recently lost my dad and I am well aware of the stress you must be under. Sorry for your loss. I can fully understand your tone and sharpness of your post, but lets try and think before we post.

Fair enough mate, my point was that I merely mentioned a well documented fact about the GTU (a fact which also applies to almost all of NLR's rigs I might add), and I simply don't have the energy to argue with someone who denies said fact simply because they themselves own the rig in question. It's not up for debate, due to the overwhelming evidence online. Like I said in an earlier post, I wasn't trying to dump on his rig, I was merely stating why I was turned off when I was initially interested in buying one. I'm all up for rational discussion, but when people start getting into post-purchase rationalisation, then there's no point continuing the discussion
I've just lost my mother suddenly, and have had to sort the funeral and everything out in these last few days. I seriously don't give a **** about your post-purchase rationalisation, and don't have any time for it. What I stated about the GTU is an extremely well documented fact, and if you can't handle that, it's not my ****ing problem mate...
I'm sorry for your loss. We just recently lost my brother in law after an horrendous battle with cancer so I understand what you are going through. However, if you had just said that initially we wouldn't have ended up with you being such a jerk.
I'm sorry for your loss. We just recently lost my brother in law after an horrendous battle with cancer so I understand what you are going through. However, if you had just said that initially we wouldn't have ended up with you being such a jerk.

I'm a jerk because I can't be bothered listening to someone trying to justify their purchase by ignoring well known facts? Sure thing cobber.

Edit: We could have avoided all of this if you didn't feel the need to argue about something which is so well documented that claiming it's not true just makes you look silly.

Also, unless you've lost a parent, you don't know what I'm going through...
I'm a jerk because I can't be bothered listening to someone trying to justify their purchase by ignoring well known facts? Sure thing cobber.
The only facts I know are the ones I experience, can't speak for others. I'm happy with my purchase, don't need to rationalise anything, I was interested to see if in any of these vids people had come up with a solution for the flex in the wheel mounting plate. And you were a jerk for speaking in the way you did to me. I understand you are in a very difficult place but don't think anything I wrote deserved the response you gave it.

I truly am sorry for your loss. I hope the funeral is a celebration of your mothers life and that you can find some comfort in the months ahead. It does get easier.
Hello all
I'm Pete from UK.
I'm new here and straight with the question:

I'm about to buy Playseat Evolution but I've read quite few opinions that post in the middle might be an issue for some. Unfortunately I have no way of checking if it will bother me or not. Can someone give me some idea of pros and cons of that solution, what should I take under consideration. I'm using T300 wheel with T3PA Pro pedals.
Also if anyone has any different suggestions for £300 rig I would gladly look into it.


I have a playseat Evo and in my humble opinion it's the best rig for the money. It's massive amount of customizations with the pedals, seat and wheelbase post are still unique to this day. I have pretty long legs with a 36" inseam and I prefer to have my wheel a little closer to my body, which means my legs stick way out the front. That necessity alone knocks out 95%+ of all cockpits on the market w/o modding them (and voiding warranties).

The seat is at a nice angle but it is a little on the thin side so if you are like me and have a very bony back, it'll wear out in a few years.

Everyone gripes about the center post and I honestly don't see why. With rigs that have the side post and overhang the rig must move a little when going through chicanes, etc. The center post has never once been an issue, ever.

Because of my long legs and how the seat is a little low to the ground (not bad, still very comfy) I thought the pedals were a little too close together but with my CSR Elite pedals I could space them out by directly mounting them to the pedal base. I did have to drill a few holes to do that, but it's a quick project (after my warranty was up anyway).

I think you'd be very happy with the Playseat Evo, tbh. I'd recommend the seat slider just for convenience sake.

Given I said all that, yesterday I did finally upgrade from my 10+ year old Playseat to the RSeat N1, and while I don't have any wheel time her yet, I 'think' I'll be happy with it. I'll find out in the next couple days and try and put up a review with it too.

Hey Jerome
Thank you very much for your reply. I've already decided to go with NLR.
Still researching that F1GT although GTUltimate seems like the best option atm.
Until I can afford to buy the Playseat F1 rig; I am happy with my Playseat Evo and the centre post has never been an issue for me. Just mounted my new Thrustmaster T-300 Ferrari Integral Racing Wheel Alcantara Edition on the Evo; and also the F1 wheel add-on. Really enjoying the F1 wheel.
Hello GTPlant community! Lots of nice info here. I'm soon gonna be buying the G29 and looking my options on stands. GT Omega Stand fits the bill nicely - any other suggestions appreciated but foldability and portability is mandatory! Space is limited and so is the wife's tolerance!

Can any of the Omega Wheel Stand owners comment on the floor stability of said stand? I'm mainly concerned about the whole thing sliding away if I press the brake a little harder. I don't have a carpet and the stand would not be pressed against any wall. Do the rubber inserts on the base perform as advertised? For my seat I will be using my computer office chair.
...Can any of the Omega Wheel Stand owners comment on the floor stability of said stand? I'm mainly concerned about the whole thing sliding away if I press the brake a little harder. I don't have a carpet and the stand would not be pressed against any wall. Do the rubber inserts on the base perform as advertised? For my seat I will be using my computer office chair.

