Wheel Stands, Racing Rigs Cockpits, Pedals, Wheels. Master List

  • Thread starter SGETI
Please help me with my next level racing stand. I have two big questions.

Mine came with this two parts (see the picture) but not attached to anything. what are they and are they needed.

Also if I install the brackets for the sides to make the pedal stand plate not slide and more secure. Will the whole stand still fold up.


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Also if I install the brackets for the sides to make the pedal stand plate not slide and more secure. Will the whole stand still fold up.

I believe the easiest way to answer this question is to install brackets and then try to fold. May take you 5 - 10 min.

Mine came with this two parts (see the picture) but not attached to anything. what are they and are they needed.

I looked at the package shipping list and these two parts are not listed. Suggest a call or email with photo to their customer service.

Good luck with the stand, hope you enjoy.
Thanjs. I will try and install the brackets and try it. But was just asking. Yeah I tried emailing support but no response yet. I love the wheel stand and the g920 wheel is amazing fun. I’m pkaying horizon 4, assetto corsa and project cars 2. Assists corsa is my favorite so is f1 2018. Forza 7 is my jest favorite and I may never play forza Motorsport again after experience the assetto corsa and pc2. I still need to try out Dakar 18 and wrc7.
I kinda upgraded my rig yesterday with an old TV I found in my storage closet when I was putting away the Christmas stuff, I had forgotten I even had it. I was having to pull out my rig into the living room before and set it up in front of the tv, but now she’s permanently placed in the den with its own dedicated TV. It felt weird at first with the monitor so close but after a couple hours of using it last night it feels way better now then it did before, and I don’t have to move it any more, yay! :D

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I kinda upgraded my rig yesterday with an old TV I found in my storage closet when I was away the Christmas stuff, I had forgotten I even had it. I was having to pull out my rig into the living room before and set it up in front of the tv, but now she’s permanently placed in the den with its own dedicated TV. It felt weird at first with the monitor so close but after a couple hours of using it last night it feels way better now then it did before, and I don’t have to move it any more, yay! :D

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Nice rig :cheers:

However, is that a GT Driving Force wheel? I thought they weren't compatible with PS4? Or do you have a pc somewhere that I can't see?
Wow. I had no idea that was possible. I sold my GT Driving Force wheel last week after it sat in the loft for 2 years.

I went and bought a T150 two years ago when I thought my GT Driving Force wheel wouldn't work on my brand new PS4.

Oh well, nevermind!

He is correct, it’s a Driving Force GT with a DriveHub adapter allowing it to be used with the PS4, the PS4 thinks it’s a G29, I wish! It works well but I’ve been eyeing newer wheels lately, wondering if they are better, smoother maybe? How do you like the T150?
He is correct, it’s a Driving Force GT with a DriveHub adapter allowing it to be used with the PS4, the PS4 thinks it’s a G29, I wish! It works well but I’ve been eyeing newer wheels lately, wondering if they are better, smoother maybe? How do you like the T150?

The T150 was amazing. I had it for just over two years. The main difference was the pedals had far more travel than the Driving Force and allowed me to be far more accurate on the brakes. No longer needed ABS to be run all the time.

I actually just upgraded to a T300 RS GT last month as my T150 was on its last legs and the T300 is even better. More ffb in the wheel and they have metal plates on the top of the pedals which make it feel far more sturdier. They also come with a brake mod which helps me be far more precise on the brakes as you learn through muscle memory now, rather than guessing the travel of your brake pedal.

Either way, if you have the money for a T150 or T300, do it!
I’ve been eyeing newer wheels lately, wondering if they are better, smoother maybe? How do you like the T150?
The T150 is smoother and quieter than Driving Force GT, but if you want a significant upgrade you will have to buy a more expensive wheel. My first wheel was DFGT then T150 and now CSL Elite. If I have to go back in time I would skip the T150 and I would go straight to CSL Elite or at least to T300.
Speaking of T300. Here is the servo base for the lowest price I have seen. I actually bought a back up a few years ago for $259. which I was glad i grabbed at that price. I have since put that reserve wheel into full time use and now I will be buying a backup again.


Do all wheels where out that fast now? I’ve been using my DFGT since it came out and it still works. Does Logitech have the best reliability for wheels? I don’t really want to have to buy a back up for a new wheel.

Is there any word on a Logitech G30 wheel yet? The G29 is falling in peace lately which usually is the sign of a new product coming out. I don’t want to buy one now just to have the price drop again in a couple months if a new one comes out.
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I don’t really want to have to buy a back up for a new wheel.

