Wheel Stands, Racing Rigs Cockpits, Pedals, Wheels. Master List

  • Thread starter SGETI
Hey guys,
I just upgraded to the latest NextLevelRacing GTtrack rig, and sold my old GTxtreme rig.
I'm quite amazed by the amount of adjustment of the new GTtrack rig, while still remaining rock solid.
I put together an unboxing, assembly and first thoughts video, and might do some follow up vids now that I have everything set up and have done some laps.

Nice set up. I would have gotten that chair and rig set up but it was to pricey at the time. I will get it next time. I don’t have room yet for a full chair system yet. The stand is great for my set up and just starting out.
I really like that GTtrack rig - having the wheels so it is easy to move is a great addition too.

Hope we get our move sorted soon, first bit of cash I get to blow, that is the rig I am currently thinking to get. Will be easy to make a solid TV mount for it too.
I really like that GTtrack rig - having the wheels so it is easy to move is a great addition too.

Hope we get our move sorted soon, first bit of cash I get to blow, that is the rig I am currently thinking to get. Will be easy to make a solid TV mount for it too.

Yup. Me to. I have the next level racing stand but no seat just use a chair for now. This summer or for Father’s Day. I’m replacing my g920 wheel with the thrustmaster f1 Ferrari wheel and getting the adapter so it can be used with my Logitech pedals. Later I will add the next level racing seat. It’s so cool and fun.
Nice set up. I would have gotten that chair and rig set up but it was to pricey at the time. I will get it next time. I don’t have room yet for a full chair system yet. The stand is great for my set up and just starting out.

Yup. Me to. I have the next level racing stand but no seat just use a chair for now. This summer or for Father’s Day. I’m replacing my g920 wheel with the thrustmaster f1 Ferrari wheel and getting the adapter so it can be used with my Logitech pedals. Later I will add the next level racing seat. It’s so cool and fun.

I was using the Next Level Racing stand for years in conjunction with an X-rocker Rally/Adrenaline. So last week decided to look for something a bit better, adjustable & comfortable. I thought it was too expensive for the seat add-on so ditched that idea early on. To buy their full cockpit was around £600+ whilst on offer!

In the end I went for a GT Omega Racing office chair with lockable casters & the smallest size of gas piston that came with the chair. So far it's working well & I may source some lower glide casters just to maximise how low it can go. (Edit just realised I could further move up my stand/wheel so it's perfect now!)

The chair was a GT Omega Elite bought for £220 delivered from their Ebay store but you also get the Pro for about £189-£199 with fabric or leather options. I just liked the extra padding & increased body hugging style of the newer model up. Was even able to select a colour to match my PlayStation blue car mat I'd custom fitted for my pedals!

See what you guys think. I can take the arm rests off it as well but they're adjustable in 4 dimensions, they don't really get in the way too much & I'm sometimes using it for general gaming or watching a movie. The chair even tilts right back. If space is a problem for you like me this was a great solution together with the ability to fold the NLR stand so easily. It's well built & completely solid. Rotation is still a complete non issue as it wasn't with my X-rocker.

If I was buying anything else it would have been either a GT Omega ART Gaming (fine for standard wheels) or Pro Racing (direct drive) complete cockpit solution from them. I decided to spend less than the £350-£370 for that option where I'd be losing storage options. They also provide casters for their full rigs & are already very compact to be fair. To upgrade my NLR set-up within their own eco system just never made any sense to me based on cost alone. That sums up why I arrived at this conclusion.

It's nice to know you can find cost effective solutions short of building your own rig. My NLR stand was about £170 but just now you can pick up a similar GT Omega Classic or Apex stand (exact same as NLR stand) for £95 - £125 respectively & as another solid option. All in you'd be spending potentially just under or around £300 in total. So you really don't have to spend that much for a proper ready to race mock cockpit set-up/rig. I can't argue with the flexibility, driver position or anything else in all honesty. Plus looking beyond contained cockpit solutions you gain a good choice of colour scheme & material for your racing seat as well as any added convenience regards moving it out the way! Win-win!!



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Please help me with my next level racing stand. I have two big questions.

Mine came with this two parts (see the picture) but not attached to anything. what are they and are they needed.

Also if I install the brackets for the sides to make the pedal stand plate not slide and more secure. Will the whole stand still fold up.