Mine is sitting on the carpet but I can check for you when I get back home. Mind you I'm using T3PA Pro pedals so it will be a little bit heavier than G29 ones. Office chair is a good alternative but you need to find a solution for locking the wheels ;)
Mine is sitting on the carpet but I can check for you when I get back home. Mind you I'm using T3PA Pro pedals so it will be a little bit heavier than G29 ones. Office chair is a good alternative but you need to find a solution for locking the wheels ;)

That is very nice of you, thanks, I would appreciate your findings! I don't see myself as going crazy with the movements, I tend to take good care of my toys , so I figure it should be ok but better to check.

I'm not worried about the chair, it will be taken care of, haha.
The only facts I know are the ones I experience, can't speak for others. I'm happy with my purchase, don't need to rationalise anything, I was interested to see if in any of these vids people had come up with a solution for the flex in the wheel mounting plate. And you were a jerk for speaking in the way you did to me. I understand you are in a very difficult place but don't think anything I wrote deserved the response you gave it.

I truly am sorry for your loss. I hope the funeral is a celebration of your mothers life and that you can find some comfort in the months ahead. It does get easier.
Did you find a solution for the up and down movement on the wheel deck/crossbar? It's pretty much the only thing I notice not being solid especially in VR you notice movement easily when 'blind'.

I don't have any elsewhere with how I currently have it setup, although I did have some in the join of the seat and wheelstand bending up on hard braking but I think that is very much dependant on how you setup the rig and pedal placement. I moved the pedals right to the end to drill all four screws in which means I don't need to pedal deck all the way out anymore which stopped it obviously moving, it may still do but can't say I've noticed.
Hey Jerome
Thank you very much for your reply. I've already decided to go with NLR.
Still researching that F1GT although GTUltimate seems like the best option atm.
This rig is very strong. I can barely move the wheel. the only problem I have, and it's a very small problem is a little bit of flex in GT mode with the pedal set mount on the angle but I put something underneath to take away that Flex. one bolt on Each Side just isn't enough but in F1 mode it's a lot better. The seat has a wonderful slider and it also reclines from three positions. It's not real leather however it feels more like pleather I pulled on one of the handles and it ripped out I contacted Next Level haven't got a reply back. Comes with extra Hardware I was missing a couple bolts and comes with all the mounting hardware for the pedal set which the thrustmaster doesn't come with so was happy about that. Other than that all of the hardware lined up and went together pretty easily. But like I said the wheel Mount is so sturdy with two bolts on each side and two at the bottom and two in the middle on each side for the height adjustment no problems at all very comfortable and has a nice lumbar support.
Personally, I would never invest in something with a middle post.
I need the freedom to move my legs/feet around (for heel-and-toe shifting and left-foot braking) - I've tried it before and I can't do this with a middle post.

I'm not saying it won't serve you (apparently others get around it), but since you have a pedal set with a clutch pedal, I'd look better into it before spending such amount of money.
I guess it depends on individual heel-toe technique but I have barely even noticed the centre post whilst using my Wheel Stand Pro (T300 Alcantara and T3PA)
update using Next Level F1 GT cockpit there is zero pedal Flex when using the F1 pedal plate two bolts for the plate two bolts for the pedals
Hi guys, I was hoping someone could help me out. I'm looking to purchase the GT Omega wheelstand for use with a Fanatec CSL Elite and Shifter/Handbrake. So I would need a gear mount, but they have two versions of those: V1 and V2. I don't know which one would be the best to use/most sturdy/most comfortable. Anyone can chime in on this? :)
Hi guys, I was hoping someone could help me out. I'm looking to purchase the GT Omega wheelstand for use with a Fanatec CSL Elite and Shifter/Handbrake. So I would need a gear mount, but they have two versions of those: V1 and V2. I don't know which one would be the best to use/most sturdy/most comfortable. Anyone can chime in on this? :)
I made a mistake and bought v2, its way too high, Then i bought V1, its height adjustable so it sits at the natural car shifter height whereas v2 is too high when fitted, can’t really see what gear and arm ache after a while. Using my v2 as a button box mount now.
Is there a resource or buyers guide for recommendations at each price point . Looking a rig that doesn't flex at the $500 price point (+ or - ). Will mount CSL elite wheel base and pedals.
I made a mistake and bought v2, its way too high, Then i bought V1, its height adjustable so it sits at the natural car shifter height whereas v2 is too high when fitted, can’t really see what gear and arm ache after a while. Using my v2 as a button box mount now.
I see, thanks for the info!
Is there a resource or buyers guide for recommendations at each price point . Looking a rig that doesn't flex at the $500 price point (+ or - ). Will mount CSL elite wheel base and pedals.

The short answer, No. This list was started close to six years ago and has progressed over time as new products come to market. Never started the list to be a recommendation of any single rig, just as some people prefer blondes , others prefer brunettes. Neither are wrong.

The $500.00 price point has numerous rigs. Will be up to you which one, blonde or brunette.

Take the time, due some searches, and after you have narrowed down the field, give this thread a shout and hopefully someone will give you a first hand reply on a specific rig.

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