You don't have to buy a back up. I choose to buy one. The reliability of earlier T300's along with setting 100% Force feedback on PC1 and PC2 led to over heating, which in turn effected the motor. Currently my wheel FFB is set to 70%. At that FFB I have plenty of feeling in the wheel. Thrustmaster has since given an option to allow the fan to be "on" at all times which aids in the cooling and increases the longevity of the wheel.

You don't plan to smash up your car, however you buy insurance. I do not plan for the wheel to break, this purchase my insurance policy.

As far as who has the most reliable wheel, there are already enough threads open discussing this matter and I do not feel we to start a new one.
You don't have to buy a back up. I choose to buy one. The reliability of earlier T300's along with setting 100% Force feedback on PC1 and PC2 led to over heating, which in turn effected the motor. Currently my wheel FFB is set to 70%. At that FFB I have plenty of feeling in the wheel. Thrustmaster has since given an option to allow the fan to be "on" at all times which aids in the cooling and increases the longevity of the wheel.

You don't plan to smash up your car, however you buy insurance. I do not plan for the wheel to break, this purchase my insurance policy.

As far as who has the most reliable wheel, there are already enough threads open discussing this matter and I do not feel we to start a new one.

Thanks for the clarification and information, it’s much appreciated.

I have always used my wheel on 8 for both setting in GT, I’m not sure how that relates to PC2 though. I’ll have to do a lot more reading on the subject before making a decision. Thanks again for the help. :)
I like my Logitech wheel for the price it’s great. The wheel stand I got is my true start to long term racing I will someday add the chair and monitor and motion to complete the next level racing stand. If my wheel breaks in the future I will then upgrade to thrusmaster or better since I did really want that f1 wheel but at the time pricing was making the choice and I went with Logitech for my first big step into sim racing.
I’ve just got given a G29 wheel and shifter as a present and have been trying to find a cheap compact stand. Space and cash is very limited, I’ve seen this stand in a earlier post in this thread . http://www.wheelstandracing.com/

Is this a decent stand for the cost, is it stable and adjustable in height of wheel and distance of pedals. Or should I consider something else my budget is going to be under £100.


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I’ve just got given a G29 wheel and shifter as a present and have been trying to find a cheap compact stand. Space and cash is very limited, I’ve seen this stand in a earlier post in this thread . http://www.wheelstandracing.com/

Is this a decent stand for the cost, is it stable and adjustable in height of wheel and distance of pedals. Or should I consider something else my budget is going to be under £100.

You'll probably not get anything much better in that budget.

It won't be perfect, but it'll do the job.
Is this a decent stand for the cost, is it stable and adjustable in height of wheel and distance of pedals.

The stand you listed will get the job done to begin with. Many racers have started out with much less, ironing boards, coffee tables, and some unique home made stands. The reason I say to begin with is, if you get the bug and come to realize this sim racing is a blast you will no doubt go down the rabbit hole and chase the rig of your dreams. Not sure where you live, but have you looked into used wheel stands? Many racers have moved on from their first stand and would be a great chance to pick up a stand at a discounted price. I sold my Fanatec wheel stand for $25.00 and we were both pleased with the sale. This site has a market place. There are many sites dedicated to the sim racer and many of those sites do have their own market place, such as inside sim racing . You also have online sites such as craiglist and ebay.
Thanks for the replies I’m going to look in getting a stand for my wheel in a month or 2 ( had to spend cash on real car so no funds now ) I did get a £30 Amazon gift card for my birthday I’m banking that. I’ve tried various things and yes even the ironing board, I am currently using a side table it will do for now, but need a better seating position. Also been looking at some of the self made rigs some good ideas out there especially the PVC rigs .Wife’s not not happy about current set up think she’s beginning to regret getting it for me, oh and I live in South Wales if someone here has one for sale and can wait a month.
The stand I have from next level racing is alittle over your budget but it’s tge best and you can parts to it later like a chair and monitor and even the vibration thing. It’s durable and fits nice anywhere
Thanks for the replies I’m going to look in getting a stand for my wheel in a month or 2 ( had to spend cash on real car so no funds now ) I did get a £30 Amazon gift card for my birthday I’m banking that. I’ve tried various things and yes even the ironing board, I am currently using a side table it will do for now, but need a better seating position. Also been looking at some of the self made rigs some good ideas out there especially the PVC rigs .Wife’s not not happy about current set up think she’s beginning to regret getting it for me, oh and I live in South Wales if someone here has one for sale and can wait a month.
It starts with a make shift table ,ends with a full motion sim with traction loss