I have the same wheel stand as you, but purchased it about 14 months ago. Mine didn’t have those pieces in the box. I’m wondering if they’re to do with the Fanatec Pedal adapters they’re apparently now including in the package, cause otherwise the Fanatec pedals required drilling into the pedal plate.
I’m looking to buy a Fanatec wheel and pedals and am waiting on Next Level to confirm I’ll still be able to use my stand without me making my own adjustments.
They’ve said they have pedal adapters but I’m waiting to hear back on how I get my hands on them. That’s why I think that’s might be what those are.
Nice chair. I got mine set up. I got my wheel and stand in December. I like it’s a whole new way to play. But I so regret my purchase and I’m stuck with the wheel I have. It works fine but I should have gotten thrusmaster abd instead I went with Logitech g920 for Xbox. I regret it so much because I want an f1 wheel. I’m saving up for and hope to get it over the summer. I’m just stuck with my Logitech when and cant trade it in or sell it. I should have gotten the thrusmaster tx set over the Logitech prices where great for a first time set. I’m just venting. But racing with a wheel sure is fun.
Nice chair. I got mine set up. I got my wheel and stand in December. I like it’s a whole new way to play. But I so regret my purchase and I’m stuck with the wheel I have. It works fine but I should have gotten thrusmaster abd instead I went with Logitech g920 for Xbox. I regret it so much because I want an f1 wheel. I’m saving up for and hope to get it over the summer. I’m just stuck with my Logitech when and cant trade it in or sell it. I should have gotten the thrusmaster tx set over the Logitech prices where great for a first time set. I’m just venting. But racing with a wheel sure is fun.

If it's the F1 wheel that is your main bugbear then can I refer you to these threads?


currently building up a 80/20 rig, got hold of a BMW E46 seat. This seat has its adjustment levers on the right side, so the seat is not fully centered with the rails it is on. Is there a way to get this adjusted so its centered?

It looks like this:
Some extra pieces (of 80/20 for aesthetics, if it's wide enough) like this maybe? You'd just need two rows of bolts, one bolting the extension to the rails, and the other bolting it on (to the right of the sliders) to centralize the seat on the frame.
Looking to upgrade from a wheelstand since the price of a good chair can equal a basic rig - and I wouldn't mind getting rid of the center post.
Rigidity and seat comfort are also very important, and if either's missing I'd rather stay on the stand + comfy chair route. Portability/stashability is less important as I have a dedicated space.

Being in Norway, shipping and import tax essentially limits my choices to the following (unless I want to overspend like crazy).

Local prices including shipping/tax:
* Playseat Revolution ~ €400
* Next Level F-GT ~ €400 (would only be using GT config)
* GT Omega ART ~ €500 (imported, free shipping)
* GT Omega Pro ~ €550 (imported, free shipping)

Only the NL and PS options are locally available, and the used market is essentially limited to Playseat Evos (with center post). (Listing the Playseat Revolution as even though it has a center post it's located in such a way that it shouldn't affect braking/footwork).

Does anyone have experience with these and can/cannot recommend?
Any alternatives that I've missed (with reasonable shipping)?
Just set up a GT Omega Pro Cockpit and its been an amazing bit of kit. Very strong, no flex and very reasonable price with discount codes out there!

GT Omega will be featuring this video on their facebook and twitter soon!

Just set up a GT Omega Pro Cockpit and its been an amazing bit of kit. Very strong, no flex and very reasonable price with discount codes out there!

GT Omega will be featuring this video on their facebook and twitter soon!

Glad you like it. I picked up their Apex Wheel Stand recently when they had a nice discount as well. I'm not ready to fully invest in a rig so I didn't want to spend more than $200 and I'm very satisfied
Please help with opinions. Is the PS4 thrusmaster t300 rs worth getting. I’m getting a PS4 later this summer and I’m using it more for casual gaming from racing games to fighting games. This past December on sale for my Xbox I got the Logitech g920 and wheel set. It was a good deal and is amazing at starting out playing racing games with a wheel. Since I’m now switching to PS4 and trading in my Xbox one soon. I need to sell or trade in my Logitech g920 wheel and pedals. Is the thrusmaster t300 rs the best option for a good price? How old is it? I know theses wheeels last a long time but I’m just curious. I also want the f1 thrusmaster steering wheel since I think it looks cool. If I’m correct the t300 you can switch wheels. I just want to make sure this is the right wheel and best to get. I don’t want to buy something then a year later it’s to old or they update a new one. Im hopping that on eBay I can sell the Logitech to pay for most or all of the new wheel and pedal.

What’s your opinion. I’m just looking for re assurance I’m getting the right one. I also know I can keep the Logitech pedals and buy that adapter so I could just get a thrusmaster wheel. But I think replacing both is the way to go.
If you get the chance on a good deal it's certainly the one to get for your level of use. It's maybe worth getting the the adapter as the stock pedals aren't as good as the logitech ones.

PS5 is still a while away. Earliest late 2020? I wouldn't have the patience myself.
I’m getting PS4 fist. But yeah hopefully I can sell my g920 for at lest 200 on eBay then look for a sale on the t300 or maybe just settle for the thrusmaster T150 ( but that wheel you can swap fir other wheels). And I want the f1 wheel but your right by 2020 or 2021 a new PS4 wheel will come out so maybe just get T150 since price is less then upgrade in the future
SimLab P1-X chassis announcement


We’re happy to announce the P1-X sim racing chassis. After the success of the P1 we are introducing the new version of the rig, with some small but needed updates. Full info to be released soon.

Planned release date is in the first half of June.
SimLab P1-X chassis announcement


We’re happy to announce the P1-X sim racing chassis. After the success of the P1 we are introducing the new version of the rig, with some small but needed updates. Full info to be released soon.

Planned release date is in the first half of June.